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Posts posted by DavidE

  1. Most people have mentioned the following as to why it can't be implemented:

    -Class companions.

    -Story quests

    -Faction questions




    There is also one other thing: Legacy achievements. If I have a level 60 Sage, with all my story and companion achievements unlocked and I switch factions what happens? My opinion is that anyone should gain absolutely NO achievements for the mirrored class, as the system is designed for people to play all classes if they wish to unlock achievements. But not all people share that opinion of mine and will expect and demand that their achievements unlock for the mirrored class.


    As much I was would love a faction change it's just almost impossible due to coding and the amount of resources and upfront cost from BioWare to implement.

  2. I understand everyone's frustration. As a healer, I feel we were nerfed just a little too much. But in my opinion (and this applies STRICTLY to me) I love it for now. I was one of the top healers on my server before 3.0 and healing got a little boring. There was no sense of danger that someone would really die because one heal would fix all of that. So I like the new sense of challenge. But with that being said, heals need to be improved better (which I'm sure will come with gear). Everyone should have fun and be challenged with their class regardless of how well they play it.
  3. That's exciting, I hope to see more. I was also hoping they would allow us to swim. When i fIrst went to Manaan I jumped into the water to see what would happen and fell to my death, through the world. Kind of breaks the illusion a bit...lol


    I farmed Manaan Research Data for one reason: Get the mount, use it, jump into the oceans of Manaan.


    Worth it.

  4. Agreed. They did a good job of that. I hope they do something more with Manaan though. I noticed that where the vendor is there is a locked door. Out of curiosity a friend and myself got on top of the building and managed to 'fall' into that room. It is fully developed with a sub and everything. So hopefully they do something with it :3
  5. I believe that is a level 50 class quest. As BioWare announced, in order to do the small new class quest on Rishi you need to have completed your chapter 3 quest. This seems to be where you're having the issue. Problem is, it should be in your quest log as it can't be abandoned. I would check your legacy to see if you've completed your chapter 3 quest line on your character. If you did, there may have been a bug and you should contact BioWare support. Also vice versa, if you haven't completed it and you don't have the legacy reward for chapter 3, and no longer have the quest contact BioWare.
  6. Exactly my feeling and opinion on this entire situation.


    In the words of Obi-Wan; "So uncivilized"


    I'm glad you agree. It's just a shame how people react when things go unexpectedly wrong. I know everyone paid money for this, but it will get fixed. I feel so bad for the developers.

  7. I was able to defeat Revan, even with the bug. Then I was able to go into the fight for the weekly with a friend and we got him down, still bugged. So I'm a lucky one. I know people are frustrated because they can't get him down. Whatever the reason for the bug, yes it sucks. But it was apparently working on the PTS because they wouldn't have launched it if it didn't. Bugs happen when content becomes live. It will get fixed. Maybe Friday (they have been known for patching serious bugs, if they have them fixed, right before the weekend starts) or most like Tuesday (once again, IF they have the bug fixed). I'm sorry people are frustrated, but screaming about it and calling BioWare/EA terrible names is not going to fix it right away. Send your bug reports if you can, and help BioWare fix this problem. If players/devs are on the same page with consideration this will be a much smoother ride for everyone.
  8. As a subscriber since early access 1.0, I loved this expansion so far. I can't wait to see what other content they add in the future. I did like the solo FPs, and I think for the FPs they add in the future they should include a solo mode. I'm 'eh' about ops though, as I am a progressive raider. I'd love to see solo ops, but with less rewards than a regular op.


    As for the leveling, I did every quest with subscriber, 36% legacy, 10% guild and 25% Major Experience Boost and I was only level 59 1/2 after it was all done. That didn't bother me though. I simply went to Oricon, solo'd every quest inlcuding the heroic 2+ and I was level 60. It is a little silly that people are complaining about not being leveled after content because there are multiple options, that take little time and effort, that will give you that last little bit you need to get to 60.

  9. I prefer the Logitech G600. It is a wonderful mouse for multiple reasons:


    -It is a nice size mouse and, generally speaking, a persons hand will rest comfortably on it with little issues.

    -The 12 buttons on the side are amazing for various reasons. As a healer, I heal far more efficiently than those who click, drag, click, repeat. I've noticed it is also great for DPS as well due to the fact that you are able to move your thumb quicker to use abilities than you are able to to move your mouse and click or use your keyboard.

    -The mouse is a tank. I bought 4 at a sale for $35 each just incase anything happened to one.. I've been using the same one for over two years now with the others still in their packaging. I take it with me to college and back on a daily basis, have dropped it multiple times, and it still works at 100%.

    -Pretty colors. You can change your mouse to illuminate practically any color. Whats more important about this is your mouse will be programmed to three different settings. For example, I have one set as "1-=" for MMOs. Then I may have my buttons set up for "asdfqwer" for various dungeon crawlers and what not.


    All in all, I recommend the Logitech G600. If you can't afford the $70-80 price tag I would recommend getting any MMO mouse with at least 16 buttons. It'll make your gameplay so much better.

  10. It only comes off badly to people who actually like SWTOR as an MMO and are invested in it in that light; if you look on other forums of people talking about this promotion, the consensus is all "SWTOR! It was a terrible MMO, but now for $35 it can be a pretty good single player game."


    You do realize SWTOR is an MMO, yes? It doesn't matter if people think it's a decent single player game or not, because it's a fully designed MMO. The 12x experience is there, almost explicitly, for people have to toons leveled and semi-geared before the expansion drops so they do not have to waste more time leveling to get ready.


    12x xp shouldn't be implemented for people new to MMOs. But people, such as you claim to be, who are MMO veterans will have no issue with the 12x xp after they spend 10-15 levels getting the feel for this particular MMO.


    Your troll post and arguments are all invalid, as you are trying to play a MMO (which I will remind you again, is something you claim to have experience at) as a single player game. Not saying you can't play it in a single player mindset. Just saying you're going to have a bad time.

  11. When you revert from subscriber status you will have a cap of 350k credits. So that means:


    As a sub you have 1,000,000 (for sake of argument.) credits.

    You become a Pref.

    You will have a cap, filled with 350,000 credits to spend.

    The rest of your credits will be placed in escrow. To access this credits you may use CC, Unlocks bought off the GTN, or re subscribing.

  12. I dont think Legacy would fix this issue though Xiam.


    *shakes head*


    I've fixed this entire 12x for me.


    Firstly let me say I like it. I have played this game since closed beta and I've always hated repeating planet quests constantly and I would get burned out on low-mid level questing frequently. So yes, for veteran players 12x is a gift from the Volcano God and we should all be grateful for it. I will also say that it can be a great thing for new players as well, especially those predisposed to MMOs so they can pick up on the way things work rather quickly.


    Here is how I fixed me 12x headache: I myself have 7 55s on my server. 6 of which are geared to the teeth in 180+. I play all healer classes and 3 DPS classes, just for fun. You can imagine as a healer how much fun it will be to que into Czerka Core Meltdown HM 55 only to see my tank and two dps with about 22-25k health each. That sucks and I will never wish that evil on anyone. So you are right in the sense that this can create problems.


    So here is what I recommend for you:


    1.Don't like it if it stays after 3.0? Well some will like it. Either don't capitalize on how BioWare plans to implement it (I.e. CC, Legacy, etc.) and if you can't dodge the unlock somehow, I implore you to begin creating forums as soon as possible to add a "12x Experience Toggle On/Off" button.


    2. As previously mentioned, HM FPs and Ops ARE hell with players just jumping in at 55 and not paying attention to gear requirements, etc. Here is what you do, and this is beyond brilliant, premake your group with friends and guild mates to que for FPs, Ops, WZs. It makes like so much easier.


    Trust me, you can readily fix all your frustration with 12x with a little creativity and common sense.

  13. You upgraded the wrong things for an MMO, try upgrading cpu and harddrive to ssd, worked like a charm for me (the ssd). I don't know what rig you play on, but my computer is 6 years old (and even then wasn't the best machine) and i can play the game on max settings without any trouble, even 16 man raids.


    And about your complaining about content/raids, how long have you raided in SoO? *case closed*




    I play on a PC I built 5 years ago. I have an awesome CPU and RAM. I'm using a 512mb GPU after my 2GB broke and because of my high end CPU alone I can play this game; max settings, with absolutely zero clipping. video/system lag, etc.

  14. Thank you Dave! Yeah I always try to get planetary comms but never actually spent them Ill give it a shot.


    Welcome! Keep in mind though that with the 12xp you won't get as much planetary comms as you would with normal questing. This is why I recommend upgrading every 8 levels and supplementing with mods by credits. And as stated, anything thing you can do such as random FPs, Warzone to planetary comm trade in, etc. will help with this.


    Also with the FPs you can get, for example, a chest drop that is better than your chest and rip out the mods to put in your gear or just equip the chest. This will save you 9-11 planetary comms per piece of gear you obtain with this fashion.

  15. I dont buy credits. (dont need to)

    I dont usually open chests unless they are just right there.

    I have never seen a credit farmer in person.

    I do not care about this.

    I am, although, bored enough to post...




    This. Who needs to farm chests when dailies, mission and gathering skills make you a ridiculous amount of credits. I think it's beyond hilarious when my friends spend minutes upon minutes going out of their way for a chest that, after everything is sold, makes you like 60k. Just seems silly to me.

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