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Posts posted by Vykran

  1. Email me or whisper me in game cost and name of guild.


    Brem, Bremadle (rep)


    Rhace (imp)

    Well if you've been on the server for long I'm sure you've probably seen the name TAW around we have a very active player base for both PvE and PvP, I personally prefer the PvP side of things but that's besides the point. We have over 160 players between empire and republic so we can definitely host you on both sides. I'd encourage you to look us up on /who and give us a try some have tried to give us a bad rap but I can guarantee that it's unfounded and I think you'll find that out too.


    - Kr'amyr

  2. [deleted]


    Was going to brag about a couple things, but then it occurred to me that most of that was in lowbie PvP, where I have 2018 gear and half the enemy doesn't.


    Never mind...


    Haha that's awesome, I'm glad that you've found what you've been looking for, my offer still stands though so if you ever want to talk classes or do some testing or practicing add me as a friend and hit me up when I'm on and I'll be glad to join you and get down to perfecting whatever you want to work on.


    - Kr'amyr

  3. In all seriousness, I'm noticing that every guild I've ever joined is all about end-game content, whether PvE or PvP. Some are more active than others, certainly, with guild raids, PvP events (although this seems rare), etc., but I've never been in a guild that would do one on one PvP training sessions with their players.


    What I would DEARLY love to get into is a guild that actually did this. Set aside some time once in a while, go to some private area (the bolster area on the fleet looks promising), and hammer away at each other. Look at parses, critique each other's performance (notice I didn't say "criticize"), help each other get better. I have 12 alts, covering both factions, and while my main is a Sentinel, I've played several of the others as well, just so I can learn what abilities to look out for as my Sentinel.


    I've done warzones (and will continue to do so), I've done open world PvP, I've looked at my own parses, but I'd really like some kind of training on occasion and/or someone to group with to do group warzones. Preferably not all lvl 60, as well.


    Does such a guild exist, or am I smoking crack?



    Well I'm not sure if you've found what you're looking for yet or not, but I know TAW is always looking for more people to join our community. We have over 160 people in our SWTOR division between both empire and pubs. I myself mostly play on Pub side and I'd be willing to sit down talk and help other people improve through dueling and practicing and we have a PvP academy every week for our guild members looking to learn new things and practice tricks and specific skill sets that only some classes posses. I'd encourage you to give us a chance and get in contact with Thermz or someone else in the guild and let them know that Kr'amyr recommended TAW. I would personally love to give you an invite and have a PvP session with you but at the moment I'm preoccupied with some IRL stuff but I should be back up and running Wednesday night.


    I wish you the best of luck!

  4. Personally I love the playstyle and the utility that AP brings to the table, BUT here's the problem we don't have as much burst as Pyrotechs do. Now I've been thinking about this and I was trying to figure out a way to make AP as good as or at least competitive with Pyro's in terms of a 1v1 situation. This is the build I've currently come up with:


    There's only two real major concerns I've been thought about;

    1) Heat management. Seeing as we would have to be using CGC in order to get the railshot procs I'm not sure where that would put us in terms of heat especially with using other abilities in the AP tree such as Retractable Blade and FT. Especially since we weren't able to pick up the reduced CD on Vent Heat, at least not with this build.

    2) Whether or not the burst damage would be on par or close to par with a Pyro since the spec lacks Immolate and Thermal Detonator as well as Firebug (Increased crit damage to CGC/Railshot/IM/TD 15/30%), Rain of Fire (Rapid Shots/Rail shot/Rocket Punch/Unload/Flame Sweep extra damage 3/6/9% to burning targets), and Burnout (Increased tech crit chance 1/2/3% and periodic elemental damage 10/20/30% to targets under 30% health)


    So what are your guys' thoughts and concerns with this build? I would like to be able to try this as soon as possible but unfortunately my PT isn't 50 and I refuse to play my VG since I can't stand Prophecy of the Five anymore.

  5. To whom it may concern,

    I just decided to reroll to The Harbrimger from Prophecy of the Five due to the fact that I was originally on The Fatman server and there are way too many jerks and bads now. I am currently planning on going with a tank hybrid spec for PvP but seeing as I just rerolled and my Jugg is only level 13 I'm willing to roll whatever class and roll is needed. So please let me know what you guys are looking for or want and I'll do my best to get back to you about it. My Juggs name is Venesection if you would like to contact me in game. Thank you for your time and or consideration.



  6. Well unfortunately, and don't get me wrong I still love playing my Op and think they're awesome DPS, we don't have the DPS that we should have. There are Juggs and Maras that hit 5-7k crits with one AoE and people used to complain about our Hidden Strike hitting 4-5k. And you know what the worst part is? They keep buffing warriors and nerfing Ops so basically they're taking away our DPS and giving it to classes that don't necessarily need it because of their survivability. Not to mention the fact that our biggest nerf happened before they seperated 50s from lowbie PvP so the nerf was kind of skewed and uncalled for. Something needs to change in that equation.
  7. DF is not a pure ranged or melee build. It's a sort of a hybrid for Scoundrels, which is why it's not as "powerful" as the Scrapper tree. However if played correctly, and seeing as this is a DoT spec that requires your full attention, can be a great tree. All it takes is a little bit of fooling around and a lot of patience but if you can endure it then you will probably be able to **** the face off most melee classes.
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