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Posts posted by Kouensha

  1. I find it funny then when everyone complained about their servers dying, the people on the full servers told us to reroll or quit.


    Now we rerolled to their server, and they don't like it. So guess what? Reroll to a lesser population server or quit.


    Pretty much this.

  2. That's my point. Why?


    Why do all other crafting professions get purchasable +crit sensor and not Armormech?


    The only one that got one that was needed was Cybertech. No one had a crit bonus for Cybertech. I don't know why Armstech and Synthweaving got ones as well when Artifice also doesn't have any crit bonus.

  3. Before anyone says anything, I realize that this question may sound incredibly dumb and I apologize.


    I'm very hesitant to get into this game ATM because of the changes to crafting coming with 1.2. Mostly talking about increased drop rate of schematics. I really enjoy crafting in MMOs and I'm wondering whether its good to hold off and wait for 1.2 or just go ahead and really get into the game. I have played around with the classes and stories but the better chance however slim it may be to get increased drops for schematics is holding me back.


    So the main question is, should I just start really getting into the game and find the schematics later on or wait until 1.2 to really get started?


    I realize how dumb this question may be but it has been bugging me these past few weeks.

  4. They just posted a 1.2 legacy blog, check out the dev tracker


    The droid in the ship sells modules to make your ship droid (C2-N2) have a crafting specialization like your other companions!


    We knew that.


    Kip, and I on the PTS board have been asking what the individual bonuses are to crafting per sensor models.


    According to askmrrobot.com, there are 6 sensor types.










    However, the only thing that is known about them is that they require level 12 legacy to equip. This could be either changed or completely false but we won't know until patch 1.2 day or if someone finds the info on 1.2.

  5. Who knows what will be in store for the players of this game in the next two-three months.. the patch is supposedly.. (what I heard at least) coming out next week.. PLEASE!!! heh.


    That will bring new stuff and the hope is the next patch 1.3 wont take nearly as long.. alot of people are going to stay if they get the updates in, in a timely manner.


    Any truth to this "It may be coming out next week" rumor or is it more than likely going to be mid April?

  6. I'm not quite sure what you're asking here.


    If you're asking whether the droid changes in 1.2 will make it so he's worth using, yes, it will.


    If you're asking whether the droid changes in 1.2 will give him crew skill bonuses, I do not know yet, sorry.


    Sorry, I'll try to be more clear. (please don't take that as any sort of negative emotion)



    With the changes in 1.2 where droids can be equipped with chips to give him bonuses to crew skills, do you think it will allow the classes to have more freedom in choosing a crew skill?


    Say a Consular doesn't want to do Synth/Artifice/Cyber, say he wants to do Armormech. Does it give him the ability to do so more easily or should the droid upgrades should just be used to further increase his companions bonuses to certain crew skills?



    I apologize if this post isn't clear. I'm not very good at explaining my thoughts.

  7. Hi, I'm honestly not sure where I am supposed to be asking this so if I'm in the wrong forum, please forgive me. Also forgive me if this topic has been asked to death.


    I have been playing for about 2 weeks trying the different class stories and sides. I really like this game but I'm really unsure of which server is going to stay populated or if a server has what I want in a server.


    I primarily play PvE and don't really enjoy PvP that much. I prefer Republic side to the Empire.


    I have read that Swiftsure, Harbinger, and Jekk Jekk Tarr are going to have a massive drop in players when the Oceanic transfers come in April.


    I'm just looking for a permanent home where there are people playing, running heroics/FP's/OP's, and a good GTN selection. East Coast and West Coast doesn't matter because I can adjust to any sort of peak times.


    Once again, I'm really sorry for asking a probably often asked question but I honestly have no clue about population trends and the only people I can turn to for this kind of information are the players.

  8. I know that Humans who reach level 50 get a presence stat increase for all characters and the races that cannot be every class in the game get the ability to be the classes they don't have.


    What I'm wondering if what do Zabrak get? We can also be every class in the game but I have not seen or read anything about what we get.


    Can I have any community member shed light on this matter?

  9. I know about completing bonus quests to earn extra exp for killing mobs but when I was playing a Bounty Hunter today, I lost the quest.



    Can anyone list the ways you can lose bonus quests?


    I know it may be trival to some people but i enjoy completing every quest and it would irritate me somewhat to lose a quest that can never be reacquired.

  10. Hi, I just recently started playing and was wondering what would be the best profiteering crew skills for a Sorc. I have read the crew skills guide and I'm still kind of puzzled as which skills to take.


    I have already planned to take Synthweaving once I reach level 50 and any mission or gathering skill that helps find Synthweaving schematics would be great along with any good money making crew skill.


    I apologize if this question is asked so often but I'm really clueless when dealing with economies in new MMO's.

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