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Posts posted by solmanian

  1. Than why not switch to the frostbite engine? it looks alot better than unreal and the hero engines, and bioware are allready working on it for their C&C: generals. But seriously, I'd give a rough estimate that even if tommorow Dr. Ray gives the go ahead to start working on switching the engine, the amount of content that needs to be transferred I'd be surpirsed if they'll finish it in less the two years, probably twice that. And that assuming the next expansion will allready be built in the new engine...

    I don't think there was any game in history tht had an engine change post launch, correct me if i'm wrong. Just look at duke nukem forever, how long it took them to finish the game since they kept changing engines, and still didn't look amazing.

  2. I was wondering that ab out barrel roll too, I have been able to use it physically avoid obstacles, but seems to do nothing for dodging laser/blaster fire.


    U can destroy shielded area with missiles. U probably need torpedoes to destroy bridges and station's core. Orange targets are easy blaster fodder, yellow ones should be targeted with missiles because they're either shielded or need enormous amount of blaster shots (like cruiser main cannons.

  3. I would like to just point out that some of the things the OP mentioned are things we actualy like. I'll ignore the premise that 2 weeks after launch the game is doomed and needs an overhaul... Pvp to easy to get? It takes 7-8 successful (busts with a lousy team will get u almost nothing) which are around 2hours of gameplay, same as the combined quests of a zone, to get a tangible reward at the end is very reasonable, especially if it's lvl appropriate and will become obsolete quickly. Ur probably a fan of the wow pvp system (not a a bash of wowers, ive been there too) where where u need to play 100+ matches for a mediocre gear, and 500-1000 for the best gear. That approach will mean the pvp gear will only be accessible to those who treat pvp as a career and do nothing but, thus severely penalizing players like me and many others who pvp only for "fun". I remember in wow I saw the prices of the pvp gear and said to myself: "I'll just keep my point and when I'm max lvl I'll have enough". Well I reached max lvl and guess what? When I reached max I wasn't even half way there... I do have a gripe with pvp giving too much xp reward: 8-12k for a 10min match for my lvl20ish JG. Means 2-4 matches for lvl. I was diss appointed to see that after 6 matches I completely outlvled taris...
  4. People are already complaining that the world feels empty, put those things on your ship and you'll see even less people around.


    The only people that will be effected are the economists: people that spend all their time buying and selling on the AH. Instead of standing in a hive around the GTN kiosk, they'll stand on their ship. Mmo is not about looking at dozens of people who aren't interested in interacting with you, that's a byproduct, not the goal...

  5. Like I said: I'm not claiming any skill is useless, and I've said that when u reach max lvl all skills have their advantages which are very subjective and depending on your AC and play style. My point was that biochem is good for a lvling player. You can get alot of

    Mileage out of the reusables. Weapon crafting is not effective because ur weapons/mods are quickly get outclassed by commendation vendors (for 2 commendations on coruscant u can get a blue mod that is roughly as good as anything u craft and wouldn't take 30min of gathering/mission to get it). With armour crafting (sinth and armor tech) you have to fill a lot of slots and before you're half way to upgrading your gear, u allready outlvl it and it became obsolete. And cyber? Unless u have a droid comp u spent alot of time grinding to the good stuff (earpieces etc).

  6. I find that during leveling I hardly ever use stims/medpacks at all, the few times I do need to heal myself a simple dropped medpack is good enough. I simply don't need healing (playing an Assassin and Sniper atm), unless doing Heroics and then we have a healer in the group anyway. The 1-hour / 15 secs buffs I never ever use during leveling.


    So for me Biochem would be a wasted skill during leveling. I imagine it might be useful at endgame though, but not while leveling.


    By your own admission, you don't find it usefull because u don't use it. For someone without biochem medpacks and stims are so rare, you think twice before using them. With biochem you always have a stim on, and like I said the medpacks are vastly superior to drop. As lvl23 JG who suppose to tank, having medpacks that can barely heal for 250-500 is just a blip on my health bar. Even as a starting bio the medpacks I maid we're much more powerfull.

  7. I realy stopped reading midway through the second post. Your story was way too complicated. It stopped making sense around the part where the players are employees of the slicer. There's a reason why money printing is not a common job in the real world, mainly because if you can print money in your backyard u wouldn't do any other job. Heres a much shorter story: the president gives every citizen the right to print cash. So 90% of the people start printing money instead of actualy working. The 10% that actually do any work, because they actually like it or whatever, find themselves in a world where there is enormous demand for what they do, and all their customers are bilioners. Enter the milion dollar burger and a car that costs like a space shuttle.
  8. I never chose slicing as a skill, because it doesn't realy match any crafting skill. U can choose 3 skills: one goes for crafting, another for the gathering skill for the crafting skill, and mission skill for mats required for purples. They should "pair" slicing with cyber as its gathering skill. It's not a suggestion, it's a must have that without it the crew skill system is just crazy. When they designed it, did they said: "let's have a gathering skil that doesn't gather anything?".
  9. I have 13 alts and I used them to experiment in the different crew skills. From my experience, biochem seems to be the best for a lvling player. I want to emphasize I'm talking only about the lvling and not endgame gear. From my perspective at endgame all skills have different advantages and their usefulness realy depends on your AC. I know some people say: just use three gathering skills for earning cash on the AH, and pick a crafting skill when u reach max lvl. But I'm the kind of player who like crafting as I play along (especially with the system of swtor, where ur comps do all the boring parts), but more importantly I like crafting things I can actualy use... The problem with most of the other crafting skills, is that the gear ur crafting quickly becomes obsolete by quest rewards and loot drops (especialy artifice and armstech, where ur weapons and mods get outclassed by commendation vendor oranges). With biochem u craft medpacks that are vastly superior to loot drops, and can be upgraded to be reusable with alot less hassle than u get in other skills (the ability to RE stacks vastly increase your chance of critting for schematic, it appear the chances are cumulative when RE stacks). And u always have stim active (again reusable), meaning no matter what gear u get on your way u always have that edge: persistent and growing as u lvl and get access to better stims.



    I saw there a thread about biochem not being OP, but this is not what I'm saying. Just saying its good choice for lvling charecters. Max lvl players will probably be better off with a crew skill that complement there AC.

  10. I've been trying to sell BOE blue gear and schematic, and no biters. I used to turn a nice profit

    Dealing in mats, when I played WOW. Not going into that though, until we get some of the AH mods in swtor (like auctioneer etc).

  11. I do it a fair bit and I get hooked on it and forget about the rest of the game.


    Yeah, it realy hurts my questing. I'm totally addicted to it I lvled twice before I let go of it. It is kinda of Arcady and linear, but that's not neccessarily a bad game. I'm sure that the space game could have been a successful game on its own, especially since its not overly complicated like x3 and it likes. When I place a space game I wanna fly and shoot, most games burden you with all kinds of crap like economy and stuff. The fact that their first announcement about the future of the swtor mentioned a revolutionary (secret) improvement to the space game (holding my fingers for co-op. and I hate co-op.), realy makes me optimistic for this game.

  12. Leveling is redicuously easy.


    The whole game is Easy. you not heard its out on PS3 and Xbox next year ?




    This game doesnt deserve to be called an MMO.


    500 people on a server max?



    Thats massive right?


    Wow, if u feel that badly, please do us all a favor and leave. And don't waste our time with useless rumors. The game is unplayable on console. If they'll simplify it so u don't use 10 different abilities in every fight, I'll welcome it. At my age it's hard dealing with 20 different abilities.

  13. In wow, u can reach max lvl in less than two days. The power lvl ppl, choose the dark side. In their pursuit for power, choosing lvling over actual gameplay. But the dark side always defeats itself, after they skip 90% of the content all they have left is whine that there's nothing to do and that the lvl cap should be raised...
  14. /shrug, you can't make players be healers. It takes a certain mindset, and most people don't consider that role "fun". Dps=fun in raids. Not the role, litaraly damage per seconds. Explosions and shooting and punching are fun (in games). I enjoy tanking because I like the euphoric feeling of invulnarbity that comes with being an effective tank.
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