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Posts posted by Dark-Warlord

  1. You guys must be terrible if you cant win without using these "OP" Classes. First of All "OP" Doesnt exist, its just people who know how to use their classes well. I will admit that Smash-Spec is strong but there are ways to counter it, just like every other Spec. Instead of whining and complaining Go do some research on how to play your class better in PVP.


    Good luck,


  2. Hey so this is Arcanas from <Imperial High Command> (dunno if that has to do with anything, but I might as well put it there :p) And I've been looking for a group to help me down Dreadtooth a couple times. We can do it up to 3 stacks, (Because four needs the whole group to have Dread Guard masks, correct me if I'm wrong.), but I'm just asking that I have dibs on the First mask that drops, but in that slightly arrogant demand I'll gladly give all the gear to everyone else, passing on everything. I just want that Dread Guard Mask :) If any guilds or just anyone would be interested in getting some gear or just fighting Dreadtooth for the fun of it, I'd really appreciate it. (Note: You have to be on the Imperial Faction.)


    You can reply to this post or send me a PM or even just send me some Mail In-Game

    Just use this outline So that I know your character's details.





    TS/Mumble/Vent: (Yes/No)




    Name: Arcanas

    Class: Sith Assassin

    Spec: Tank

    Gear: Full Black-Hole

    TS/Mumble/Vent: Yes to all of them

  3. So if someone quits, disconnects or your team vote kicks someone, you're basically guaranteed to lose since you can't get a replacement player? I appreciate that I wont constantly be joining 0-5 huttballs, but it just means those lopsided matches are even worse.


    Honestly, if he is getting kicked then its not like your losing anything, but i still understand your dismay.

  4. The title says it all, Who agrees? i mean I love roleplaying but i love wearing hoods, but i bought this awesome mask and i want to wear it, but my hood makes me look like a true bad *** sith, so why don't they put it back together?


    Example: like the final boss for the foundry looks terrible without his hood because he is wearing his mask. it just doesn't work, and everyone wants it back so i think they should put that back in the game with the new patch coming up.

  5. I dunno what you guys are complaining about, or kinda i do.


    1. I think the armor that is all whacky and makes you look like a bug should only be for sorcerers, because that matches them.

    2. I think we should get lvl 40 lookin pvp/pve gear at the end because that looks pretty awesome, except its allot like darth jadus http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/biographies/darth-jadus


    3. The huge shoulder ones with the giant hood and mask are actually decent, i am a big pvp guy and i have to settle with looking like a bug when i really want the rakata gear. im not sure why, but i like it, probably so you could closeline someone with your shoulders lol


    In my opinion: if you dont like the way stuff looks: then take out the mods and put them in something that you do want to look like. period.

  6. I disagree, it seems that the republic always win for me, or i get put on teams that just dont win as much, its like a 2/5 chance my team will win, and thats usually on huttball and sometimes alderaan, but like 1/10 for voidstar
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