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Posts posted by keijim

  1. ... with my 16k health...

    Well to be honest 16k health seems a bit low for a HM but for EV idk, a couple days ago we did EV HM just to gear guildies and 3 of them has a health ranged between 15k-17k and we didnt have any issue.


    If they think you are undergeared it is because maybe your main stats isnt high enough, pvp gear doesnt do much good in pve so i say if you have pvp gear on you just use them on pvp not on pve

  2. Does anyone know how to clear the focus target frame when not being used and just running around?


    I'm sorry but there is no option to clear the focus frame without losing your current focus target


    If you want to get rid of the current focus target, just press focus target keybind (default was alt+f if i remember correct) when not targeting anyone, it will clear your current focus target hence clear the frame

  3. Rate the Imperial Agent's storyline 1-10.


    I'm on Act 2 and hands down Agent story is the best story imo. So far i can give not 10 but 8, because the act 1 was predictable.


    PS: BW whoever wrote the agent story just give him a raise and make him write the new content now on.

  4. EDIT: Now that I think about this I'm speaking as someone who lives in North America... perhaps it's different elsewhere in the world. But that seems silly too... it should be standardized.


    "According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601 Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week."


    ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday


    I think that is standard enough


    about 1.2 patch my money is on this thursday

  5. I'm now working on my 4th character to level 50, and I always see all sorts of skills in the skill trees that refer to something call "pushback",but I've never met a single person that knows what that is.


    So, anyone out there actually know what "ability activation pushback" refers to?


    when you cast something, if someone or something hits you, your casting pushes back a little hence your casting time gets longer. Those abilities on talent tree decreases the pushback effect that hits you get while casting.

  6. When they launched this game, they should have had WAY LESS servers than they did. They overcompensated for the huge initial rush of players and now everyone is paying the price for it. I don't know why they couldn't have just made it so a server was actually an entire cluster of servers and the load was balanced via instances. It would have allowed them to have a lot more players available per server and the populations would still be sufficient now that the initial hype has died down a bit.


    Now, they just have a mess to deal with and will have to consolidate players or implement some kind of cross-server grouping. There's really no practical way to just simply merge servers, as you would have tons of duplicate names, legacies, guilds, etc. to deal with. Just seems like this wasn't very well thought out.



    To be fair it was us,the players, who wanted to get more servers in the launch, everyone's qqing that queue times are too long and "this game needs more servers". Also all servers were instanced in the launch and everybody was qqing over forum "they can't see any player because of instances"

  7. So I'm just a bit curious. Does damage reduction directly stack or they functions of functions. Example, does 20% armor damage reduction + 20% skill damage reduction + 10% skill damage reduction = 50% damage reduction or is it 43%? 1-.8*.8*.9=43% or 1-.2+.2+.1=50%?


    afaik all same type percentile values are additive, so it will be 50%

  8. That being said, it's hard to do a lot of those things you mentioned unless all of your friends are online considering this game does have a LFG system which no one uses.


    fixed it for you,


    This game don't lack end game content, people are just too lazy to do the content


    People keep saying this game is more like a single player game, and I can't find anything why people feel this way, it is just like other MMOs no difference at all, well except cinematics.

  9. It just feels so unnatural. I should be able to hit 1 button, then hit the next button and it should be queued. Not have to wait .5 seconds so I can be within the 1.0 seconds before I can queue another ability.


    What's the justification to not being able to double tap an ability? Every single other MMORPG allows this to happen, why was Bioware not able to get yet another fundamentally simple mechanic to work in this game? Is this a fault on Bioware developers, or an inability with the HeroEngine?


    (like for some reason when you're running forward open windows it stutters your game, go ahead and try it, auto-run and then open/close your bags a bunch of times)


    You know you can change your ability queue delay, right?

  10. can we get a LFG channel that is server wide


    would be so much better than a LFG tool that makes the group for you


    I think level bracketed server wide channels will be more appropriate,


    1-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc.


    That way lvl 50s won't have to read all the Black Talon - Esseles messages :)

  11. Blizzard also makes you buy a separate copy of the game to play with your friends from across the pond.


    Bioware does not.


    Bioware runs both EU and NA servers on the same client


    Therefore, it doesn't make sense to bring down NA servers to patch and then do the same for EU servers later...especially since they all run the same client and you can't bring the client down to patch for certain people but not others.


    There are logistics involved that entitled and uppity Europeans seem to not get. They seem to not understand the NIGHTMARE of bringing down people's clients regionally since the client isn't localized.


    Trion Worlds is doing seperate patching and maintenance on Rift since launch and they didn't have an issue afaik.

  12. SO, lets start an honest dicsussion.....Is the MMO genre dead now? If a new MMO is not an exact copy of WoW's 10 years both content and polish, is it am immediate failure? I mean dead in the sense that nothing, not even the best game ever developed can compare to WoW when people do so?


    MMO genre is not dead and it wont be for a very long years, since WoW is many of the playerbase's first MMO, they always compare no matter which MMO comes and goes.


    There are some MMOs that are not WoW clone and still considered successful. When people understand that WoW is not an authentic MMO, they stop comparing games to WoW. Also people see what they want to see.


    No game is a failure till it is closed down. That's my not so holy opinion.

  13. Yesterday I respecced my sage to full DPS. The cost was around 50k, so I thought yeah, I'll stick with this for a while.


    A few hours later, after doing a flashpoint I ended up in a random OP group that was short one healer so I looked to see the cost of repseccing - I was surpried yet happy to see it was just 1300 credits.


    What is this "reset" time based on? any way to see it?


    Respec costs reset on a weekly timer, which means you have to wait 7 days from your last respec to reset it.


    There is currently a bug that even the respec cost resetsi the pop tells the current respec cost, but when you respec, the mentor doesn't charge you.


    Probably your first respec was just free one, but because of the bug you thought it was for 50k creds.

  14. That's not true either. I haven't respec'ed in two weeks, respec'ed last night and it still cost me 8k. Something is definately buggy and there is no reason it shouldn't tell you the cost before you do it and not after the fact.


    It show the current respec cost but wont charge you anything. Thats the buggy part, when a week past and you try respec, the popup says lets say "56K to respec" but after respec when you read the chat log, it says "Since more than a week past from your last respec, we wont charge you" or something like that.

  15. Why isnt the freaking talent tree reset 0 when it is truesday. i payed for the reset at 2:16 GMT this means the server have RESET. So why the f*** has it still charged me 56k credits for my reset. i now have no money to do anything. Also this was to change my PVE spec to my PVP spec. Now i have to stick with my PVE Spec for PVP because i dont have any credits to change back. PLEASE FIX THEN FFS


    the respec reset has a timer, wont reset with weekly resets. There is nothing to fix.

  16. Is anyone else finding they are looking at the left side of the screen all the time to watch health bars and are less able to pay attention to the action as well.


    use Ops frame, you can move the ops frame anywhere you want, and also you can change the height and width of healthbars on ops frame.


    my healing abilities are keybind to the mouse keys, scroll up and down, mouse3, mouse5 and all of the with shift combo, **** + scroll up etc. I find it easier to heal.


    I click the frames to select people, tank is also always on my focus target.



    P.S: Wrong section of forums btw :)

  17. I got sixteen alts and all of them have Social 0 and it will remain that way as long as I play the game. I refuse to group. I get most satisfaction out of playing an mmo by doing everything myself


    So....why put something like this in the game when clearly the majority of mmo players now days SOLO. You got people who hate grouping that are doing things they normally would not do to get Social pts. That means they are behaving in a fake way in the game and not being true to themselves


    Bioware,..is this what you want? You want people to pretend to be Social? That's what it looks like to me


    Goodluck with your pathetic attempt at Socializing mmo's...it's not gonna work


    So you dont do heroic quests and flashpoints? Why do you even play an MMO?

  18. If i make a 400K creds a day by selling crafted items, I cant say the craft skills are useless


    So If someone thinks the gear I craft is useful then the crafting skill is useful also.


    I can boost my alts, help my guildies and make my living by craft skill, I'm sorry but I can't say it is useless if I can manage all that.


    You are right to a point, I wish there is a way to make or discover personal schematics rather then having the same schematics all the crafters have

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