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Posts posted by Rishara

  1. For all the people who dislike medals, then why have them at all? Why don't we just get rid of them? Capping at 4 and still having the medal system (and even EXPANDING IT) is what I'm saying is stupid.


    And for the record, I play warzones to win and get the objectives, so you all saying I'm selfish and just want medals is ridiculous. I play a healer and I'm not f'n selfish in warzones. I don't know how many times I've sacrificed myself just to get people off the doors in voidstar because dps'ers are pew pewing and not even paying attention that someone is trying to cap. Or I'm stuck at a stupid node in Alderaan the entire match because nobody else will stay to defend it because they're off trying to get kills elsewhere.


    Most of you must just be too stupid to understand what I'm trying to say apparently or don't bother to try to see my point.


    I think you are all from the "Youth Soccer" generations where everyone wins and EVERYONE gets a medal! YAY!

  2. No, they are making it so frag monkeys like you will focus on objectives instead of totally ignoring them and loosing WZ to get 9th or 10th medal.


    Lol, did you miss the part where I said i was a healer? I have never gotten 9 or 10 medals. Doesn't mean I think this new system is the answer.


    And my point about the kill credit for healers is that I think it will end up having healers swing too hard the other direction on medals. I mean really, I keep up most of the team, and I'm going to get credit for all of their kills? Seems a bit much, but I guess we'll wait to see how it is actually implemented.


    For instance, if everyone just stands in my circle of heal, do I get kill credit for every person they kill during that time? Or if I throw bubbles and hots on everyone?

  3. Why does it matter if they get the same number of commendations? If a player IS truly bad at PvP, he will still be bad. Are you saying your uber PvP skills arent good enough to handle a bad player in the same level of gear?


    ***? You must apparently be one of those who is bad? I'm saying people who are better should be rewarded more for their efforts than people who suck. That's all.

  4. The number of medals earned does not translate into skill. Hybrid classes had a huge advantage in the old system since more medals were available to them. Players that focused on winning warzones rather than their scores were consequently punished since game objectives didn't add to the medal count. I've had plenty of huttball games with my organized group scoring all of the points, and the other half of the op focusing on their scores, and the result was always them scoring more valor/commendations than us.


    The change isn't perfect, but it is way better than what was there before.


    Well, I agree with you on that, but they are supposedly adding 14 new objective based medals into the system to fix this in the 1.2 update. That's what I was saying. Why add the objective based medals if they're just not going to count for anything?

  5. So basically, they are making it so any mediocre pvp'er can get the same amount of commendations that any good pvp'er can? It's pretty difficult to NOT get 4 medals in a pvp zone unless you are afk'ing or really really suck.


    Why add all the objective based medals (they claim they are adding in 1.2) then nerf the crap out of medals? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


    And, I have a feeling the healers getting kill credit medals for healing those who kill is going to swing things way overboard. Yes, I'm a healer. I think healers were getting the shaft, but now this seems like it will be a bit much. Not that it matters much (see above with the 4 medal limitation)...

  6. That would be because DPS already have more medals, or at least they're way easier to acquire.


    Riiiight... You just made my point. It's ridiculous for dps'ers with all the medals to tell healers they need to dps to get the same amount of medals that they get.

  7. The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


    But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


    They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.

  8. The problem is everyone says that healers have to DPS to get more medals.


    But turn it around and you don't hear people telling DPS'ers they should be healing to get more medals.


    They just need to give healers medals at shorter intervals. 75k and 300k is a bit harsh.

  9. This has probably been posted before, but you know, you can't actually search for anything...


    We wiped on the last boss on Taral V after we killed him, and the body had purple loot. We couldn't get back into the instance to loot it. So basically the rest of the dungeon dropped nothing worthwhile and probably the only piece of good loot in the entire place we couldn't get.


    Please fix this so you can get back in and get your loot. This is pretty stupid.

  10. Soa is just a damn buggy fight. If you don't have a second tank, he will pretty much despawn every time if he gets your main tank into a mind trap. It's complete bs. Many times the pylon dropping DIRECTLY on him doesn't get rid of his shield. He likes to constantly mindtrap the same healers (or throw them in the air). Most of the time I don't do anything in the last phase because I'm *always* being mind-trapped/thrown by him--over and over.


    I actually like the mechanics of the Soa fight--it's kind of interesting and unique, but it's pretty damn frustrating if you are doing everything right and still failing due to bugs.

  11. 1) Dying from just using the landing pod at the start of the instance--great fun.

    2) Dying from riding the speeder bike back to wherever.

    3) Soa randomly de-spawning for no apparent reason (generally when you're close to winning)

    4) Our tank died in the Soa fight once randomly (we never could figure out from what) and after that nobody could target him to rez him despite him saying his body was right next to us on the ground.

    5) Here's a really really bad one:


    Raid started getting randomly one-shotted by who-knows-what. I think this was after a Gharj wipe the first time in there. Exiting the area didn't stop the random one-shot deaths, people were still getting one-shotted on Carrick station. Raid leader had the group disband and they were going to reform to see if they could resolve the issue. Well, after that the raid leader could no longer group with anyone. This has persisted for many days. His character cannot group at all--he gets kicked out of groups after about 10-15 seconds, including pvp groups. He's naturally pretty pissed off, and customer service just closes his tickets without doing ANYTHING about them. He's also one of our tanks, so this puts a pretty serious hindrance on our raiding. Not to mention he'll probably quit if his character is permanently borked.

  12. Yep, if you are full heal specc'd, you get completely and utterly screwed on medals. Unless of course you want to let your teammates die so that you can get some damage dealing in.


    By the way, you get another medal when you hit 300k healing. Some compensation, right?


    I get on my low level commando who I SUCK at playing in PVP and walk away with 3 times the medals that my kick-*** healer gets. It's really starting to disgust me.

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