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Posts posted by DownedDack

  1. I really like to see a device or item that can be bought on the Cartel Market or a legacy unlock that allows the Ops leader to teleport everyone in the group/operations group to their location. I would pay 2000 coins for this! Hopefully something that can be used many times and has a cool down like priority transport.
  2. The game seemed to run better after the patch last night. When I did spike it was only for a second. However, I was not raiding just running around Black Hole and standing in line for the containers as usual. The game does look better. I just hope this fixes some of the performance issues we are all having. Here is to hoping! :D
  3. I have an insane gaming laptop a Asus G74A and I had absolute no issues till the server merge (The Shadowlands server). It most evident during raids, I will be running along fine with great ping and all of sudden it will spike and sometimes catches up but most times it just times out and kicks me out to the log in screen. The only other area this happens is when I’m doing dailies on Corellia. :mad:
  4. SWTOR cannot have better open world PvP?

    SWTOR cannot have any RvR?

    SWTOR cannot have a space expansion that allows you to actually fly ships?

    SWTOR cannot have a deeper crafting system?

    SWTOR cannot have bigger planets?

    SWTOR cannot have none kill X mob quests?

    SWTOR cannot have lateral growth for characters?



    There's many things that were in SWG (and not in SWG by still sandy) that would vastly improve SWTOR.


    The issue isn't recreating SWG, the issue is making SWTOR better, whether or not the idea was in SWG.


    I do not buy that argument for second. They out sourced the Space Combat to another company and it can be done again and integrated into the game just like anything else.

  5. I have had a blast playing the game but I really think the 4th pillar should have been Space Combat. Yes Story is awesome but Star Wars is in space. If it were me I would have been working on a better space game since the game launched. They could trickle out the story they have in the bank till the space game is in place. I'm talking about a off the rails, pvp, raid like version of space game like what was in Galaxies. It doesn’t have to be just like it but at least in an instance base version where you can control your spaceship, also the need to customizable ships and star fighters. This is what they need to do hands down!


    P.S. Add pod racing as well. That would be awesome for PVPers.

  6. I just decided to repec to balanced and call it a day. I found a way to map the key binds to my Naga Epic mouse were it is some what tolerable. No point in being Infiltration and DPS if I’m going to die all the time. I even tried throttling back but I always draw agro like mother with the Infiltration spec. One hit from a Raid boss is nearly instant death and I’m always taxing the healers to keep me alive. It is better for the group as a whole if I just keep on, keeping on with balanced.
  7. I am having some trouble with survivability in Raids. I love the Infiltration spec but way to squishy. I was thinking of pulling my points out of balance since I have an upheaval spec and moving them over to the defense tree.




    I might not hit as hard with Project but at least I might survive a little longer. Anyone tried this and did it help? I tied a respec to balance but hated the play style.

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