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Posts posted by Trivasan

  1. Also i don't even think the server first achievements are in the game. If you get sever first you must have a big E-pines. Oh and have fun waiting for the next 4 months while we level and you wait for your raids.
  2. yep i had my share of entertainment to day. Even thou i think i won't get in on Friday but that is ok. All i got to say. Hey i payed for a game but i didn't know i was going to get a show for free. Also to the idiots that are qqing about not getting in. Be pateint. Oh and Your Hate fuels my rage, and my rage fuels my power. With power i gain strength with strength i gain victory.
  3. Ok going to put this up here as i did with another post.


    At what idea would you think that you will get to play today. Also,You people need to learn to READ. This is Early Game Access not launch. They said and quoted "You could Get up to 5 days of early game Access if you pre order the game". The Keyword their is Could. It doesn't mean that you will get early access. You could get it. Learn to read please and stop flaming bioware of how fail this launch is. It's not a launch it's an early access. Go do something else while waiting instead of whining about getting into the game early. I haven't gotten in yet, and i don't think i will get into the game no later then friday.


    Which i am fine with that. You should be happy that they are letting you in early if possible to play early. I am glade that they are adding a 2 day extra to let people in the game. So that the server wouldn't explode. Then you will not have a good launch. Think of it this way. They want'ed quality instead of quantity. I think they are doing a good job so far. This is a game people stop acting like it's your job. It's just a game. If you don't get into today, their is always tomorrow to play. Stop acting like it's the end of the world, just because you didn't get into the game.

  4. You people need to learn to READ. This is Early Game Access not launch. They said and quoted "You could Get up to 5 days of early game Access if you pre order the game". The Keyword their is Could. It doesn't mean that you will get early access. You could get it. Learn to read please and stop flaming bioware of how fail this launch is. It's not a launch it's an early access. Go do something else while waiting instead of whining about getting into the game early. I haven't gotten in yet, and i don't think i will get into the game no later then friday.


    Which i am fine with that. You should be happy that they are letting you in early if possible to play early. I am glade that they are adding a 2 day extra to let people in the game. So that the server wouldn't explode. Then you will not have a good launch. Think of it this way. They want'ed quality instead of quantity. I think they are doing a good job so far. This is a game people stop acting like it's your job. It's just a game. If you don't get into today, their is always tomorrow to play. Stop acting like it's the end of the world, just because you didn't get into the game.

  5. Well considering since i pre order back in August. Looks like the hard truth of reallity is i am not going to get into today launch. I am hoping by friday i will get in. If not i am fine with that. Well back to starcraft 2 ladders. If anyone wants to do Nexus wars or 6v5. Hook me up with a whisper on this site. See you all Friday or at launch. Anyway this is early game assces, and it said You Could Play Up to 5 days. You could is the keyword, just be greatful for an extra 2 days to let people in and play.
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