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Posts posted by Fuschia

  1. Danke, Hope he's well and happy and the same to you and Trill as well.


    The Missus immediately created a character on Canderous and so I'm working on one too, leveling up to where we are on the other server. I miss my Sithy powers, can't wait to get back up to speed. Thank goodness for my British accent, at least I still have that.


    And for some reason, the more dark side I go, the darker my skin is getting. Didn't seem that dark when I picked it, but with time it just seems to be getting darker. I'll be blending into the shadows soon, to find me you'll have to look for the glaring yellow eyes...


    "He had yellow eyes! So help me God! Yellow eyes! " A Christmas Story


    Scott Farcus; Sith Lord. No doubt about it.


    You know we're on the Republic side, right? LOL Gunner is running VADR on the Sith side of our server if you want to play Sith. Otherwise, I think I will actually be on Saturday. I'm skipping rehearsal because I have to sing at a benefit that night and I am not driving to the theatre and back twice in one day (it's a 35-40 minute drive one way). So I'll be around Saturday afternoon until probably about 5 or so Central time. And yes, I always thought that kid was a Sith.

  2. I have been at rehearsal every night this week until fairly late, and will be away every evening until Sunday, so I probably won't be on a whole lot till then. But I will probably be on Ava when I am.


    DLS, I passed your message along to Cherry and he says to tell you hello and best wishes to you and the missus. :)

  3. Would love the chance to play with some of you again! I was Cieone Zalaius on Tarquinas a few years back. Some of the names here look familiar! I also had a rebel character named Teal Vance, and a tailor named ShadowCat.


    Glad to see so many from Tarq here!


    I have missed you enormously. <3 I hope to talk to you soon.

  4. Well if anyone is aware of the issues going on with the security questions and answers, Trill has been affected by it. He tried to log in this morning and it randomly asked him for the answer to one of his questions, told him he was wrong and locked him out of his account. He currently cannot play or access the forums, and we're both beating our heads against the wall trying to find someone who can freaking HELP him, but considering the state of things right now, I don't find that to be likely any time soon. It seems like no one is actually working for TOR right now. When he tries to call CS he gets an automated message that says "we are busy, try again later" and then hangs up on him. Classy.


    So. Freaking. Frustrating.

  5. The red skins were removed from Republic side in the second last beta with no explanation as to why. No news on if they're going to bring it back.


    I'm just as upset about it as I made a pink Twi'lek smuggler during beta and loved her, now I can't recreate her.


    They weren't removed from the Republic side. They were only removed from the females. The males can still be red.


    I'm going to file a ticket in-game and see what happens. I find it very, very hard to believe they would let male characters be a certain color but not females.

  6. My apologies if this has already been asked and answered, with the search function being disabled right now there are probably a lot of duplicate threads. I made a red skinned female Jedi Knight the last beta weekend, and went to recreate her yesterday, only to discover they have removed the red skin tone for female Republic twi'leks. The men still have it, and both genders on the Sith side still have it. Does anyone know if this is a bug, or if this was deliberate? I'm going to be so unhappy if it was deliberate. I loved the red. It makes no sense to let the males have it but not the females. I don't want this particular character to be anything but a twi'lek, but I don't seem to like any of the other skin tones. If anyone knows anything, I would appreciate the input. Thank you!
  7. Frankly, I WANT a high population server. Sure, you run a higher percentage of idiots, but I mainly play MMOs to play/talk with other people. I can always ignore the idiots. :D


    Looking forward to getting to play (albeit very sporadically) over the next few days. I have rehearsal two nights this week and we're leaving for Ohio on Saturday, so I won't be able to play as much as I'd like, unfortunately. :(


    The best part so far was logging in, saying hi in general chat, and immediately finding Harren, who recognized my name. Trill found Soltanus later on. It's awesome seeing people I know.

  8. Chris and I both got in this morning and were able to make our toons. I had to leave for work right after, but my main concern was getting my names, which I did, so I'm happy. I'm on Canderous, names are Fuschia and Ava. I also have Lorani and Liane. Lorani is the ugliest trooper in existence, I'm going to reroll her when I have time to actually make a character that doesn't look like Jabba's hermaphrodite cousin.
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