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Posts posted by thebishman

  1. I'm loving the story finshed it all in one sitting which to me is quite rare when it comes to things like this since i know we arn't going to be getting anymore of it for awhile.


    But other then the story the rest of this expansion is a bit lackluster to just down right infuriating.


    I HATE what they have done to the companions, now their is nothing to unique about the standard ones other then their looks. They all have the same skills and power other then the look of the weapon they use.


    The took all the unique animations off them and just gave them all basic and standard animations which pisses me off since i loved having vette out for her explosive charges that made a crater and her going whoo hooo when she throw them.


    But the ones you can get from the cartel still keep most of their unique skills yep gotta keep them unique and interesting to get people to buy them yup yup. Also HK and Treek are still OP as hell if not more so then they were last expansion if you already had them maxed out on affection and i dread to think about what they are going to be like once you get them to the new max.


    The sad thing is i know why they did these changes since they have made more companions and making more and more animations and skill would of taken alot of work but why take the skills and animations away from the ones that already had them all you had to do was shuffle them around a bit like have vettes explosive charge be her AoE skill and then bam her unique skill stays in play and she doesn't have any extra skills that the others don't have.


    Not to mention with the way that they have changed the difficulty of the game as a whole i want to say that it's more noob friendly but i would be lieing this game is setting noobs up for failure. It is so easy to lvl a toon now that noobs have next to no time to learn anything by the time they get one skill they have already gotten another and have no time to learn basic concepts of the game like interruptions and cleansing for heals and guarding for tanks. The story mode ops and a joke compaired to what they were before and everygroup i have ever ran with since the launch of the game had no issues with the story mode ops other then the underlurker and that is simply because that fight bugged out like 95% of the time when it came to the cross.


    And finally the cartel market is getting worse and worse with not only it's offerings but also it's daring with what they are putting in their. It was bad enough that they put Treek in their when they said she was meant to be a reward for all the veterans of the game since originally you needed to have a legacy of 40 to get her then on her release they put her up on the cartel market without ever saying they were going to do that which was a massive slap in the face to all the founders of this game since she was meant to be a reward for us sticking around but now they are putting companions into the cartel packs which have more unique skills and are powerfull the akk dog i got from that can't die even when i try to get it killed i can send it into heroic fights by it self and it just takes next to no damage and still kill everything in it's path.


    I completely agree with everything you have written. I just wanted to comment on the story, credit where credit is due and all that.


    This is the culmination of a slow-burn NGE that started with the class talent/spec changes (or restrictions) and has ended with turning this game into a shadow of what it was and could have been.


    And yes I said NGE. I was there with my holocron unlocked jedi, it feels the same: a betrayal.


    At least SOE gave a full open world planet with new end game group content just before it hit to lessen the blow. It didn't lessen it very much, but it was more of a gesture than what Bioware has done.

  2. Having played through early access, I wanted to give my 2 cents on the new expansion/content as others have done. It seems the devs want feedback, but I also hope this will be helpful if some players are still on the fence about subscribing for the new story content.


    I am not going to pretend I have played through every option or dialogue branch (only the Jedi Knight story) in the new content so I cannot speak for the imperial side or other classes.


    First of all dev team, the new story (in my opinion) is really good. The voice acting is top notch. This is the first time since launch that playing through the story hasn't felt like a long grind for me (trash mob overkill is another issue), it made me laugh out loud at times, made me feel emotionally connected with the characters, and quite frankly I could not stop playing just to see what would happen next. Amazing devs, just damn amazing.


    Is the new content worth a month's sub? Yes. No doubt. Do it. You won't regret it.


    Should you subscribe after the initial first 9 chapters? No.


    Having finished the chapters given in early access and seeing how short they are, even with trash mobs thrown in everywhere just to give the illusion of the story lasting longer; only releasing a chapter a month is simply not worth the money. I recommend waiting until late next year when at least another 9 chapters will be out to experience it.

    Unless you must have unlimited access to pvp or pve, stay free to play. You can see the cinematics on youtube for the story as well, so you won't be missing out if you just have to know what happens, but again save your cash.

  3. I bought 50 for myself and 50 more for my guild to donate for our stronghold. Then i hear if you just buy them you will get banned in general chat....so, now what??


    I thought this a friendly gift like the gambling machines? This is crazy! :eek:


    I can confirm you will NOT get banned for buying them. I bought 50 for my strongholds and haven't received a ban. It's only if you sell them back to get to get credits, so fear not!


    Well done for taking such quick action on this, but the NPC should have been removed as soon as this was discovered, I just hope that the knock on effects of transferring credits and GTN sales will be fixed properly with no cost to non-exploiting players.


    Those who did this deserve to be perma-banned, they knew about it, saw the warnings about other exploits and in all need to be removed from the game. 7 days is not enough.


    7 days is appropriate for those trying to bait others into doing this in chat however. That's just evil.

  4. Have you thought about picking up a cheap android tablet ? and running the key on it , think cheap ones can be got for around $40.00


    I have thought of this, and on paper it's a great idea. But for me, it's just ANOTHER device to lug around from one part of the UK to the other (and yeah it's small, but when you add laptops, phones and other tech) which I'm going to have to pay for and eventually buy a suitcase for just for the stuff.


    First world problems? Absolutely.


    But I'm prepared to pay £40 for the convenience of just having a keyring.

  5. I'm still using my CE key since launch (well I got it delivered accidently a day BEFORE launch but nvm) and it works great. (Now that I've wrote that down it's probably going to break).


    The problem with the digital version is that while I could generally use it for a few months at a time, my job and other commitments mean I change handsets frequently and so would have to go through the whole routine of setting it up quite a bit.


    I get the manufacturing costs etc, but I'm willing (as I'm sure many others are) to pay over the average costs for one if need be when mine finally does run out of power.


    The option would be nice Bioware.

  6. Hey guys, there are 3 planets i would really like to be put in the game:


    1. Dantooine


    In kotor this was one of my favourite planets - ancient jedi ruins, maybe another revan-storyline ...


    2. Kashyyyk


    This could be another very nice piece of a wood-based treehouse world - maybe with several wookie clan wars and some off-the-line jedi (who remembers? ;))


    3. Manaan


    We definately need a planet that is water and ocean based. - Main storyline maybe about kolto productions and ancient treasures under the sea. Perhaps this could come with a new operation (im thinking about breath-taking shark fights and jellyfish using the dark side of the force and stuff)


    What do you guys think? Im totally excited 😁


    I agree completely with the first 2. It would make sense in the story to have those and I loved them in KOTOR and SWG (ok maybe not so much kasyykk, but the space zone was good).


    My thrid would be Yavin. Has loads of cool temples and tombs on it for operations.

  7. The secret is that it will cost $30 and require a subscription!


    If the 'super secret space project' is indeed 3D space combat (like JTLS in SWG) then I would pay £30 or even £40 as it would pretty much be an expansion by itself. if it's just hard mode or more of what's already in game then I wouldn't pay a penny.

  8. This happened to me yesterday running The Esseles for the first time. Obviously I ignored the "those who don't use spacebar will be kicked" people and was kicked anyway.


    Can Bioware please make it so anyone doing this can be warned/banned when doing this when we report them, or better yet get rid of the kick feature for low level flashpoints to stop this.

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