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Posts posted by Candomble

  1. I find it a very easy class to solo with(no matter level). Thus most likely have to do with playstyle.


    ... in the end, go with what "You" find to be the most fun. :)


    Same opinion here.

  2. I don't understand the denial... For example, Uthar Wynn, EU server, Imp side; one month ago you would have +100 players almost in every planet and 150-200 in the fleet. Right now? 40-50 in the fleet, 20-40 in planets...


    Fleet numbers are very representative, but when you summon them on the numbers you get roaming around planets, you will get the picture.


    I would say that every server that is not heavy or more on peak times is agonizing or dead.


    I have chars, both factions, in 4 servers, and I only find decent numbers in the one that is listed as heavy on prime time.


    However, no matter how many people show up here in denial, Bioware has the numbers and I think its about time to take some actions, and re-roll is not a decent option.


    The game had many servers on release to make things smooth, wich was great. Now its time to reorganize things and give the remaining and loyal playerbase the MMO experience.

  3. Erm, I didnt say anything about not wanting innovation. I just said that it doesnt exist in this particular instance.


    So many people have claimed that other RPGs dont do it - so will someone please tell me what they do manage to do?


    All quests in these sorts of games, single player or mmo boil down to:


    1) Talk

    2) Kill

    3 Collect

    4) Move/transport

    5) puzzel


    Thats it - everything else is window dressing (which is very important obviously!)


    This. People say "go play Skyrim"... I didn't notice that much of difference to be honest...


    I remember some different quests in WoW, for example, but not that much; let's say, like 10 quests different from the common genre in a game that caps at lvl 85 and has 7 years of deployment...


    They need to merge servers and now, or soon as TSW comes out, i'm gone..


    I start by quoting you, because it is my exact feeling atm.


    I have chars spread in some servers and I can only consider Legions of Lettow (EU) an "healthy" server Imp side and somewhere near "healthy" Rep side.


    Kai-kan Imp side, Niman Rep side, Uthar Wynn Imp side, Rogue Moon Rep side (all EU) have low-population numbers (judging both by fleet and planet numbers in prime time). All of them are usually stated as having moderate population.


    Even re-rolling in a more populated server is a real shot in the dark, because moderate means near empty and previously to your arrival at the fleet you can't judge how the population of the chosen faction will be.


    I really can't understand what's the matter with Bioware in this issue... pride? I saw this in WoW, Blizz just refusing to merge servers, probably because they earned money with transfers and probably because it could "look bad" assuming that population decreased...


    At this point I am only playing my chars on one server (Legions of Lettow); there in Imp side is not easy to group for under 50 flashpoints (Bioware fault for giving us a pre-historical LFG tool that only works for a restrict area); in Rep it gets almost impossible... As for my chars in other servers I only log in now and then to check population numbers; after getting the reallity picture I log out...

  5. Some people, devs included, should realize that crafting is part of the game and that for some players it can be THE game; same way as for others it is about raiding, about RP, about leveling alts, and so on.


    Second thing (I do raid, although not more than 4-5 hours / week) raiding shouldn't be looked only as a way to gear up (and show-off...). It is about group play and challenging mechanics. Of course that if you can get all the BIS gear coming from crafts, the challenge will be lower, so the challenge for the dev team is about balancing this 2 things: making crafting a viable game option and keep raiding challenging, and raid gear farming a way to help lowering that challenge.


    How? Probably giving crafters the chance to produce a couple of BIS pieces, producing vanity items and produce all the best gear you can get in a pre-raiding level, not gear that you replace with daily quests farming; and this formula I am sugesting isn't exactly new...

  6. My guild was deployed in Legions of Lettow. Since early game access day 3 I have 1200-1600 people on queue most of the day.


    My life doesn't allow me to wait 2 or 3 hours (its my gameplay time in the majority of weekdays). So I leveled a char, atm lvl 19, and I almost can't play with him and along with my guildmates.


    I didn't choose the server; Bioware did. There should be some kind of priority access to the server where you were deployed.


    To add on this I created 2 alts in 2 other servers that were always on moderate to high level numbers; I checked them a while ago and only one of them didn't have queue although it was already on very high pop (easy to predict how things will go on as time passes today...).


    So how many chars will I have to create in order to enjoy the game without major queue interruptions?


    How many months will it take for me to be able to play with my guild in the server where Bioware deployed us (I was there in day 1 early access)?

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