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Posts posted by HeyImTempzz

  1. 2v2 would be dominated by Operative Healer and Marauder/Jug. However 3v3 could have a few nice comps with good synergy, but new contents better than no content.
  2. My advice would be stagger your CD's as a Merc. So often I see merc/commandos waiting till there low hp before going defensive. If you need to, start pumping heals out. Believe me when I say there is a reason why they target you, never put it down to you think your doing it wrong, just asses you game play and see what you could do better.


    Often I loose my first game in arena, then win the next two because I get a chance to asses the gameplay and adapt my CD's. While your on the move, missile blast does a lot of heat, however its better than no damage. Get your Dots on them and use your instant casts, try to put out CC and interrupt if you can.


    There's always something you can do.


    With gear will come damage, my damage skyrocketed when I got my weapons so I'd advice grabbing those bad boys.

  3. The people that will stay behind to play PvP will be those who despite all the faults in their class. They found a team with the synergy required to make there class work. I play arsenal mercenary... According to what a lot of people say they have no survivability vs Melee. I have had little to no problem with any melee... In fact a lot of the arenas are built that good positioning wins. So many locations where a knockbacks, stuns or roots can instagibb people, and you guys will say. "Well a smart player wont over extend into a position where they can get instagibbed" and that's true... so i'll just keep in those locations out of harms way, while we poke the **** out of there team.
  4. The main thing I would probably address is the terrible use of force barrier. Most teams don't just stand around and wait for bubble to come off, they switch temporarily. In that time you can cancel and sprint to get a heal off, gain positional advantage on melee or do last bit of damage needed for a kill.


    I just feel like most of the time I can switch my target, and turn to the sorc/sage who is still just sat there.

  5. x2 Smashers

    x2 Op healers.


    Auto-win. BW doesn't care about other classes.




    Just because a class is overpowered in certain aspects does not mean that its un-avoidable... the end of the world or that BW doesn't care about other classes.


    On my merc I often do 3 - 4k tracer missiles followed by HS for 10k and Rail shot for 5k - Then I still have a good 3k - 4k per hit left from unload... Can mow people down in no time if I want to and I have had NO trouble in arena.


    Snipers throw 8k damaging hits around like there nothing and have nice kit to boot.


    Only class I find underperforming in arena is Sorc/Sage and I still feel like that's them having spent too much time in WZ's spamming abilities forever.

  6. Yep, saw this too. Put it in another thread, but since this thread has replies... :D We had 5 vs. their 4. Did you notice if you got XP for it? We had a win (of course), but I swear I got no XP for it.


    I'm currently 55 but I defo got WZ coms for it.


    Edit: And the win counted on my daily i'm fairly sure.

  7. The thing I find with sorc healers is that their big heals come out so slowly. I can wait till the last second to interrupt the cast. At that point there either dead, in there immunity bubble or so far behind that they can't keep up. However I have faced a few good sorc/sage teams who play to the sorc's strengths. I also see a lot of those teams play with snipers just for the extra knock back + their DPS when aloud to free cast is insane. People forget that the whole time they are kiting within the snipers range that guy/gal is going to WORK on the other team.

    By the time the other teams switched onto the Sniper he still has all defensives, Sorc's now free to Whirlwind > Stun a healer and win the game. Even in wow their are classes that get focused all the time, its something you get used to, I think for people considering benching their sorc/sage is a big mistake.

  8. Hopefully this has not happened in ranked because its game breaking in a competitive sense. I just entered a WZarena and had 6 members on my team, while the others had 4. This resulted in our names not showing up for them in the warzone frames and us obliterating them.


    Please look into this and write here if you have had a similar issue.

  9. I lol'd. Damage doesn't seem competitive? What are you not using gore? You using scream outside of the auto crit proc? lmao.


    Yet that was the same as in 8v8.... Carnage could not compete then. I assume that nothings changed come 2.4 to make it better in ranked.

  10. Well I have been carnage for ages, but the damage I am doing just does not seem competitive unless I am in Huttball then I go top of everything.


    EDIT: Plus I can't see carnage being so good in anrena no?

  11. How do I maximize my DPS as a marauder. I seem to die insanely fast in WZ's atm and I'm not sure why. It seems as though by the time I have my smash stacks full that I'm so low in HP that my smash isn't doing enough damage to put me ahead.


    At the moment my "Ideal" rotation would be:


    Charge > Bat. Assault > Force Crush > Force Scream > Vicious Slash > Smash > Force Choke.


    I have no idea if this is optimum but I'm guessing it is not. Any help would be appreciated, although I would understand people un-eagerness to put another smash marauder in their WZ's



  12. I'm levelling to 55 atm, gathering WZ commendations as I go. However I seem to always be loosing. Either we have no healers or when we do people just don't communicate.


    Is there something to this? Do Republics dominate this server/battleground or whatever? If so how badly and is it bad enough that I should consider going republic?

  13. DoTs are less effective against scoundrel/operative healers because HoTs negate the DoTs. 2 slow release medpac on everyone and you just shut down the entire enemy DPS.


    But when the dots are being negated by the hot's hard cast healing is required to sustain the team through other damage, Something all the classes mentioned have plenty to offer.

  14. Concealment Ops and Decep sins seem to be fantastic at bursting down Healers IMO, as well as controlling them


    Healer control is always good. I'm starting to assume that there will be no perfect comp. However a common factor is none have arsenal merc's in. Any reasons why?

  15. My team would be a well trained lethality sniper, madness sorc, power tech tank hybrid, op heals. you got heavy dot's the best aoes, and spike damage to boot, with back up heals, taunt's shields, pulls, jump to's, pull friendly, and stealth, all the cc you could dream of. Dot them up and focus down, with sorc shield, taunts, and guard heals is not going to die in 1st 10 seconds. Try you be surprised, but you got to be a premade with voice for this to work good and not a pug. Team poison for the win lol, this team is a healer's night mare because all 4 enemy team member health is melting at same time, the corrosive spam alone from sniper neutralizes hots from any heals causing the to use direct heals more, which usually make them stand still, add the sorc dots/dps, and heals going to be doing nothing but healing himself while his team's health melts away. even with multiple heals this set will out dps them.


    That sounds like a fair point to be honest. Spread pressure is always super strong in games. Extremely potent vs inexperienced healers. What about double madness sorc or Madness Sorc + Arsenal merc?

  16. Wouldn't the use of knockbacks + roots + Shields + Slows help reduce damage enough? That was my basis behind it, that and the more melee you have the higher the chance of smash spec working against you.


    The only other thing would be replace the Warrior for Assassin (Hybrid Tank) and the Sorc for a Arsenal Merc to make up for loss of burst.

  17. So, I know Op's healers have already been marked down as the favourite for the healer spot in 4v4. However what about the DPS??


    Smash marauders work in 8v8 because of the pressure being output on a large group, however surely it can be too easily countered in 4v4, spreading out would stop the smash being as effective and smashing a single target isn't so great when they have pocket heals.


    From what I've seen since I have been back.


    Op healer, Sniper, Sorcerer and Carnage Marauder would be the best choice imo.


    Reason being in Sniper In cover can't be charged by a marauder team, giving him a strength in that, he also has a strong knock back with a root if they do try and open on him. Sorcerer can provide strong support with shields, slowing effects from lightning, a second knockback as well as some nice CC. Finally the carnage marauder can provide good burst with bloodthirst + gore + ravage as well as a strong execute potential. The composition cripples smash spec focused teams just because 3 of 4 can stay out of range of the smash because they are ranged. At least that is my theory. I know that a lot of people also seem to run some form of tank, but I think the support that the sorc provides + the extra damage is a good compromise.



    What's other peoples thoughts? Who do you guys think will dominate 4v4?

  18. So, there are certain classes in this game that people like the idea of more than the feel of or the class they like most is just not competitive. However what if classes could merge.


    We already have advanced classes, were people can follow a specific path weather they are consular looking to be melee bruisers in the Shadow or powerful spell casters in the Jedi Sage. This choice at the start of the game didn't just define what a lot of people found cool, it was the definition of their own play style from previous MMO's.


    Frost Mages from WoW rolled out as sorcerers while the warrior community found comfort in the awesome charge merchanics of warriors.


    SO what is my idea?


    Hybrid classes.


    This was/is meant to be a story driven game, its about progression of character story. In life though people never stop learning. A MMA fighter may choose to focus more on his Judo than his Muay Thai, while another fighter may focus only on Muay Thai.


    Jedi, Sith, Agents, Smugglers, Troopers and Bounty Hunters.... They are all classes that in some respects represent the person behind the keyboard, but the branching out is limited. While a Marauder might beat another Marauder in a 1v1 duel, the only think that defines those two as different is their skill level, RNG or gear gained.


    Allow us to advance our classes more.


    Bounty hunters may learn stealth with the help of a operative in a joint story event while at the same time the bounty hunter returns the favour by teaching the operative how to effectively use a wrist flame thrower.


    Jedi Knights may school Jedi Shadows in the art of force leap and in return the Shadows could teach them how to use Force Pull or another useful force ability.


    What I'm trying to get at here is that in a world such as this were there is already so much choice, it would be cool to be able to develop our characters more. Of course the skills that are transferable would have to be looked because a Sith Warrior isn't going to learn Death from Above the same way a Operative is not going to run around using Force Storm.


    Why couldn't vanguards have a story arc unlock able to them that requires them to join up with Jedi Knights and learn to use melee weapons. A lot of there abilities bring them up close and personal already, why not expand on it? I'm sure there are tons of abilities that could be transferred all over the place and its just another thing that would make the game "IN MY OPINION" even cooler.

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