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Posts posted by WielandExiles

  1. It is much better, thank you !

    Everything is not fixed (instants responsiveness, canceled animations), but this temporary patch helped a great deal, thank you for putting it live early, and I hope the rest of the fixes will come soon :)

  2. My experience is purely anecdotal, no damage meter and al.

    I'd say the 31/10/0 or 14/27/0, having played both, are quite balanced for non operation play.


    Defense wise, each has advantages and drawbacks (4% internal/elemental DR, 4% shield chance, longer last stand, force scream bubble vs 4% all damage type DR, 4% endurance, 20% DR for 4s after a charge and 6s after an intercede). However, I think 14/27/0 loses slightly if you can't benefit from the situational damage resistance (positional requirements on boss fights ...).


    Offense wise, I have the (anecdotal) feeling that 14/27/0 hits harder, but with resource generation beeing a challenge (the big selling point is impale and scream every 9s, but having the actual rage to use them on cooldown require a tight management) - especially if you don't get CC'ed (for the extra rage, talented) or can't for some reason use your generators properly (no range to use charge/saber throw, can't channel force choke ...), especially in a protracted boss battle.

    Multitarget, 31/10/0 wins, due to heavy handed. I'd say, it's a toss up and a matter of taste at this point, without proper parsed data to really evaluate DPS differences.


    I am definitely liking 14/27/0 for flashpoints and soloing. For operations (I have not started those), I am not sure I'll keep this one. On the other end, it may help considering enrage timers ... decisions decisions :)

  3. First, what I liked:

    - The Story

    - The Companions (only 2 so far, but Vette is super cute).


    It's good. I liked the story and the whole Sith Warrior experience, companions included, and I got to marry Vette :p


    1) Compared to the other classes, the Warrior feels very unspectacular. The saber style feels like "raargh, this thing sure is heavy!" which is odd with a nearly weightless laser sword. I get that they want to go for an iaido style swordsmanship, but it feels more like an orc with a hammer. Also:


    I disagree, but it is a matter of taste. Of course, it is not acrobatic or superfast, but I like the deliberate, powerful, unyielding and merciless attack animations. Crushing Blow, Impale, Backhand are great. Savage Kick is fantastic. And Force Choke !!


    2) Animations are super slow and damage is backloaded. Slash, Sunder and Ravage all feel very slow and the latter is so bad I find myself cancelling the last attack of Ravage to do something else.

    Agreed. This + the general unresponsiveness of the game give the impression of an unecessary sluggish gameplay.


    4) I miss sprint.

    Leap and Intercede are cool though. I can't really complain on mobility.


    5) I feel *very* squishy. On my shadow I had nifty short cooldowns to keep me alive and moderate constant healing, at least at this level (20s). I am glad that I'm leveling Biochem, since I eat medpacks like popcorn.

    It gets better. Endure Pain+Invicible+Saber Ward+Biochem consumables+Blade Barricade+Force Scream bubble (and/or Unstoppable) ...


    6) Despite my squishyness, I seem to put out very meh damage. I dread going up against packs that can do decent healing.

    It sorts of get better, at a low level, you lack very important skills like Backand and Crushing Blow.


    7) Where is my cc?

    Heh ...


    8) Leap has far too large a deadzone right now.



    9) Bottans! So many bottans! This class needs about half of it's skills integrated into others, or I need macros (or at least some way to track procs and cooldowns). I spent more time looking at my bars than the action and I am already developing a cramp in my left hand.

    It gets a lot worse ... Bad UI and ability bloat make a nasty combination. Plus it's not like you can learn it by muscle memory while you are leveling, as you are get key abilities and talent that completely change your rotation one by one, very late in character leveling.

  4. For normal soloing, I use Vette. Sure you have to spend a few seconds to heal from time to time, but she kills things that much faster.

    Jaesa is pretty similar dps (subjective, no combat logs and all.). Her only drawback is related to some particular fights with heavy melee AOE (cough

    Lord Draahg

    cough), but you can't go wrong with her.


    Quinn is definitely great for some harder fights. Keep him around and swap as needed.


    This coming from a Biochemist Immortal, so take with a grain of salt. "Free" consumables help not needing a doc that much :) (plus Quinn is usually busy on diplomacy missions anyway).


    I have no real experience with the tank companions, as I am a tank myself.

  5. I have experimented with a similar build a bit, and it is pretty good (it has drawbacks however, rage is trickier to get, and AOE capability is lower, notably, so it's not all roses in the dps/threat department).

    However, why are you spending 5 points on Shien form, when you''ll tank in Soresu form anyway ? I'd say your points would be more useful in Accuracy and Draining Scream or Pooled Hatred imho.


    Edit : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMG0uZhGrMMhzdMM.1

    Eviscerate can be changed for Savagery, I am not quite sure which one is better.

  6. The Warrior story is slow at first, but it sets the stage pretty nicely and introduce you to Baras as a master puppetmaster.

    However, playing light side, I felt the ending of the Balmora part quite touching (it may be a bit "meh" for a dark sider though).



    With the general accepting his fate as a faithful servant of the empire.




    From Tatooine to the end of Act I : I think this part of the scenario is great, whatever side you are - probably the best part of the SW story.

    Most of act II is annoying, as others said, you are a glorified errand boy/assassin. Act III is really good, there are some expected (but nice nonetheless) and unexpected twists, and a pleasing enough finale.

  7. Je suis entièrement d'accord, le système est moins lisible que le précédent. Jouant une classe avec un nombre éleve (excessif ?) de compétences sur des cooldowns divers et variés (Sith Ravageur),le fait de pouvoir voir d'un coup d'oeil les compérences actives (allumées) et inutilisables (éteintes) était vraiment précieux.


    Je comprends ce qu'ils ont voulu faire avec leur nouveau système (permettre d'anticiper l'utilisation de compétences conditionnelles quelques secondes avant), mais leur changement pose plus de problèmes qu'il n'en résoud.

  8. Hier (17/01) soir, mode normal.


    - Le boss avant rempart : tué, mais un wipe du groupe du au pop continu des clones même après la mort du boss


    - rempart : tué après plusieurs essais, le temps de comprendre la stratégie - par contre la difficulté semblait assez élevée par rapport à ce qu'on attendait d'une instance non "heroique" même pas niveau 50 (pas forcément une critique, le challenge était intéressant, mais ça surprend un peu - pas sûr que ce soit "tuné" correctement)


    - mentor : combat impossible à terminer. Il garde son bouclier une fois les 4 panneaux détruits, et tue tout le monde avec son laser sans qu'on puisse rien le faire. Et impossible de recommencer le combat par la suite : à chaque engagement ultérieur, toutes les phases sont actives en même temps des le début du combat (laser, tourelles, robot, cibles au sol, pinces, la totale). Impossible de "reset" le boss.


    Associé au long temps passé sur des trash interminables et sans challenge en début d'instance, ça fait un peu dommage de ne pas pouvoir terminer.

  9. I might be a bit slow, but I still do not find where you find all those "options". The 7-or-so finishers (not counting the conditionals) are based on a rather rigid priority system, so there is no real choice. You are never ever using vicious slash when you can use crushing blow. You could cut or merge some of those without removing anything compelling from the SW gameplay : when to generate rage, when to burn rage, utility, fun stuff like knockback&charge, ... Most of your GCD are used by "mandatory" skills (sundering, crushing, scream...) that are clearly above the others and that you are more or less forced to use on cooldown, the cases when you have to make hard choices are actually marginal.



    PS :Samurro yes, I would welcome a screenshot of your ui

  10. I can understand people wanting challenge, no faceroll and all, I can understand that after "the other game", streamlining has become a dirty word, but I'd argue that resisting changes to the juggernaut ability bloat is actually detrimental to your cause. Complexity, challenge, skill, are not about the number of buttons you have to push (when it is well above 20...). Do you really think adding yet another rage burner with a 27s cooldown, or another conditional attack only usable against female opponents with a wilpower debuff every 42s would make a more engaging gameplay ?


    "Skill" is about choice, planning, ressource management - adjusting your rotation depending on the availability of incoming rage for example, beeing able to weave movement/CC/interrupt/utility (and juggernauts are tons of those) into a damage rotation, threat vs survivability tradeoffs (for tanks), using the right skill at the right moment.


    The infuriating thing with the juggernaut gameplay is that those elements are actually there, but buried under a clutter of unpolished, redundant fluff.

    What strikes me after reading this thread, is that people, whatever their pro or anti stance in this debate, have their ui/keyboard bindings/attention so much buried under that ton of tedious cooldowns that they actually lose sight of the "big picture" : many people here either admit they disregard, or condemn to the chopping block skills such assault, vicious slash, or ravage - although in my opinion, those skills are the only ones that are actually interesting gameplay-wise, because after you have religiously mashed every cooldown at your disposition as soon as they were available, those precious few GCD's are where you actually have a *choice* regarding your rage management.


    Frankly, should they implement a macro system identical to the one they did in Rift, you could probably bind every off-GCD skill+situational skill+most if not all of the rage burners in the order described in the guide on the same single key, and that you could (doing the same with rage generators, offensive or defensive CD's ...) play with less than a bar of shortcuts in a quasi-optimal way. A ton of rage burners on cooldowns with a clear cut priority system that could be macroed on a single key as soon as the option becomes available, this is certainly not engaging gameplay, and that will make the Juggernaut the most shallow class once the ui option become available if/when Bioware goes this route.


    TLDR, the Juggernaut needs a reworked skill system, with more significant choices about whther you'll prioritize burst, sustained damage, survivability, ressource conservation and less redundant cooldowns that are too numerous and a no brainer to use. Achieving this is imho the only way to ensure a challenging and intelligent gameplay once Bioware puts macros/add-ons in place (and they will).

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