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Posts posted by Noctournys

  1. ...because it's typical to see a 4 month old game slash its box price in half, run weekly specials, give away free months, email canceled subs to return with freebies, and be merchandised in the Wal-mart bin next to multiple copies of Bernie Mack's Mr. 3000.


    None of these is a falsehood, it is happening. Get your team in line PVP leadership.


    I giggle every time i see someone try to tie PvP with subs falling on a drastic scale.


    Conisdering that SWTOR follows the WoW formula of player splits almost exactly... the people who care enough about PvP for it to cause them to unsub never made up more than 15% of the subs anyway. If subs are falling, its because there's just not that much to do at endgame.

  2. this never ever happens ever in teamplay or arena play, world pvp maybe but your exagerating immensly


    Youre right.


    RMP (still, AFAIK, the top 3's comp) - the entire strategy is focused around making the fight a 2v3 for as long as possible. Sap, Stun, Stun, Poly, Poly, Poly, Fear, Stun, Stun (and its been a 2v3 the whole time, and now someone is dead).


    It's worse in organized play. People who have a brain and know how to keybind and use a focus target can remove someone from the fight for an almost indefinite amount of time.

  3. Pretty sure max stun duration in wow is 7seconds=4+2+1. That's with 3 stuns compared to 8 seconds in this game with 2 stuns. This game also has way more stuns then wow so stunlockig is much more prevalent and doesn't require a rogue.


    There are just as many stuns in WoW. Some of them are even uncontrolled procs.


    Half the stuns dont DR with the other half, either.


    And while you can "only" spend 7 seconds stunned... you can then spend 8/4/2 seconds polymorphed, and then 8/4/2 seconds feared, then 4/2 seconds horrified.. and then another 7 seconds stunned.


    DR is not the answer.

  4. They don't call it 'Stun Wars' for nothing!


    Was the designers choice. I guess offense and defense was to straight forward for them so they added a cornucorpia of snares, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, mezzes, groin kicks, etc....


    I blame it on a 5 year development time line.


    If you can't design, code and deploy in a year (maybe two), you get this version of SWTOR.


    Obsolete engine, obsolete concepts, obsolete version of world PvP, etc.


    You cant design, code, and deploy any MMO in a year or two. The first year, at a minimum, is spent just building tools and systems that allow you to create the rest of the game. Geometry creation for worlds/zones takes *forever*.

  5. I was always a big fan of the old wow pvp system that actually made you think before hitting a button.


    You had to use CC, intercepts etc. to kill someone at vanilla and this was still the best system. If you did ignore the priest healing the FC, then you didnt deserve to win and even your 5 men attack group couldnt change that vs. 2 defenders.


    What wow but pvp in general has become to is a nightmare for everyone that wants to get some skill involved. To hit 3-4 buttons and beat everyone is a pointless system that favors the wrong gameplay.


    What you describe is a typical result of that gameplay, you demand to kill everything in 2-3 quick burst´s if you fail then its ofc. them who are invincible and not you who does fail to understand that a kick on the healer does more harm than trying to nuke a tank down.


    There is a reason why the vanilla pvp community at wow is still counted as the most skilled pvp community there and not the arena style burst community that is there now.



    As for Tor, we are currently in arena style mode where dps matters and nothing else. I find that sad, as it doesnt favor the right way of pvp. Nobody should be able to kill someone, if he ignores his defensive mechanics every time / his support.


    Vanilla WoW PvP was a gibfest... it was the height of 3-global implosions. Your rose colored glasses are extremely strong.

  6. To those laughing about my statement about energy-reg problems with MM...


    Let me tell you something. I'm playing since beta and I've tried every damn spec for Snipers so far. MM is good for burst-damage in PvP or for Bursting adds in OPs etc, but it isn't viable for 6 minute boss-fights as the energy-regen doesn't cut it for this extended fights.


    With Lethality tho, you have 50+% Crit for your DoTs regging 2 energy when critical and they do crit alot. Also notice, that the additional damage done by Cull also procs the energy-regen for critical DoTs, so you'll never run out of energy, even if you're spending 70 energy on your first three skills (CG -> CD -> Cull).


    And those speaking about PvP... you're ruining the game for us PvE-players, so ****.


    Considering it is laughably easy to make it through an entire boss fight as Marksman without EVER dropping below 60% energy and using Rifle Shot only in the rare case when every other ability is on cooldown..


    Marksman only has energy problems if you're terrible at the game.


    Im fully willing to believe that its DPS is sub-par to Lethality, but energy regen is not something marksman has a problem with.

  7. I was in a huttball with 3 friends today all playing DPS.


    We got in a game vs 4 people from the best pub guild on the server.


    No one scored because regardless of heals, when you got the ball you just died in 3-4 seconds. It was like a 15 minute deathmatch. It wasn't fun. I like slower paced strategic pvp rather than pure burst based.


    If you want someone to die in 3 seconds, you need to have it set up, not just because you got everyone to target them.


    Yeah.. of the three huttballs i played the last time i logged in.. all of them ended scoreless. TTK is WAY to fast now.

  8. This isn't a dissing post, but you gotta understand why the players are upset. People are whining because Bioware keeps letting PvPers down. For example:


    #1: Rated WZs didn't come out in 1.2


    #2: Lack of inisght on issues with PvP from the Devs. Metrics are just numbers, they don't tell you the full picture of PvP combat.


    #3: Lack of feedback from the Dev's about the current state of PvP. They answer the easy questions and just ignore the hard ones (TTK in current WZs, extreme healing nerfs, etc.)


    #4: No proper way for seasoned players to transfer there character to the PTS to test out patches thoroughly.


    To be honest, i'm optimistic about SWTOR, but if Bioware keeps holding a deaf ear to their members, I may have to scoot and go back to the Panda game.


    The bolded, particularly.

  9. Outlive a marauder? surely your not trying to dps race them face to face (leg,shot, legshot, legshot). Im blowing up sentinels easier than ever on my 10/31/0 sniper. If i play my cards right, they wont get a hit in. alot of them are so desperate they blow their escape on my root.


    as for the assasin, they are a hard counter, of course we get blown up


    Then you're fighting absolutely terrible sentinels/marauders that dont understand how to use their cooldowns. Saber Ward alone lets them be effectively immune to sniper DPS for the duration. Good luck landing that leg shot when it gets deflected.


    Beyond that - who cares if you leg shot them? The range on their charge is 30m - the moment is off, if you were trying to kite (and therefore n ot in cover) he's on you. Or hell use force shroud to close the gap, or their shorter-range charge that CAN hit us while in cover, which also sets them up for an auto-crit Smash.


    Even then... you're missing the point. The fights were never totally one sided before. Time to Kill was quite long, for an MMO, and it really gave you a chance to shine if you were a better player, allowed you to use your tools. Time to kill now is short.. absurdly short. Im sure i lost more fights against sentinels/assassins in the past than i won - but i was capable of winning. Now im a free kill.


    Time to kill is down to 5-7 globals, at best. Against really geared people or people who have been on giant winning streaks and have the comms to spend on consumables, even less.


    They stated during development they wanted the fights to be slower/more cautious, not zerg-focus-gibfests like WoW.. and that's exactly what it has become.

  10. regardless of anything else...


    Time-to-kill is too low, right now. Way too low. Whatever change they made, it is a lot more drastic than the 4-5% difference that the altered expertise values show.


    As a sniper, i used to be able to fight a Marauder or Assassin with some chance of winning if i played my cards right. Now, i die to assassins while still stunned and cant even hurt Marauders before they blow me away - because i can no longer outlive their defensive cooldowns to DPS back. (i'm in full BM, btw)


    It went from being fun on wednesday, to being the most un-fun ive had in an MMO in years on thursday. Something is screwed up, and its actively made me not want to play.

  11. They're all complaining while sitting at 10% pvp bonus compared to everyone else at 18-21%


    Which would only leave about an 8% damage disparity, all told.. but that isnt how it is working out.


    Im at roughly 1000 expertise, and before where a fight between, say, myself (A Sniper) and a marauder/sentinel would last 20-40 seconds and i had a decent chance of winning...


    i now implode on contact, pretty much. I have yet to live more than 5 globals against a marauder/sentinel.


    During that time, i cant do anything to them - i feel like i hit like a noodle.


    Before, time-to-kill was pretty lengthy for most situations.. now, people are dying inside of 3-5 globals.


    SOMETHING is out of whack somewhere. I would be willing to bet a decent amount of money that the damage reduction from expertise isn't applying correctly at all times - particularly for people with older PvP gear.


    Because i dont feel like im taking 8% more damage (which is actually about 4% more vs my expertise levels if they have full BM and a WH piece or two already) - i feel like im easily taking 20% more damage or more.


    I went from enjoying PvP on wednesday, even when i got killed... to PvP being an un-fun gibfest where i spend more time running back to the fight and respawning than i do doing damage or fighting because of how insanely badly tuned the damage output is in PvP right now.


    During beta, they were talking about how they wanted PvP in SWTOR to take longer, be more tactical, without crazy spamfest instagib action. Ive seen the dev talks/videos where they are talking about that.


    That's gone completely out the window, now. PvP is so un-fun it has totally killed my drive to even log in. Couple that with the terrible reward ratio (11 medals and 40 comms for a loss?) even if you win...




    It's like they threw the "Make PvP suck more than Vanilla WoW" switch between wednesday and thursday.

  12. Actually - yeah. After having done several WZs now and looking at the % differences, something definitely seems off. As a tank I'm dying way, way faster than before. As has been said it feels more like that 19% difference rather than just 3-5%, as if you're not even getting the DR at all, but that can't be right. I dunno what's up.


    Im a sniper in full Battlemaster - just a hair shy of 950 expertise at the moment (some mods got moved around).


    I explode when another DPS gets on me. Sentinels and Marauders, which used to be a tough fight that i could sometimes win, i am n ow dead in 3-5 globals, every single time. They can now blow someone up within the duration of their virtual immunity bubble.


    Tankasins/Shadows are similarly unhinged. I cant even hurt them despite my gear being drowned in accuracy, ive been getting chain-deflects left and right. And while thats happening, im getting stomped into the earth.


    Im taking WAY more damage than i used to despite having WAY more expertise (as a ratio) than previously (i got my last three BM pieces the day before the patch and day of the patch by having 1000/1000 ready to turn in) and blowing up like a melon if i eve get looked at sideways. Something HAS to be off.

  13. check out the tooltip: it is not explaining the huge difference after and before the patch, not even close! beside of this many reported the same issue in <50 bracket and in pve where expertise does not play any rol at all!


    Agreed... the difference between mitigation and extra damage is 3-5% depending on expertise levels.


    It doesnt explain the giant damage differences im seeing.


    My money is on the damage reduction portion just isn't working at all. A 19% increase in damage dealt to me feels...


    almost exactly like what happened.

  14. Na, it can't really be. Before 1.2 the damage wasn't that high. Also the little expertise-change can't make this kind of difference. It's only 3% in the end.


    Yeah.. there's got to be something broken behind the scenes.


    THe 3% relative damage gain in damage from the expertise change does not equate to kill times that are HALF or even shorter of what they once were.


    SOMETHING is screwed up.


    This is worse than Vanilla WoW instagibs.. and some classes are immune to it.


    As a sniper i pumped a full rotation (with 108/118%% accuracy, because its slathered all over my Battlemaster gear) into a tankasin - and did 4k damage, because 3/4 of my shots got deflected.


    He twirls his little light baton for 4k swings and im dead in 4 globals.


    I really wanted to like this game, and i really enjoyed PvP pre 1.2


    The current PvP -- i wont renew for. Its terrible.


    Its like they took two steps forward then got in a car and drove a few thousand miles backwards.

  15. Right, that was true before release too. But even un "ranked" required a highest "rating" to get.


    I'm aware that ranked vs unranked is only cosmetic.


    What I'm not clear on is if they deleted the rating requirement for any gear. Seems like they must have if there is no way to get a rating (for ranked or unranked).


    No it didnt. War Hero never required a rank.

  16. Mind, this is only until 1.2 drops


    In 1.2, youll be able to get barrels for the 10KK that are the equivalent of anything else, so provided you can lay your hands on a barrel that is the same rating as the o nes available from PvP - the PvE modded weap will always be better for PvE.

  17. You might beight. But i need you to evaluate this:

    Currently my 10kk has the lvl 56 crystal, the one you get from vendor, and also my mod and enhancement are columni, and i have lvl49 purple augment on it.


    Assuming you can put any columni available stats on mod, enhancement and crystal, what is better for pve, this or champion rifle?


    Champion rifle.


    the -base damage- on the rifle is almost 50 damage higher. A lot of abilities deal in MULTIPLES of weapon damage (like Ambush) so on some abilities, thats 100-250 damage over a rating 126 barrel.


    A big power crystal will give you... 4 or 5 bonus damage, ditto with an augment (a little less). Doesn't make up for the barrel (which provides the base damage range) being 10 rating less than a champ rifle.

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