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Posts posted by amclu

  1. Ah the old double meaning. Sort of like the triple or more meanings of Winterfell in Game of Thrones. Maybe there's some hidden meaning behind what's in this Summer of SW update and we just haven't figured it out yet.



    Holy crap! I never put that together! Winterfell... damn!

  2. How is it a problem at all in this case? If the person doesn't want the "whisperer" to know what character they're on, just don't respond.... That's pretty easy... yes?


    No. If that alt happens to be afk when they whisper the main, it will come back as "Alt is away from keyboard" and so now it also tells them the alt's name.


    Yes, I have tested this.

  3. I gave up. I had two toons I was willing to pay money to transfer but it has taken so long I don't even care anymore. I did re-level one but the other I just am leaving and tbh, it has frustrated me so much I don't even play as much as I used to. Because now even tho I leveled the one, I still have to regear her and go thru the all the stuff I ALREADY did with the first one. So yeah, I am done.
  4. What if we are waiting on paid transfers? I am still on an origin server waiting for paid transfers to join my other characters on a server that was NOT my destination server. Am I going to miss out on this pet because I am waiting to pay to move instead of going to the free transfer server where I have no other toons or friends?


    Would really like to be able to take advantage of this as well...

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