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Posts posted by Rigota

  1. My pc isn't anything special, and I only see MINIMAL fps drops with around 10 players fighting over a node on alderaan. No, exageration, joke, or lie.


    gtx 560 ti

    i5 2500K running at 3.7

    8 GB ram.


    I play with shadows on also.


    Seriously, I'm not joking.


    'My pc isn't anything special'


    Can i have your stuff?


    I never felt so terible playing an mmorpg(which it is not) like swtor.

  2. The zones are not THAT big, the game is just THAT empty.


    This and that is because the game sucks THAT much.


    And speeders are like slow wheelchairs, if you had the REAL speed a speeder from the Star Wars movie or Galaxies had you clould clearly see these are tiny (and linear, ugly, maze, labyrinth, instanced, sharded) zones.

  3. I quit the game on this because it was the drop that overflows the bucket of misery.


    Finding some1 on the ghost planet to help you while you are datacron hunting is nearly impossible, and asking a friend in Japan to come over to Iceland to help with a door is awkward. Me my friends and about 50% of my server quit this game.


    People say reroll, quiting felt a lot better for me.

  4. if your video card can handle this fine but limited by the cpu, turning down graphics in game won't result in much performance upgrade because the graphics isn't the limiting factor, it's the pure grunt processing from being a MMO, multiple person pathing etc.


    That's one way of turning down settings in game won't give instant performance upgrade. Of course this is only for people not limited by graphics and seeing performance speed issues.


    Yea true ofc these settings are mainly graphical changes, thx.

  5. Biodroneparrots say if someone has low FPS its because of hardware bottlenecks although which can be the case but they also say its impossible the game/engine/programming has a wrong influence on resources, which is very commonly the case.


    Proof is all over the place.


    Also i don't understand turning down any graphic setting does way to little to improve the graphics(with higher settings) or performance(with lower settings).

  6. IMO


    I liked the game to lvl 14:). Then i felt avarage. Then the game stopped for my feeling at lvl 32 i felt like a rat in a maze, especially from Taris and on. I levelled to 50 and had hopes for end game and with story, levelling was just a bit more interesting. For example the Star Wars Movies had UNLIMTED better story for their time, or just books and tv series on average has better story.


    I was amazed end game (which is IMPORTANT in an MMO) was even more boring than levelling.


    And this besides the many bugs, flaws, shortcomings and even fails(body type 3 can't reach datacrons etc.).

  7. They'd have to be constantly changing for you NOT to be able to draw anything from it.


    Any single point change would still stand out and then everything from there would be comparable.


    And constantly changing server cap limits would be both very strange and frankly rather iffy.



    This is why there not completely useless to look at(but it is ofc to calculate pop numbers), like people will think. Its true though you can't have proof. But imo its very unlogical that bioware changes there server pop caps constantly.

    I think they did it when you see the biggest drop in the graph. But after that they could have stopped touching the cap. Right now both eu and us have a dropping trend but more at eu.

  8. Theme Park vs Sandbox, What Do The Players Think?


    1.7 million SWTOR subs and 10 million WoW subs seem to think Theme Park is the way to go.




    swtor is crap. wow was good but is now crap.


    Name any sandbox mmo that is out now? SWG failed, but the sandbox wasn't the reason why it sucked, it was actually the reason why it lasted.

  9. Everyone has made a bad purchase in their life. I usually watch game play trailers and not theatrical trailers for games, because theatrical is never what it actually is.


    I know i played beta, telling i wanted my money back isn't fully true i liked it at until lvl 30 but gradually i felt more and more different about the game and at 50 i was lost. I couldend test end game in advance so.

    I can't start up the game for about 3+ weeks now and with so many days left. It all went so fast.


    i didn't only trust on trailers etc.

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