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Posts posted by Gojant

  1. One would assume that if my Juggernaut wants a flamethrower I would need to level a Bounty Hunter.


    But you are assuming things we just don't know for sure yet.


    Maybe that Juggernaut beat up a bounty hunter and took his wristlowjackamator.

  2. i think, there literally must be less than 200k concurrent players online at anyone time in swtor, the lack of queues' guilds, communites is terrible, its killing an already deaded game.


    I dont think the game is dead, but I know I am having a completely different game experience than others I listen to on Podcasts or friends who play on larger servers. The population difference is a stark contrast and really takes away from the game.


    The most Ive seen on Ilum, counting both sides is 16.... What kind of meaningful PVP can come from that? Thats just a warzone in a giant map. I hear about these epic 100 person fights on the bridges, and I go there ingame and see nothing but snow.


    The issue is, on Character Creation day for me, 12/25/11, I looked over the list of PVE servers, EST time zone, and the server I selected was marked as Recommended. Not low, medium or high, but recommended. Now its a dead server and I would never recommend anyone go there.


    TLDR: Low server population skews my answer. Game might be good but from my view point its just horrible, beyond the story which is actually quite good.

  3. I am on a low population server and doing anything endgame is neigh impossible. Even queue in 50 Warzones can take 3 hours or more at peak times or no matches at all happen that day.


    The population at 50 might be more healthy if people didn't immediately reroll an alt and abandon what they had grown. But that comes down to people might play only for story, hit the end of that book and pick up a new one, so I cant blame them for that. I did it too with a Smuggler and then Jedi Knight.


    Axial Park is fun and I love the guys there but there just isn't enough of them.


    I unsubscribed until I can transfer off or merges come. I might stay if I could queue warzones cross server to at least let me PVP every night.

  4. The only problem, I have with snipers is that force leap doesn't work on them in cover. So I slap on saber ward or rebuke, run up to them and have at it.


    Dont be afraid to Force Camo and run up to them. You can possition behind their cover and then leap to them. If you have that option.

  5. Well, I've retrained myself to Watchman for the time being. Now to get used to the according changes in the keybinds I have made. You all have been extremely helpful and I thank you. One further question right now...Gojant said "and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things."...uhm...what are/is macros? I hear macros and I think Robotech...I know someone gets that.


    Macros are just script written ingame to do one or more functions in a specific order or to activate under specific conditions. Typically smarter people than I write them, I just copy and utilize them to fit my playstyle. And typically a macro gives you a little icon to put on your hotbar and you click it just the same as any other ability. Only this one functions as I stated above.


    We currently don’t have access to macros, unless you use some fancy keyboard or external program keybinding, so the point is moot.


    As for gameplay, good keybinds and ability coordination on those keys makes this class fun and much easier. You set something up, utilize it a few dozen times out in true combat and it becomes second nature quickly.


    Below are my keybinds, their purpose is to keep things organize in groups, and keep my left hand tight to the left side of the keyboard. Left hand keybinds are for direct activation, anything else I typically just mouseclick and have it organized on the left/right bars to make the process simple and easy in the heat of combat


    1: Strike

    2: Slash

    3: Master Strike

    4: Blade Storm

    5: Dispatch

    T: Force Leap

    F: Force Sweep

    G: Pacify

    V: Force Kick

    X: Force Camo


    Shift-1: Overload Saber

    Shift-2: Zealous Strike

    Shift-3: Cauterize

    Shift-4: Merciless Slash

    Shift-5: Awe

    Shift-T: Rebuke

    Shift-F: Cyclone Slash

    Shift-G: Saber Ward

    Shift-V: Force Stasis

    Mouse Center button: Speeder

    Mouse button 4: Out of combat heal, Inspiration I think

    Mouse button 5: CC Break ability


    The main strategy for this layout is keys subject to specific activities that I may string together are grouped together or their shift-modified so they are quickly used by just hitting shift and the same key again.

    If I want to AOE, I hit F, then Shift F until I am out of focus.

    My starter rotation is T, Shift-1, Shift-2, Shift-3, Shift-4, 3, 2, 1 depending on focus and then repeat. Its pretty fluid to me now, and quick variations I can take depending on how much focus I have.

    G, Shift-G, Shift-T, and X are for defensive cooldowns.

    And V/Shift-V are for interrupts/Holds which also interrupt, good for PVP

    I don’t use Shift X because its too hard to reach back and I can misfire.


    I have a lot bound to other keys, 6, 7, 8, 9, and so on, everything has a place, but its organize for fast activation.

  6. Do exactly what Keja said above. You can do these and be a button masher if you bind your keys to a comfortably close setting, and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things.


    Regarding soloability, you said your 27, you get a healing companion soon that will vastly increase your soloability. If you like sentinel now, you will love it then...

  7. Force leap I would say 20% of the time has me leap to a mob that I was not targeting lol. Makes for some lol moments.


    This ^^


    When I see two targets, I check both too see which was the weaker mob or healer, select that one, and then leap, but it leaps to the previously selected target...


    To add insult to that injury you then have to select a new target or reposition because I'm still targeting the weak mob either not facing him or to far away to engage what I wanted too.

  8. I'm sorry, but if you're doing that well with sentinel, that says more about your opponents unfortunately.


    come on, that guarded by the force ability lasts 5-6 seconds and takes half of your health--HALF!!! The inviso-ability is just as useless, but at least it got me out of a scrape or two when I was able to jump off a cliff without them seeing, otherwise you reappear within range for them to stomp you all over again. I use pacify often, but it doesn't help us in AoE situations with a bunch of stuns or getting stabbed in the back--which is what PVP in this game is all about.


    I was thinking about increasing alacrity on my sentinel to see if it would do anything for speed, but fear the cost it would take from strength/endurance.


    Your playing your cooldowns wrong if you fail to survive through any attack with the 4 defensive cooldowns, even if only 4-6 seconds each... You can dish so much out in that time while the enemy is just hamstrung.


    As for Alacrity, I would imaging that you want your DOTs to tick slower so you could potentially keep 3 stacks of overload saber active instead of it dropping off before its cooldown is restored. Just an assumption.

  9. The Sentinel is very irritating sometimes...


    Sentinel feels squishy for a while, but has a large list of defensive cooldowns as you level making anything easy if you time it right. Sentinel is slow until you gain access to a healing companion, which is as early as 12 if you want to take C2-N2.


    Watchmen Sentinel spec alone gets the following

    Jump (Force Leap)

    Dash (Transendance)

    Hold/stun (Force Stasis)

    Slow (Leg Slash)

    Many Stun/interrupts (Force Leap, Force Stasis, Force Kick, Awe, Blade Storm but not for pvp,

    4 defense cool downs (Force Camo Talent, Pacify, Rebuke, Saber Ward)

    2 DOTS (Cauterize, Overload Saber, both beastly)


    Sentinel is not easy but it is very rewarding because you know when you win its was earned. We have a very big toolbox so it can be complex but rewarding.

  10. Yep, I am not saying that doesn't happen and I know it well the 1/2 mark is when the game ends. the 95% is an arbitrary number I threw out and I am going to say only 1-2% of games actually comes down to that last tick.?



    Its an unfair advantage to either side it should get fixed. Ive lost several games down to the last tick, 0-5 or 0-10 where that one extra turret shot just beat us. Why should anyone get an advantage?


    Symmetrical maps should be symmetrical.

  11. Thanks for the heads up. I will be keeping an eagle eye out for this because it felt bugged.


    Looking forward to Hoth. I know its all ice, but I like it. Quesh was better than I realized too, I lgot a full level up 37-38 from completing the one zone quest, one quest at the main town and my class quest, and got enough comms for 2 modable droid cores for T7.

  12. Depending on how long the loading screen takes affects the start of space missions far too much. There have been times I emerge from the loading screen with no shields and down to 75%, I assume from hitting something. Why in a single player run mission, couldn’t I have the ability to start the mission when my loading screen actually finishes? Those first few seconds, if poorly timed can cause mission failure.


    I know its a pipe dream, but Id like to pause a flight sometimes to chat in guild or to tend too some child issue going on around me. This part of the game is only affecting me, why cant I stop the mission vs, just failing it out when something important is thrown in my lap?

  13. I thought it was a three minute wait? are you sure its 2 kills that dont count - or just that 3 minutes hadnt passed.


    I may be three minutes or every other kill, either way on a small population server where we scrap the barrel for kills, its difficult to do anything when tasks ingame don't count because of some anti-farming mechanic. I understand rules are in place to prevent players gaming the system, but it hurts low pop more than the rest.


    We don't kill trade on our server, if anything we outright despise each others side and we do whatever we can to prevent the imperials from farming us.

  14. I think to best answer that question you have to assume you dont have that skill, and think to yourself, what items you wish you could get from that skill. Whats your demand might be others as well.


    I personally sold nothing. But Im on a super-low pop server so I just feed alts and companions any crew skill items.


    Id guess, at your level, any crystals might sell, any odd color besides the norm might sell for more.


    Enhancements should sell, but lower level characters might not have a lot of orange gear to plug enhancements into so that market will grow as your level does.


    Offhand items are harder to come by, well in my experience anyway, so sell those. Problem with selling these, the mats are more intensive than say an enhancement, so if your leveling up go with the lower material cost items first then move to these.


    And last, Hilts. Again, like enhancements, they wont sell much at low levels since not many have modable weapons early, but the market should grow as you level. These might sell very well if you were successful at Reverse Engineering and sold a blue quality version, that damage boost on the hilt is what a lot of players would look for, and blue always catches eyes over green. on the market.

  15. You aren't missing out on the Ilum PowerPoint, so don't worry.


    Last night on Ilum, our guild and another guild had a 1 hour rush on Ilum. It was 3 on 3. After killing someone once, they give no valor or daily credit for the next 2 kills, It looks something like this


    1st kill. Credit

    2nd kill. No credit

    3rd kill. No credit

    Repeat back at 1.


    It takes two no credit kills for that player to gain valor. Thats a long time on ilum when its 3 on 3 and it takes time to get that person back to the frey.

  16. I am on a very very low population server, our Ilum battles max out at 5 v 3 at peak hours. Fleet is maybe half a dozen people at peak...


    I got the game over the holiday weekend release, server selection had 3 options, Full, Heavy, or standard. I picked standard, and now its 100% lite.


    When I hear podcasts talk about Ilum and the 100 people online, I can only dream of what that kind of gameplay holds for everyone on that server.

  17. For me Doc seems to have issues gaining affection, bug or no? Spoiler tag just incase.




    Last night on Quesh and finishing the bonus missions on Balmora, Doc gained no favor no matter what choice I selected. Is this typical for doc? He accepts gifts and gains favor, but no quest dialog on Quesh or Balmora had any influence on Doc. I feel like hes broken and I just wanted to ask. I did the class quest on Quesh and all the bonus mission on the planet that have multiple tiers of story going deeper and deeper to infiltrate the cartel and Doc is there, but he gains no favor and loses none for any and every answer I selected. Bug? Anyone experience this?



  18. This is good stuff. Just plis take into account people with slow loading not beeing kicked to early.And the sooner you get this system live the better it will be.


    I want to see deserter debuff, but this issue can cause some problems with 120 seconds to exit the main room, the time to enter the warzone is 1 minute which counts against that time, and the door existing the starting room doesn’t follow that clock, making you quit when you truly wanted to join.


    Ive been kicked from huttball twice as I was exiting the main platform because it still counts the Goal area as the main room when that 120 seconds is ticking.

  19. A draw would be the same as both teams losing. How is that better?


    Because your preventing the opposing faction from gaining rewards that may not truely belong to them. Victory isn't always getting something, sometimes its preventing your opponent from winning.

  20. If it was 2 companions out for a short duration, maybe 30 minutes once a day, to do some heroic mission solo, that might be cool.


    The issue is, too many companions leads further down the path of solo MMO play. While I enjoy solo-able content, I still enjoy the company of guildmates too.


    I take that back. Id rather run around on Belsavis with Doc and T7 with me 100% of the time.

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