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Posts posted by hpsaucy

  1. 4/10


    I have experience with every story (except Smuggler) at least up to Act 3, whether playing it or watching someone else because I was leveling with them. The Inquisitor storyline had some pretty good bits (end of Chapter 1, most of Corellia), but you really see how weak it is when you play other stories, or consider what lore mechanics suggest it should have been. It's not bad, per se, but it's certainly disappointing.



    The whole idea of the class seems to be sort of a 'Sith scholar,' or someone who uses intrigue instead of brute force to accomplish their goals. Kind of like, uh, Emperor Palpatine, considering that the Sorc is pretty much constructed of things he did (except for the random Kamehameha). I was really excited to see how the story would play out.


    Right off the bat, you do very little in the way of intrigue. Nearly all the quests are very transparently fetch-questy, or you trying to clean up your own stupid mess. You don't talk or 'seduce' your way into or out of any situations. Your method of persuasion is to zap people with Lightning (which is cool, but, y'know, probably not gonna get you elected anywhere except at a power company). Incidentally, the Sith Warrior gets far more options to persuade and negotiate with people, whether to bargain with them, or turn them to the dark side.


    Speaking of dark side, smarter Sith are kind of trademarked by being able to turn weaker minds to the dark side. Emperor Palpatine did the crap out of that. Unless I missed something fabulously, you get to do that zero times. You can attempt it twice, and both attempts will backfire, because the person you thought you convinced was actually totally playing you (Nomar Organa, and Ashara Zavros). Compare this to the Sith Warrior, who can actually succeed in turning people at least as many times as the Inquisitor fails. Anyone you convince to your side is either someone you beat the unholy crap out of, or someone whose bacon you saved, which is...kind of the same as every class, and lots of regular quests. Why are we playing this again? Oh yeah, you can shoot lightning.


    Power Base building. You don't. You run around hunting ghosts so you can use them to power your super ion cannon force lightning...or just be barely equal to Darth Thanaton, who as far as I know never used any of those methods, and was just a b-dass from the start. You aren't gaining power. At best, you're stealing it/borrowing it, and there is no intrigue involved at any point in that chapter. You hunt ghosts. You can make friends with one dude to help form a 'power base,' and then do one thing for him. Then you have to go and fix your mess because oops, body and mind are falling apart because apparently that's a thing that happens if you invite a bunch of ghosts into your head and then try to channel the power of the death star through your body. Who could have predicted that?


    The climax at Corellia is pretty good, until Thanaton just randomly runs away, so you can fight in front of the Dark Council instead of where the fight was supposed to happen. Just smelled of artificial lengthening, which the class was already ripe with. Also, like someone else said, it was all very 'public' for a class supposedly based around secrecy and intrigue. But it was pretty good if you didn't think about that.


    Then, hey, I'm a Dark Council member now, because there's a quota that has to be met at all times, and apparently tripping a member of the Dark Council and causing him to fall on a spike is grounds for promotion. Although the sequence itself is pretty cool, I never really felt like I earned it, because I never really felt like the Inquisitor did anything except accidentally not die a lot.


    Overall...not one of the better stories.


    This is exactly what I thought when I finished the storyline.



    I sat through the whole force ghost part thinking where's the political intrigue! I wanted to build a power base up, lurking in the shadows and bending people to my will, before unleashing my power on an unsuspecting rival.


  2. I had to leave my computer to make cup of tea and have a smoke so I could ponder what decision to make. In the end...


    I opted to destroy the eradicators and fight Jadus. My Agent couldn't live with himself knowing that he'd caused so much death


    It is a very difficult choice to make and best advice I can give is think how your Agent would feel after the decision had been made.

  3. The only problem with focusing only on the corruption tree is that miss out on the talents that give you extra force and lower the cost of abilities, which can make a big difference on the longer boss fights. Also the 20% extra absorb for static barrier is very handy, it means you don't have throw out as many heals thus making healing that little bit less stressful.
  4. I've levelled corruption up to 31 and I'm really enjoying it, not had too many issues. In fact I found elites easier because I can keep Khem alive longer. You just have to put a bit thought into pulls, use cc, stuns and interrupts (especially with large packs) and keep static barrier up on Khem.

    One thing I will say is make sure you put 5 points in to the 1st tier of the Lightening tree to get the talents that reduce ability costs and increase your Force pool.

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