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Posts posted by Quikfox

  1. So when the waiter at the eatery is rude and gives crappy service, once you complain and he's get fired, do you go back to the eatery and gloat to everyone in earshot?


    lol internet.


    You're example is a bit off so I'll fix it to make actual sense of the situation.


    When a waiter at the eatery is rude and tells you that if you don't stop eating the way you are you're not allowed to be served there anymore. You complain to the manager and he tells you that no waiter said anything along that line and you can't eat there anymore because you've accused his staff of things they didn't do. A few days later the manager calls you up and says that after speaking with "other people" he was informed that the waiter did in fact mistreat you and you can now eat there again.


    That is more along the lines of what happened using your eatery example.

  2. What they fixed a few patches ago was not getting Light/Dark side points in HM FPs. :rak_03:


    True, but I also was getting social points before and after that time up until recently.


    It still doesn't change the fact that something like that shouldn't be labeled as a new feature but rather a bug fix, and something like that should of been fixed long before 1.3.


    This should've been in SWTOR's launch as a normal thing anyway along with Lightside/Darkside points with no need to even patch.

  3. "Social points in Hardmode flashpoints"


    I fail to see how this is a "new" feature in 1.3 when a few patches ago, somewhere around 1.1, they "fixed" the issue with Hardmode Flashpoints not giving Social Points.


    So they removed it without telling us then they're adding it back in and passing it off as a new feature?


    Or it's a bug they brought back in one of their craptastic patches and are now fixing it, again, and labeling it as a new feature?


    That's just horrible if you ask me.

  4. All of you need a serious life. Getting butthurt over something so simple is really stupid. Play the game or don't doesn't make a difference to the rest of us.



    It'll make a difference when EA forces BioWare to shut down SWTOR if they lose countless subs over this and are unable to recover, word of mouth goes a long way these days.


    And I wouldn't call this "simple" it's actually quite major in terms of Public Relations.


    In terms of PR, for any company, you never make a statement about something being a fact and then retract it afterwards. When you do such things it makes you and your company look incompetent in the eyes of the consumer and thus costs you business and possibly your job. Yes you admitted you're wrong and how you will fix it but does that change the fact that you originally reported something as a fact without all of the information?


    Another issue with the statement by the Developer is that they had another "Internal" investigation. As most know a lot a Customer Service jobs are outsourced, not anything new. However from what I gather from that wording is that the outsourced company also handles investigations, which is just outright wrong.


    The reason it is wrong is because the investigation team on the contracted side will not risk giving information out that could possibly cause the loss of their contract, and put them out of a job they would likely lie and handle it internally. That should effectively mean that no investigation team should be outsourced due to the risk of possible corruption with requested information.


    Who is to say that this isn't the only issue that was caused by some random CS but were never made as public as this one. There could actually be quite a bit more, but we may never know as it could have been covered up.

  5. Who are they grieving over? Did someone die?


    I don't think it is someone they're grieving over more so of a what are they grieving over.


    And that what is SWTOR after this horrible PR failure.


    The gaming community and press are going to have a field day with this act of pure idiocy by BioWare's own Associate Online Community Manager effectively killing what remaining good PR they had.

  6. I'm submitting a Bug Report as well but I believe I have located the issue with this bug, I don't recall seeing BioWare or anyone posting the cause of it. So I'm sorry if someone else posted this info.


    The companion does in fact get the stats from the Ear and Implant when it is equipped however those slots become disabled when the companion is dismissed and then resummoned.


    I've tested this a few times across a few characters with all of that characters companions.


    The bug happens whenever the player does one of the following: mounts and then dismounts, loads a new zone with the companion out, or dismisses and resummons the the companion or any other one.


    The workaround, if you even really care about it, would be to un-equip those 3 slots and then re-equip them every time the companion is dismissed and then resummoned by what ever means.

  7. it's not that anyone panics, it's that there seems to be a bug where tracer is interupted but the 1.5 seconds still goes to completion somehow (or the global cooldown starts when the interruption happens).



    1. I cast a 1.5 second Tracer

    2. after 1 second you interrupt

    3. my global cooldown now kicks in (what? why can't i cast anything again?)

    4. so, a 1.5 second cast turns in to a total of 2 seconds of not doing anything


    not sure why this happens but i have witnessed it. i am certainly not interrupted within .2 seconds and the GCD is still ticking for .8

    well, maybe i am and I am crazy.


    Force Kick when being used to interrupt your Tracer will lock you out of that move for 4s, you roughly have 4s where you can't follow that interrupted Tracer with another tracer.


    In another scenario let's throw in another Sentinel.


    We can completely lock you out/interrupt of all of your cast abilities and toss Pacify on you for a duration of 12s every 45s, if specced, when timed properly as Watchman. Can't forget our 20% 10m 15s duration on a 12s CD healing debuff, which in 1.2 can't be cleansed, that stacks with the base PvP healing reduction/debuff.


    A marauder can't critical for 11k with smash. A 6-7k crit possible but if he is specced rage his ravage wont root since that is a talent in carnage. You should stop spouting whit outnof your *** if you don't know anything about the class.


    I read that and thought the same thing as there is no stun as he said on Ravage/Master Strike in PvP, in PvE there is on standard and weak NPCs but not PvP. Like you said there is a root with that ability but in Combat/Carnage which wouldn't allow for crazy high Smash/Force Sweap crit DMG like he said.


    Just another player who has no clue about the Sentinel/Marauder class.

  9. again your wrong masterstrike was increased, and if your a sentinel who doesn't use master strike in your rotation your a noob and need to learn how to combine it with your rotation. master strike if im not mistaken if your built into it, is giving you a 23% bonus damage. other words i can take someones hp down to nearly half of what their full hp is. also if your going to argue that masterstrike isnt worth it because you cant get it off then learn to play your class again. this isnt only to you but to all the sentinels. you all who are saying sentinels got a small debuff is making me laugh. they got a buff, but combat and focus got the most.


    You're attacking me why? I never once said that the 1.2 changes were a nerf to Watchman, I said I don't see why these people view the 1.2 Watchman changes as nerfs.


    I also never said anything about Master Strike DMG or using it or not, so looks like you're quoting and attacking the wrong person my friend.

  10. i see the -50% of dmg reduction on phantom ad a huge loss


    My Sentinel doesn't have that talent as I went with the reduced CD on Pacify & Force Kick, so I view that as a buff because I get yet another way to avoid/reduce DMG in PvP.


    That talent is far more viable in my opinion as it allows you to get more interrupts off in both PvP and PvE in a shorter window rather then not taking any DMG for a short duration while in Force Camo. Don't forget that Pacify which reduces all Accuracy to 10% for 6s and thanks to 1.2 is off the GCD and is also free now along with Force Kick.


    On the PvP DMG reduction/avoidance side of things hit any player with a Pacify on a shorter CD while interrupting w/e they're doing as Watchman, with your 2 interrupts that work on bosses and 3 on players, and you avoid about the same DMG that Phantom would've given you however you're still getting attacks off.




    All of this next bit is based on 1v1 PvP, obviously it won't work that way in anything beyond that but as any pure MDPS knows in PvP if you get focused your as good as dead anyway.


    If you don't follow still Watchman's PvP ability Pacify is on a 45s talented CD for a duration of 6s Force Camo is on a non talented 45s CD for 4s. That's a 6s window where you can keep attacking and further decrease their HP while avoiding 90%, because of Pacify, of the attacks they try rather then simply not taking DMG for 4s. Zen will heal you as well as your group for X amount while your burns are going don't forget about heals from when burns crit also, you have Force Leap on a 12s CD, Force Kick on a 6s CD and Force Stasis on a 1min CD which are more ways to avoid incoming DMG against casters.


    You roughly have far more ways to avoid DMG, or heal yourself through it, as Watchman then any another spec in both Live and 1.2. All in all I view that as a buff to Sentinel/Marauder across the board, however the Watchman/Annihilation tree will still be the main one people will use in 1.2 I believe.


    On a side note ever fight a Tracer/Grav spamming fool on Live as a Sent/Mara? Interrupt those casts and they panic for about 4s leaving you 2 more interrupts to toy with them till the next Force Kick allowing you repeat the process.




    This is based off info I have from Live and the 1.2 notes, so if numbers are off then I'm sorry.

  11. If you actually played one you would notice they are nerfing the Watchmen tree(which we all play) and buffing combat and focus trees. Combat and focus under perform compared to watchmen.


    I myself cant wait to get out of watchmen, sentinels should not be a DoTing class IMO.


    I'm not sure how you view the 1.2 changes to Sentinel as a nerf to Watchman because nothing DMG wise was changed to the Watchman tree as far as notes go.


    In my opinion even after 1.2 Watchman will still be better then Combat and Focus in both PvE and PvP.

  12. Any good Raid Leader/Op Leader knows what classes bring what and what those classes strengths are, every healer is viable in some way or another.


    If your Raid Leader/Op Leader is unaware of those strengths that Mercs/Commandos/Scoundrels bring then I'm sorry he is a poor leader.


    If you plan to lead a raid in any MMO then you basically have to know how each class and spec works to be overall effective in a top end "Min/Max" guild or even just a "Hardcore" guild.


    With that said...


    Yes, we will bring Combat Medics along with Sawbones and Seers to our raids because we know what each of those 3 healer types bring to our Ops.


    On a side note I'm going to add this little comment made by Georg Zoeller which can be found on the Dev Tracker.


    "Games are not balanced on paper and actual gameplay impact of changes is not easily determined from patch notes, especially when so much of the surrounding game logic has been modified.


    It is impossible to capture every element of change in patch notes, and it's even more impossible to prevent people from reacting to patch notes without taking the time to actually test.


    We will be monitoring the game data coming from PTS, as well as guild feedback and constructive feedback based on gameplay on PTS and make adjustments and changes for the PTS period of the patch and beyond where necessary."


    You understand what he is getting at with that? The jist of it means test the changes before you cry foul and rage quit over you only reading patch note changes.

  13. I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


    I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


    It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


    Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


    Pandas actually work.


    Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.




    I'm just going to throw this out there that your Panda's have got my 9 y/o niece now playing WoW.


    Have fun playing with 9 y/o girls killing you in PvP and facerolling you in Vanitypetamon:P


    And yes, I'm teaching her how to be a "pro" at WoW so that when people actually find out her age they give up WoW when they die to her.

  14. Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


    Hate to break it to you but WoW PvP isn't PvP, if you all truly think it is I feel very bad for you.


    WoW PvP is how fast can I farm PvP gear and then steamroll the undergeared team or how much of a broken unbalanced class can I bring that will let me steamroll the other side.


    Also hate to mention it but this this isn't WoW, sad to say this but people still think it. This was also not developed by Blizzard either, thank god.


    The people who are working on PvP are the guys behind DoAC and WAR. You ever play those?


    Bet you didn't because if you did you'd know that in both of those games the only perk to PvPing so much was that your skill got better not so much your gear over other players. Since most PvP gear, in WAR at least, was cosmetic the higher rank you were.


    In WAR you had the perk of having a statue made in your main town based on your ranked PvP rating.


    I'm thinking having something like a hologram of your character in your factions fleet would be much cooler then some stupid gear if you were the best player on server. I know I'd rather have that and I hope they put something like that in here too.


    Oh I should also mention that if you need to be outgearing players to have a winning chance you shouldn't be doing PvP anyway, you all should just stick to PvE for your gear checks.

  15. Wrong section but I'll reply to it anyway.


    HMs end bosses drop Columi tokens, unless we're talking HM Kaon in which the bonus boss also drops Columi on top of the normal end boss.


    HM bosses, not end bosses, drop Tionese and Tionese equal gear.


    HM mini bosses drop Tionese crystals (almost worthless).


    While gearing through PvP it is the faster/easier method, using the PvP gear in PvE if you a DPS however makes you hit like a wet noodle compared with PvE gear. Not to mention that the set bonuses provides on PvP gear only have validity in PvP where as the PvE is more geared towards PvE (for the most part).


    When gearing for HM/NMM Ops, I follow this method with recruits.


    If they want to use PvP gear in PvE fine, but not in an HM Op they will gear for those using their PvP gear in Reg Ops or HMs. They must be in full Columi PvE gear to run with the guild in an HM Op unless they have **** luck with MH weapons. The only PvP piece I will except as viable is the Champion MH weapon since I know no current HM drops Columi MH weapons. Everything else must be had from HMs, crafting, NM Ops, or dailies.

  16. For those of you complaining about kills/valor not counting, I posted what is the possible cause/fix.


    You can't just sit in one area for too long, your faction has to roam around and kill Rep/Sith at various points until you stop getting credit, move on to the next then repeat.


    What happened when I just completed both my daily and then weekly was that the Rep would sit at one of our cannons the Sith would charge the hill then die from the cannon. Then they would fall back as we chased collecting valor and kills whiling pushing them to their spawn till it stopped counting.


    The Reps I was with repeated this for a good 2 hours.

  17. After about 30 minuets on Ilum tonight, it looks as if the battle has to move from point to point for kills to count. Basically you can't just sit and the Rep base and kill Reps over and over you actually have to move around for it to start counting kills and give Valor.


    I went from 1-30 kills in under 30 minuets doing this on the Rep side, finished my daily very quickly.

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