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Posts posted by Xillin

  1. Sorry to interrupt but this post is nearly a year old, and even when it was new it never got off the ground because of how overly complex it was. Not a single team participated, not even the OP's team.


    Offfff course. I didn't even think to look at the dates all this stuff was posted. Well I guess I've made enough a fool of myself today. Pardon me while I go play in traffic.

  2. Before I get into what all I have to say on this, I do want to say that I absolutely love this idea. I remember fondly what I consider to be the hay days of competitive raiding in SWTOR. For me, that would be around the time DF/DP were introduced leading up through Rav/ToS, and quickly died out after that. My server (a freaking RP server) had dozens of raid teams competing to see who could clear those ops the fastest. Individual players, raid teams, and guilds as a whole received recognition for what they had done. I would love to return to time like that. And this idea I think has the makings of something that could get us back there faster. Please allow me to soapbox a little on the topic of building competitive enterprises from nothing.


    For about 10 years, I helped run a small company that built and ran adult flag football leagues around the DFW area. That time taught me many different lessons, not the least of which is how to deal with people who want to change the rules. I spent a significant amount of time dealing with the captains of various teams lobbying for all manner of rule changes. What I found was that these people tended to break down into 3 different categories.


    Category 1 are a specific group of people who tend to not want rules/labels/borders/restrictions of any kind. Virtually any rule that was brought up to curb a particular problem that had arisen was derided by them. These were the "let the guys play" crowd. They were overwhelmingly the crowd that tried to bend the rules or outright cheat. Many of the rules that were being introduced were to alleviate a problem they created. They didn't understand, or care to understand that those rules had specific purposes. Over time, I learned to ignore this crowd entirely. They sign up and play either way, they just wanna complain when they don't/can't win.


    Category 2 are a specific group of people who I always just referred to as "lazy or reluctant leaders". These people want to play, they don't WANT to put together the team, find people, teach the rules, teach the plays, etc., however they haven't been invited on any other teams, so they constantly lobby to simplify the rules with the background motivation being that they want less to have to teach to the people on their team. As someone in the raiding community, I'm sure you understand the the majority of any raid team doesn't worry about the whole picture, they only concern themselves with their job. They aren't watching the forums for new strats, in all the right discords learning about new gearing or rotations. Usually for any given team, that's one guy, maybe two. Flag football was no different. And if that guy is only filling that roles because he has to (nature abhors a vacuum), he will want that job to be as easy as possible. You can't ignore these people entirely. They will make up the majority of your raid teams that enter. If you make the responsibility list too long, or too complex they will stop participating because it's too much work. You have to listen to these guys and help them where you can without letting them run the league because they are the loudest.


    Category 3 are a specific group of people I call the "manipulators". These people have an agenda when they angle for rules changes, and that agenda is always to help them win easier. So the hyper athletic teams would angle for rule changes that would emphasize speed and agility over football skill, and the football skill people would argue the other way. A good swtor analogy I can give for this is an old team that used to be very successful on my old server. They had two tanks that were like a 7/10, and two healers that were like a 6.5/10, and 4 DPS that were like a 15/10. Absolutely god-tier DPS. The just brute forced everything, kill everything before mechanics happen. So they would likely be in here angling for the removal of the DTPS and Death scoring because for them people died all the time and stood in every circle as long as it meant they could squeeze out 1% more DPS. They would absolutely want it to be a pure race to see who finishes first, with nothing else effecting the final result. You can't just flat out ignore these guys, but if you think about the rule changes they are angling for and determine that they would benefit them greatly while directly harming teams that go about it another way, ignore them and move on. Real quick, I'm not at all accusing the Failure guys in here angling for that rule change of being in this category, I don't know any of you, this was just the best example I could come up with. Besides, ya'lls teams are like 15/10 for all 8 players.


    Across 10 years of doing this in many many different leagues I tried lots of things to figure out what worked the best for establishing a long-lived competitive and fair environment. If you let category 1 run the house, it devolves into something that doesn't resemble the original game, with cheating and rule bending being the norm rather than the exceptions. Category 2 running everything totally weeds out everyone who is highly skilled. I never did figure out why, but in the leagues where I let that group of people have the most influence on the rules, the quality of the play devolved significantly and the top teams just stopped showing up. Too easy I guess. And category 3 leads to very very few teams showing up because the rules are slanted so heavily that only a small handful of teams can even compete. Most of those leagues ended up being 3-5 of the same teams coming back year after year. The best results were the leagues where I decided the rules, and always made sure that those rule decisions were based on the health of the league, not any individual player or team. I took the underlying motivations of people with rule suggestions to heart, and decided from there.


    All that being said, I agree with others that the DTPS grading system is a little silly and will lead to unfair results, but the rest is at least reasonable if not, necessary. Anything you can come up with that will make it easier for people to post/upload their results would go a long way as well. In the time since I've started competitive raiding I've had a kid, gotten married, moved twice, went from part time to full time to heavy overtime work, and I suspect many others are in the same boat. Where you can save us time, you should, it will keep us coming back.


    I'll get off the soapbox now. If you'll excuse me, I've got a tournament raid team to go build.

  3. Organized Chaos is looking for a Tank or DPS to join our raid team. We're currently 3/6 on Dxun, and almost have the Trandoshan fight down as well. We have someone leaving for real life reasons and need a replacement. Our raiding environment is relaxed and fun, but we down bosses. Looking for someone who will show up on time, with all the requisite stims/adrenals/medpacks/gear/inventory space, and ready to get right to the killing. We currently raid every Wed from8-10 CST, and Sat from 7-9 CST. Feel free to message me here or in game if you'd like to be considered for the spot.
  4. Not sure if you've already found what you're looking for, but here goes just in case.


    I run Organized Chaos. We are an old raiding guild from back when Begeren Colony was still a server. We were hyper active in the raiding scene back then, even got a couple server first clears. We've all grown up, got jobs, kids, lives, etc., so we aren't what we used to be. But, we're back in 6.0 and absolutely loving it, all the set bonuses and tacticals have brought so much more breadth to the game for us. Anyway, we raid pretty much every night of the week, sometimes SM just for CQ points and to meet new raiders, and sometimes HM or MM if we have people with the requisite talent online. We're also highly social, hanging out in discord talking trash to one another, etc. If you're interested, message me in game or here and we can get you invited and take you on some raids and see if it's a fit.

  5. I come from a guild that was extremely active from the release of the Dread Ops all the way until the Command Crate style of gearing was introduced. I hated it, most of my guildies hated it, I tried as hard as I could to hide my disdain to hold everything together, but to no avail. Occasionally over the last few years when major new content was released we all would pop back in and give it a shot, but it never lasted more than a day or two.


    This time is different. Many of us are back, they are donating to guild bank again, they are forming up groups to go do things again. I love this system. Not because I think it's without flaws, but because it has rekindled our desire to PLAY. Instead of just logging into to prog and ignoring the game at all other times. Below are my suggestions of what could be done from here to further flesh out the gearing system to drive more player interaction.


    1. How to make swtor related youtube and twitch channels relevant and desired.


    A lot of what I will have to suggest is based off of other games and taking their systems and making them fit within what we have here. With that in mind, put set bonuses on left side gear. Allow people to run 2 concurrent set bonuses, and make the mixing/matching be a big part of what goes on. ESO does this and there are numerous content creators who have lots of very successful videos with different "builds" that are mostly centered on what 2 set bonuses you can use to create interesting combos.


    With that in mind, don't overreact if someone creates some combo that is "broken". It's inevitable anyway, let there be some things that trivialize old content. When you accidentally put in something that the community finds a way to break, just fix it by not allowing it to work on the next piece of content.


    Either way, it doesn't matter if the player is a pvper, a hardcore raider, or just someone who likes to do chapters, dailies and heroics, people love having guides showing them different combos that work for their respective in game activities.


    2. How to make all group pve content constantly relevant.


    Get rid of the tech fragment system for buying set bonus shells, it can still totally serve other functions, but make it so that set bonus pieces drop off of specific FPs and Uprisings. Maybe VM only drops on last boss and MM drops on every boss, or something to that effect to encourage people to foray into more difficult territory, but not punish those who don't/ Then, all you have to do is make sure to level scale all the content every time there is a level cap increase and all of those pieces will be perpetually relevant. This would also put an end to the constant hammer station spam.


    3. How to incentivize raidiers/pvpers without hurting the non raiders/pvpers.


    You do the same thing with ops that I'm suggesting with FPs. Each OP has a specific set bonus that it drops and that would be the only place to get it. However, these set bonuses would do things that specifically help in OPs and not really other places. 2 pc. Increase Mastery 2%, 4pc. Do an additional 5% to all operation bosses, 6 pc. Generate an addition 5 class resource per second. Or whatever, there are tons of ways you can benefit a raider while in an op that wouldn't have much use elsewhere. For PvP, have specific set bonuses that drop out of the PvP crates, or purchasable through PvP only comms that only effect pvp. Imagine a tank set piece that said something to the effect of "10% increased defense and 20% increased healing received while withing 30m of a PvP objective your team currently controls", or a healer set bonus that says "cannot be interrupted by a player under the effect of a taunt".


    This would allow the PvPers and Raiders to have things to strive for that the "casual" players wouldn't care about.


    4. How to easily improve QoL.


    It's long past time to open up the API for this game and let the community make mods. Especially now that the game has so many systems in place, allow the community to do most of the QoL of work. At this point I'm just imagining a mod that automatically deconstructs all non-306 gear that enters my inventory. I understood the original reason for not allowing mods, but I think those are bygone days, and it's time to step into 2019.


    5. How to keep the fresh content coming.


    If all of the above steps were taken and implemented, something as simple as a new FP or PvP map every 3-6 months would be huge. With major updates including new story and a new op every year or 1.5 years. Each new FP would come with new set bonuses to chase, new achievements to acquire, etc. Each new PvP map would likewise have new set bonuses. The FPs could be used to drive the story forward without the need for all the voice acting and cutscenes, etc. It would give people a reason to keep logging in while waiting for the next slice of story, or new operation.


    Put all that together and you have a game that people will look forward to playing, would be telling your friends about, etc. You'd start seeing those "Is SWTOR Worth Playing In 2019" youtube videos popping up and actually saying positive things. 6.0 Was a huge leap forward in that respect, don't let it go to waste. Capitalize on it, double down on it and the promise therein! I wanna see 2020 be the year SWTOR burst back on to the scene!

  6. Pubside


    Are you tired of running nothing but last boss lockouts?


    Would you like to get some of those elusive 16 man achievements?


    Would you love it if someone would actually explain how the fight works instead of the other 7 people just bulldozing the content and rezzing you when it's done?


    Do you want to be a part of a real community of friends from all over the world?


    Do you like to sit around in Discord and socialize with friends while you run dailes/ops/pvp/etc?



    These are things upon which Organized Chaos has been built. We are actively looking for those who don't know how to break into the somewhat elitist raiding community, but would still like to raid. We will help you learn the basics of the ops, how to gear, tips and tricks for your rotation, utilities, and so on.


    We are also recruiting socials who just want a fun place to hang out while they go about their daily swtor routine.


    Reply here, message Xillin or anyone else in Organized Chaos in game to inquire about joining.

  7. <Rekt> just transfered here from BC. We were <Organized Chaos> there but the name was taken. We are currently 8/10 or 9/11 if you wanna look at it that way. We had problems with prog members needing to leave for real life issues and replacing talented people on an RP server is near impossible. We have all transferred here to Shadowlands and are loving it so far. Our prog 1 has 1 open spot, and we can shift people around to accommodate your preferred role. You can message anyone in Rekt, message me in game (Xillen) or message me here if you're interested.
  8. After hearing that Intrepidation (confirmed) and Game Over (a rumor I heard), are leaving. Organized Chaos has made the choice to leave. As Vakka pointed out, we are very clearly on the wrong server to be trying to do what we try to do. We wish nothing but the best to those who choose to stay, as well as those who seek new adventures elsewhere.
  9. Organized Chaos is looking to recruit more people for our progression teams for 3.0 and onward. We are also always looking to add more good people to our family, even if progression isn't their thing.


    We are 10/10 HM DF/DP and 4/10 NiM DF/DP in both 8 and 16 man. We are currently the only guild on the server doing all guild 16 man NiM Progression. We have 2, 8 man progression teams and a 16 man team. I would like to add 2 more 8 man teams for 3.0.


    You don't need to be an experienced raider to join our ranks, we take a lot of pride in teaching people with the right attitude. We can help with gearing, rotations, boss strategies, etc.


    We also do a lot of fast and easy story mode raids for comms, fun, and team building. Come be a part of our crazy community!


    You can apply at http://www.ocsw.enjin.com

  10. Didn't realize you were still updating the thread.


    Organized Chaos downed a couple new bosses on our 16 man progression team.


    NiM Nefra - https://live.staticflickr.com/3927/15218098440_47c5c8407e_b.jpg You can see the "strongholds" icon at the top of the screen, proving we did this kill after the Nefra fix.


    NiM Draxus - https://live.staticflickr.com/3929/15218251927_02615097b4_b.jpg


    NiM Grob'thok - https://live.staticflickr.com/2949/15218167128_57d5a18ec0_b.jpg



    Thanks again for everything you've done for the community here. Really hoping someone takes over this thread.

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