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Posts posted by Laeas

  1. Same old junk, SWTOR  devs nerfing dps again and calling it class balancing.

    this is why players leave games, and the "tactical" are no good, like the "new" marauder tactical is was total garbage.

    Devs take a look at the post popularity it is at like 2 stars, does that "TELL" you something?

  2. This Legacy of the Sith expansion is total garbage.

    Removed activatable skills that where actually good and fun to use.

    New gear and weapons makes me feels like being level 50 again, and the weapons look like trash.

    And why doesn't outfitter record weapons?!

    You all are still trying to sell weapon in the CM that cannot be used after level 75, how stupid was that?

    This expansion is an insult to this games progress.

    Gawd the new UI just makes my eyes bleed.

  3. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  4. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  5. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  6. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  7. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  8. Guild Orbital Support still NOT working on Ossus, [fix 4 months overdue]


    Guild Orbital Support NOT working on Ossus, guild ship states support is already active but it is listed as off line in the guild command console with no effects when on planet.

    Come on SR Software Engineers earn your pay, get off your butts and fix this issue it has been several months now since the release of patch 5.10. you have had more that enough time to fix this issue. :mad:

  9. There needs to be a method of disabling Dark vs. Light side meter popup box , this damnable popup is distracting and interfering with group / raid op performance, AND IS DOWN RIGHT ANNOYING!

    Worst feature EVER Bioware if I want to know the server alliance then I can go look in the Galactic command window, I do NOT want an automatic popup FORCED in my face!

    This feature should have Never been posted to the live server without a disable popup checkbox in the system preferences.

    There is no discussion needed Bioware, your customers have spoken out against this automated feature, now deliver a disable command. :mad::mad:

  10. Notice how the devs have not responded to this thread yet?

    They know they screwed up royally with this half assed "fix", but won't admit it.

    This exact same mistake was done in open beta, and was quickly reverted back due to customer complaints about the crappy detail rendering.

    Looks like the devs are not interested in what their customers complaints are saying about it this time.

  11. The following is an issue caused by a miscalculation or over reaction in the rewriting of the games graphics engine.

    Unacceptable LoD quality and draw distance on the world and world artifacts.

    Too many players complained about low frame rates and this is how the Developers resolved the issue, now the game looks like trash.

    would have been better to add World LoD so people could adjust it to their likings.

    Or better yet hire some programmers that can correctly write codding for the graphics engine.

    Reducing world LoD in the program code to increase frame rates was NOT a good idea, SWTOR may loos a lot of customers over this if it is not corrected quickly.


  12. The following is an issue caused by a miscalculation or over reaction in the rewriting of the games graphics engine.

    Unacceptable LoD quality and draw distance on the world and world artifacts.

    Too many players complained about low frame rates and this is how the Developers resolved the issue, now the game looks like trash.

    would have been better to add World LoD so people could adjust it to their likings.

    Or better yet hire some programmers that can correctly write codding for the graphics engine.

    Reducing world LoD in the program code to increase frame rates was NOT a good idea, SWTOR may loos a lot of customers over this if it is not corrected quickly.



    September 22th 2015, post patch updates. Decorations Graphics Bug.

    When on the guild Flagship, Stronghold and Player housing, Decorations at medium and long distances are loosing a lot of detail and also disappearing from view all together due to a poorly recalculated World LoD Bias.

    Altering shader variables and character viewing levels makes no difference to this graphics issue.

    The longer that I stay in the above mentioned strongholds, the worse the issue gets.

    The decorations I found that are displaying these graphic issues are as follows.

    Computer Console "Planetary".

    Computer Console "Emergency".

    Diagnostic Console "Orbital".

    Imperial Worktable "Alert Status".

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