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Posts posted by Dunedunedune

  1. Just an observation of mine: the 2 high levels over there flaunting their "skills" and "knowledge" over everyone and going into every thread complaining saying basically "L2P" and "stop crying" sure are helpful.


    How about you either post something constructive or stop posting? No one wants to read your garbage.

  2. I don't really think damage is a HUGE issue... I think it has problems and needs re-worked but the real issue is that we are a melee class in medium armor with a 4 second stealth. While other range damage dealers are running around in heavy and medium. In fact the only other class that uses light is the inquisitor.


    Something about a sniper that crits for 3k+ very easily rubs me the wrong way. Also half of our ability's DON'T EVEN WORK IN PVP! I cannot wrap my head around that..... every other class has a AOE knock back... however our smash that has a 1.5 second stun doesn't work in pvp? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? lol


    I think our ability's dont synergise well with each other and are a bit clunky and not very fluid. It feels like you have to pay to much attention to your rotation and burning cooldowns than on the actual fight at hand. This is why people claim to be being kited so much. They are paying so much attention using 8 different skills that they are being beat out by a guy spamming the same skill over and over while running.


    +1 :)

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