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Posts posted by Fhrosty

  1. If it's true that all warzones are same-faction now, then that change was only to appease the complaints about faction imbalance. I'm pretty sure the pvpers would rather have back to back WZs at the expense of immersion versus 1-2 WZs per day because one faction /facerolls the other on a given server.


    Edit: Just pretend the other team is the enemy faction attempting to disguise themselves as yours.

  2. That is the bad comunication people have been talking about....you know the answer but you just dont want to tell us....


    BW fail the community again...Keep killing your game and you will all be out of a job soon enough


    Actually it sounds less like they are "hiding" the answer from you and more like they just haven't made an official, final decision on it yet.

  3. Gunslingers are out-dpsing commandos right now (at least from everything I've seen and experienced). And if you pvp at all, Gunnery commandos have to be stationary to do any kind of real damage, which is fairly difficult in pvp.


    Stat for stat I'd say the Gunslinger over the commando, but my love of the commando playstyle outweighs the difference, especially since I don't pvp.

  4. Exept part 3, 3 gravity rounds allready give you 5 stack of gravity vortex for demo round but after 1.3 you dont need to shoot another 2 GR to get charged barrel/barrier to 5 stack.


    What he said, plus HiB doesn't cost that much. In fact, with certain talents/gear, it costs nothing.


    Granted, I'm not defending all the changes; just clarifying this one point.

  5. You are actually getting some benefit in PVP from these changes, just not a lot, and not the utility that many of us would like to see.


    The only one that really hurts the PVP game is the major decrease in healing received.


    The cell-charger change for instance actually kind of screws PVE in favor of PVP. Now you don't have to be stationary (impossible in PVP) to get the full benefit. You get the free ammo while running for your life. In PVE however we can be stationary, and the potential of the current cell charger far outweighs the potential of the new version.


    Target Lock: That much extra Armor Pen in exchange for 3% accuracy? I can't imagine that not being useful against those pesky merauders.


    Granted, I can understand the gripes about lack of good pvp utility (even though I don't pvp anymore). I would've at least liked to see a dedicated interrupt come from the changes.

  6. You don't have to worry about the number of charged barrel stacks. If you play your rotation the same way you did in 1.2, you will do more damage in 1.3 now simply because by doing what you already do, you will have more charged barrel stacks. (etc etc)


    This is how I play (PVE). I usually aim for 3 grav rounds before my first HiB anyway, so this is just a little bonus dmg. But like the logs typically show, HiB falls what, 5th or 6th in the list of sources of our damage? So it's a nominal change, but one I won't gripe about.


    I have to agree that PVE did get just slightly screwed in favor of PVP by the change of 1 ammo / 6 sec versus the crit-based 3-second version. It's simple math. A 70% crit chance with most of your attacks taking under a second will almost always generate 1 ammo every 3-5 seconds. But in PVP, like others have pointed out, you don't get to just sit there and spam attacks like us PVE yahoos, so PVPrs probably get a slight benefit from this change. Probably.


    Now I love the Target Lock change in Assault Spec since it's included in my Gunnery spec already. PVE end-game gear is already proving accuracy-heavy, and accuracy over 100% is pretty pointless in PVE.

  7. The respec cost didn't seem horrible to me in the first place, and now it's being reduced. A one-time 200k fee to be able to respec anywhere is by far worth it to me. Granted, I'm lvl 50, and someone pointed out non-50s getting shafted by this. On the other hand, how often do non-50's switch roles? Typically for most classes I see a "leveling build" and a few different "end-game builds". I can't speak for everyone, but I reset my skillpoints maybe three times between 10-49.
  8. Hi OP:


    I don't get it.


    They FINALLY gave info. that something is happening on a certain date, and will not release specifics before that, and now you're asking for specifics in advance?


    Oh wait, I guess I do get it.



    You people....


    Easy there bud. :D I'm not flaming, trolling, complaining, [insert any other internet mem of aggression here],...


    I'm thrilled to death they've given info. All I'm saying is that they made a choice to withhold info because they don't trust the community to be able to handle the risk of current info changing. I'd simply like to discourage that belief is all. Granted, it's a reasonable concern given the history of this forum and the internet in general. I just wanted to cast my 2c into the wind and maybe see if the rest of the community might chime in to say, "we're mature enough to handle it if you make the disclaimer REALLY big and pretty".


    And btw, not once did I complain about the lack of date, or the lack of speed with which they were implementing transfers. Which "you people" am I exactly?


    You are very naive if you think that a disclaimer will keep these forums from taking it as gold. Especially if folks see what they want on it and that changes.


    Oh I know it wouldn't stop them, but it would be enough for me to stand behind BW when they say, "sorry you already filled out 12 guild applications and got e-married on your hopeful server, but we told you it was subject to change". But that's just me.

  9. It didn't say in the description for 1.3 that assassins/shadows were too hard to kill in PVP; it said they were out-tanking other tanks in general. In fact, it went on to specifically say that their buffs enabled them to match the armor of other tanks exactly, then the self-heals gave them surplus benefit. I know my opinion hardly matters since I'm not a tank (yet), but the logic seems sound as long as they didn't over-nerf.
  10. We're sure many of you are interested to learn which servers are eligible for outgoing transfers and which servers are eligible to receive transfers. However, because the process will be gradual, we cannot provide that information in advance. Depending on the number of characters transferred, the destination and origin servers eligible for transfer may be altered during the process. We don't want to promise a destination in case it may change. Listings will become available as servers become eligible for transfer.


    Personally however I would much prefer they give us the current proposed list and just include a male-body-type-4-sized, bold disclaimer that the list is not set in stone and is subject to change. Who agrees / disagrees? Would you be willing to take changes to the list with a grain of salt if it meant you could know now rather than later if your server is intended to be part of the process?

  11. Thank you! Can't wait to see how the changes to my Commando stack up.


    As for the complaints about shadows, I'm PVE, and my guild's main healer says he loves shadow tanks. Call me crazy, but I trust Bioware to do the math to make sure a shadow can tank just as well as a guardian... and if they do go too far with the nerf bat, I trust them to acknowledge it (like they just did with Commandos).


    My next character's either going to be a shadow or assassin tank. I'm eager to see for myself if it works.

  12. Commandos/Mercs have the best six to nine seconds of AE in the game. It isn't sustainable, but it rocks everyone else.


    Sticky Grenade > Relic > Adrenal > Tech Override > Reserve Power Cell > Plasma Grenade > Mortar Volley > Hail of Bolts.


    Edit: I just realized you said "Voidstar", so it's important to note here that I'm only talking from a PVE experience, while you sound like you're coming from a PVP perspective.


    I'll give that to you; that is a sick combo. But firstly it depends on cooldowns, and like you said, it's not sustainable. Second, mortar volley is only useful before the mobs have aggro'd or if I can back away from the group without attracting any strong's/elite's (not usually possible if I open with a Sticky). Also, even with Reserve Powercell in there, that's a lot of ammo getting chewed. If there's a champ or boss in the mix, I'd hate to start the fight burning that much ammo. Finally, if I'm in a group with another dps, and we're AoEing a group of mobs down, they'll last about 4 seconds. If I am running with my Smuggler friend, he can have his big AoE going before I'm halfway into the meat of that combo, and the sage being able to drop his Relic and just chain-cast his AoE is a no-contest.


    All in all though, I'd be a lot happier with just 1 less ammo cost on one or two of those skills, and/or removing the range minimum on Mortar Volley.... and maybe an interrupt that isn't a CC? *puppy-dog eyes*


    But to the OP (I really meant to say this in my first reply), commandos are still a lot of fun. While I personally don't think we're quite on par with other healers/dps'ers in the PVE game, it's not enough of a margin to make us a crippling handicap to have in a raid.

  13. yeah... it would be really sad to find out that all the time i put in leveling my alts would kind of be made useless becuase im forced to transfer.


    I'll second that it has been confirmed by the Devs that they intend to transfer everything you've unlocked. They have not given specifics, but it is their intention that even if you have a legacy of different levels on both your original server and the new one you transfer to, you will lose nothing.

  14. WAY more love for troopers than I'm used to seeing... kinda nice to hear, but most of it is for Vanguards.


    I have seen successful Combat Medic healers, but it's much more challenging to do some HM FPs and Ops without a decent AoE heal like Sages have.


    Whoever said Commandos are the best DPS, I lol'd. As for our "spectacular AoE dmg", my Smuggler friend's main AoE does about 20% more dps (with about the same gear), and he can cast it right on top of the party as opposed to my Commando Mortar Volley that has to be x meters away from me. Sage AoE can be chain-casted. In pure AoE, the pecking order on our runs goes Sage > Smuggler > Commando. In single-target DPS, it goes Smuggler > Commando > Sage.

  15. Leveling (theoretically) goes faster in a level-appropriate group. Kill experience may be divided (plus a small grouping bonus?) but quests are usually completed twice as fast, and you can steam-roll most heroics. There are two things that keep people from grouping though.


    A) Most 1-49 content is soloable, and while it may be more efficient to level in a group, it's just "easier" to grind through on your own. Hey, most of us got into video games in the first place because we were/are kind of anti-social.


    B) Schedules rarely mesh for any decent duration.


    Almost all of us have at least 1 lvl 50 now, and while lvling is relatively fast in this game compared to others, we'd really like to speed things along for our alts. I'm considering arranging scheduled leveling sessions on my server for the more casual players like myself. I'd like to spread and encourage this idea, but I'm also looking for feedback and suggestions to help facilitate this or maybe even thoughts as to why it's not worth the effort. I was thinking of something along the lines of "Planning a 2-hr group leveling run tomorrow at x:00 pm starting with the beginning quests on Planet XYZ. All lvl 20-24's are invited to attend. If more than 4 people show up, we will split into multiple groups."


    Thoughts? Suggestions? Feedback? Cookies?

  16. It was answered in one of the first few Dev Q&A's.


    Wow. 0.0 Completely missed that on the three different times I've gone questing for a Dev answer to this question. Thankyou!


    based on the responses here... is accuracy important in pve at all?


    I'd say it's important to get it to 100%. Beyond that, I can't see any PVE value unless anyone knows of any dodge-heavy bosses.

  17. Adds to the bonus damage I believe. If you hover over "Accuracy" in the game window it will tell you.


    I don't think this is correct. The tooltip says that it lowers the target's defense, but this game's definition of "defense" is the chance to dodge/parry/etc. I would REALLY love for a dev to verify, but based on this info I assume accuracy over 100% only further reduces your chance of missing, assuming the enemy has any chance to dodge or block whatsoever.

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