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Posts posted by Reichmar

  1. lol, you can't calculate percentage in terms of the total number of boxes opened.


    Each box has a 25% chance to contain one. You can, theoretically, open 100 boxes and not get a single commendation if the roll doesn't like you.


    With that said, I got nothing for the last 7 days on my alt PT. 0/14


    Got one yesterday on my Jugg main.

  2. Because they come from WoW, and in WoW there was a very widespread - but very mistaken - perception that every single change to class mechanics and numbers was due solely to PvP.


    "Stop nerfing my PvE because of Arena!" was a very, very common cry from people. They usually ignored the fact that most changes were due to PvE concerns as well.


    The Warrior Shield Slam damage nerf was a good example. The PvE community whined and whined that their PvE was being nerfed because of PvP, even though Blizzard very clearly stated that they wanted to spread out Prot Warrior damage across their other abilities rather than having 80% of Prot Warrior damage in PvE come from one button.


    It's funny, because in general PvP balance and fixes were practically ignored by Blizzard. Legendary quality PvE items in PvP, Arena maps that STILL had serious terrain bugs (Feared into the wall again, yay...) and other issues that just never got addressed.


    So now we have these people in SWTOR, and they're just petrified of the idea of any sort of organized, competitive PvP because they still think that their PvE DPS/Healing/etc will get nerfed into the ground if anything happens in PvP.



    Agree 100%


    I respect those who don't want an arena system. However arenas will not break Bioware's focus on PvE. They've admitted that.


    Many are just shortsighted and assume changes or tweaks or bugfixes are simply because of PvP.


    I'm not saying that arenas should provide their own gear, but even it they only gave a mount, or a weapon, or something else, they'd be a great addition.


    On a side note, many people can't accept that certain class/spec combinations aren't viable in every situation.

  3. I have two BMs. One, Vereor, was first on Fatman (I know, waay too much time on my hands). I was fortunate to have time during my winter break from grad school. Since I am a school employee, I also had time off from work.


    I accepted that the PvP rank system was a grind gimmick to buy Bioware some time to implement competitive PvP a long time ago. When rated Warzones are released, this gear will be sub par as I'm assuming (and I know, assumptions aren't very smart) they will release new tiers of gear.


    The changes coming up for commendations in bags are good. Being able to get a full set of centurion gear in a few days is very generous (as well as the faster rate to gear up in champ gear).


    I understand the frustration when a new 50 comes against a geared opponent, and I don't claim that the expertise system is perfect, however I honestly think that there should be a performance discrepancy.


    With that being said, there are plenty of players in full, if not mostly full, BM on my server who s-key, keyboard turn, and honestly, get destroyed but less geared opponents.


    The bag changes will help the gear-up rate, and the rated warzones, if done correctly, will satisfy competitive PvPers. I know that my guild hardly plays because of the lack of anything worthwhile to do in PvP besides the two dailies -- for now until 1.2.


    Those who think they can't be competitive because of a gear advantage are mostly right. They do suffer a significant hurdle in fighting players of higher expertise levels. They can still kill bad players, as I did. But I really think that the faster rate of accumulating cent/champ gear will fix this.


    I only hope that bioware is putting a sincere effort in the creation of Rated Warzones, their brackets, and the gear rewards. I would like to see my PvP guild stay playing this game, however I fear that some, if not most, will get bored and leave.


    I, personally, would like to see some implementation of arenas, but that is just my opinion and I totally understand why some would not approve of such a measure.


    To those having terrible luck with bags, I feel for you. I really do. I think the upcoming changes will really help the cent/champ gear up rates.


    Alternatively, if they, at least, allowed for the creation of a +expertise enhancement -- even if its only +20 or so -- would really help those starting out. I firmly believe that the removal of the blue set was one of the biggest mistakes this team has made thus far. When that set was available, everyone was using it as a stepping stone (including myself on my first toon). And the main complaints I saw were of bad RNG luck on bags -- not the gear discrepancy although there were a few.


    Now, we see Bioware stating that they are going to be bring back an entry level set along with the upcoming changes. My head honestly hurts, Bioware. I mean, if you're a conspiracy theorist, you could say that the blue set was speeding up the gear grind and that Bioware wanted to slow things down.


    I don't necessarily subscribe to that theory, but with the random and seemingly uncoordinated approach to PvP, I wouldn't dismiss the possibility.


    Bioware, I think if you just communicate more about what you are thinking, that the community will be more inclined to engage in conversation. The generic "just wait and see, you'll love it!" kind of messages are not very enchanting imo.


    My guild wants to to PvP in this game. Its fun, despite all of its problems -- and there are many. Keep the breadcrumbs coming, don't shut us out.



  4. Bioware, I trust you are running your metrics and using them to gauge performance rather than listening to cries for nerfs and buffs.


    My guild has a marauder, Bas on Fatman, who destroys people. Pain and simple. He is carnage and tells us all the exact opposite of what the general consensus is here. He only uses a handful of abilities to kill people -- and he does so efficiently.


    I am not claiming to be a Marauder expert, nor do I claim that the class is perfectly fine, but are people even trying out every build? Can people accept that not every build is viable in every situation? If this becomes a trend, I will start to worry about this game's future....

  5. Hi Taugrim,


    I follow your work. Great stuff!


    More on topic. My powertech is my second toon. My main is an Immortal Jug, first 60 on The Fatman (if not, faction first, I know that I was competing a smuggler who got it the same night). My powertech is now 61. I've experimented with a variety of builds and find a hybrid build to be the most enjoyable for me. Myself and my guild will be running rated WZs. My jug will be used as my Huttball toon (for obvious reasons) while my PT will fill a tank role in the other two warzones. We will be making videos and possibly streaming.


    At first, I wasn't convinced by your spec and your explanation. So, in the spirit of skepticism, I decided to try it myself....


    I find it interesting. My primary concern was to have a DoT for Alderaan and Voidstar. The difficulty I find with playing my immortal on those maps is offset - albeit slightly - by my ability to intervene and the use of cybertech grenades. The CaroP build was enjoyable for this purpose because of my ability to use Incendiary Missle to DoT players from a distance, while still being in range of my defensive focus, i.e. the other door.


    Retractable blade, while a laughable DPS ability, works well for this same purpose. I have to trade positioning and range for it, but the lower heat cost helps me to turn the other cheek a bit -- at least for now. If I start losing doors, I will likely rethink this.


    The extra control with the CD reduction on Quell is enjoyable.


    The overall DPS loss with this build over CaroP is -- lets be honest -- pretty decent. But with all that being said, I do like this build.


    I've been playing it a lot the last two days trying to experiment with certain techniques on the three maps and I believe that it can be quite effective in Rated WZs. It remains to be seen, of course, as we aren't always blessed with the ability to fight/ fight with consistent groups of players that have more than a brain cell.


    I'll be recording some footage in the next few weeks (grad school permitting), hit me up if you want to see it.


    My toons:


    Vereor -- Immortal

    Reichmar -- Powertech

  6. What's going on, fellow Immortals?


    I hit Battlemaster a few days ago, Monday I believe, and wanted to share a few of my experiences/ opinions regarding this spec in PvP. This is not a flame fest, nor is it a call to nerf other classes or boast of our own.


    Note: For most of my valor grinding, I grouped with a Merc healer friend of mine (who is almost 58 atm). Also, none of this is meant to indicate any superiority whatsoever on my part, I just had some time this morning and wanted to share some insight.


    Our mobility makes us incredibly efficient as a ball carrier in Huttball. In Voidstar, my healer would stand midfield every defense -- so I could intervene him to accomplish one of two things: 1) to quickly cast an AoE taunt or AoE fear if he was in trouble or 2) to then charge an enemy on the other side of the field. Essentially I had a fast travel mechanism between both doors to switch when needed (or when PuGs weren't paying attention).


    I will stay away from critiques of the various warzones, as they are for a different area of the forums (and they've been mentioned extensively).


    Guard: While this ability works a lot, and usually works quite well, I find that the range requirement for it's defensive effect is not always static. In my experience, not only does LoS sometimes prevent its effect, but I can count numerous times where I've been beside my healer and was forced to reapply guard a few times as the damage was not being shared.


    Force Choke: One of my favorite SW abilities, by far. There is a bug with the 2 piece bonus of the PvP set, however. (forgive me if this has already been posted) Normally, you should be able to cast this on the move if the ability was talented, however it appears that the set bonus somehow prevents that. I am forced to stop moving for a second or two in order to use an instant-cast ability... Not sure if that was intentional or not, but in PvP it really affects our performance when trying to manage a group of enemies.


    I'm not going to mention VT as I'm sure gobs of threads and bug reports have already been posted. I'm also not going to talk about the BM gear's itemization as I'm assuming that Bioware intends for us to make use of the modification system to swap components out for others.



    Any other PvP'ers out there? How have your experiences been? Find any other problems with skills or abilities?



  7. Its absolutely ridiculous for them to remove entry level gear. The expertise from the set at least gave you a fighting chance. Now, new 50s will have to get curb stomped in non expertise gear until lady luck smiles.


    Why in the world would Bioware remove that armor? It makes no effin' sense...

  8. QFT.


    Climbing MT Everest is hard too.. if it wasnt it wouldnt have been such a huge achievement when Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay did it in the 1950's :eek:


    Basically...some people like climbing mountains... others whine about how hard it is and never do it themselves


    Kudos to those who ground out 60 (except apparently the guy who botted it on Fatman).... its definitely a heck of a grind... just hit 57 myself.. about 140 matches to go it seems :p


    mussst keep climbing :D


    The botter? Oh, prolly Bigtentacles. I think I may have beat him, I know we were neck and neck.


    I didn't grind with the intent to beat anyone, just to beat the start of the winter trimester at my grad school =P



  9. If you are playing a "tank" build in pvp you are hands down the most valuable person in huttball. Guard is insane especially with one "tank" guarding the carrier and another "tank" guarding the first tank. Besides the melee classes in this game bloom very very late (exception maybe sins and shadows). Warriors and operatives don't even get good until 45-50. My advice would be to level to 50, then laugh at all the "Waarriors r OP" cries. :eek:



    Well said.


    If you think SW/JK's are OP, then you need to hit 50 and play a warzone and find some OP/SCO's or SA/SOR. Suddenly all will become clear =P

  10. 12% is 12%. That is huge. While the number may seem low, being able to take and give 12% less damage is an unbelievable advantage in PvP.


    Yes, in other MMO's the reduction percentages may be much higher but that is because of inflated stats and damage abilities.


    In the current PvP environment, however, being able to have a 12% advantage in all areas is nuts -- especially when there are a few people on your team with high expertise rating. In that case, the advantage doesn't just become 12% on a one v. one basis, but a much higher percentage on a team v. team basis.


    Furthermore, 12% is balanced enough IMHO to all PvE players to be able to feel useful in PvP -- keeping warzones and Ilum alive on servers that don't have bustling populations.


    If I sound slightly incoherent, its because I just woke up and haven't had coffee.... Don't mind me.


    Vereor, 50 Immortal on The Fatman

  11. Odd..


    I seem to not have any trouble contributing to a fight on my Immortal SW.


    ~30-100k Protection and ~100k damage every warzone. My damage may not be great, but my teammates' is.. and I keep them alive.


    I think the OP just needs to either level to 50, then judge, or rethink how he is playing the SW/JK class..


    Vereor, 50 Immortal on The Fatman

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