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Posts posted by Anthiel

  1. Besides, It's Huttball and I quote "Cheating is encouraged. Just don't kick the ball because Hutt don't have feet" Their rules.... Oh wait... There aren't any... So get over it!


    they should put a message for the stupid, the stuff that the announcers tell you is not the actual rules to huttball its digital nonsense npc's are programmed to say for the sake of storyline and are not to be confused with the rules of the video game your playing.

  2. yea the trend is kinda crappy other mmo's add stuff as time goes by all tor seems to do is take stuff away im just waiting for the next big exp pac where you all get to pay to get it all back i wont be here by then i'll either be playing gw2 or just other games untill something better comes out.
  3. ummm... no.


    Crit and shield are on the same roll.


    1 roll the only thing that changes is the chance of each. Seriously dude, learn the game before crying for nerfs.


    they may be on the same role but if you crit the shield cannot happen crit bypasses shields.

  4. Ok, This is my first thread post. Mostly I have very much enjoyed the game so far. I think it is generally balanced and entertaining. Fun stories exc.


    I always played on Pvp servers when I played WOW so naturally I played on a PVP server on SWTOR "The Swiftsure"...


    Everything has been just peachy until. I got to a place today where some 50's where just camping a lvl 30 area. I sat for seriously hours just waiting for therm to leave. Myself and several other players just sat for litterally hours waiting for the 50's to leave but all they did was camp everyone who tried to escape and we could do absolutly NOTHING about it. Seriously developers? How is this supposed to be fun. How is this supposed to be fair that 30's can just get camped and ***** by 50's. We had no shot, could not progress in the game and could just SIT there in a starting area. This was NOT fun nor funny; and was enough for me to just about give the game up after a month.


    There needs to be some for of honor system or safegaurd against this. Sorry but, biggest flaw in the game by a million miles.


    Anyone else in the world think this is fair? Seriously, the most frustrating experience I have ever had playing a MMORG.... :mad:


    your on a pvp server suck it up or reroll.

  5. I'm not saying that TOR should have launched without those features, but expecting a brand new game to launch with the cumulative features of a game that is 8 years old and still demand the game cost relatively the same to purchase is a bit of a ... steep expectation for a consumer.


    We had to buy 4 expansions, that's what? $200 in box sales to get all the features that WoW has today. Do you seriously expect to only pay $60 for TOR and have all the same things? That's a bit unreasonable, don't you think?


    no thats the way it works in the electronic world by your logic the tandy computer i had in grade school would be worth like 500,000$ by now.


    Blame the playerbase and the instant gratification. Blame the unreal expectations, or the mentality that there is a brighter sun on the other side of the planet. Most of all, look to yourselves and decide what it is that is really wrong, everyone and everything in the world, or could it be how you perceive things and want things to fit that perception?


    blameing the customer for something thats wrong with a product is stupidity its something the worst company in the US does oh wait ea is the worst company in the country.

  7. PVP queue has been insanely long today on Grand Master Zym server. Not sure how it's been for other people but it takes well over 30 minutes to get a match (if any at all). Really hoping we'll be getting cross realm pvp soon :(


    there arnt many of us pvpin on zym it appears. i only get good match times between 2pm to 12am and its always the same 20 to 30 people i always see anybody else i see most of the time its the alts those same people are levelling. Servers are just too small in this game we need like 8k populated servers or battlegroups to help liven up the gene pool.

  8. I'm not understanding a part of this. Have I missed something, or is there a way to interrupt Master Strike outside of hoping there is something nearby to break LoS?


    i would go with the stun,mez,whatever plan i always use force exaust and very rarely do people get out of range of the last strike

  9. I think empire side on fatman server needs a balance. How can we lose 23 matches in a row?

    In fact I think a solution would be separate premades and pugs.

    Solo Q should be more balanced, repub side is way to strong cause its easy to gear yourself on strong pvp items. For this I think they should separate by valor and gear (gear should have some scoring points system so you know that if you are geared on recruit youll be against recruit players or less geared players and so on).

    Empire side should have some kind of buff when you have so many matches lost or repub side.

    Lets keep a balanced pvp system for new lvl 50 players cause pvp end game needs a big improvement.


    yea but how many of those 23 matches were you fighting your own side? I know on my server i have a toon on both sides andi seem to be fighting my own team all the time.

  10. i'v never seen a f2p game worth it but i am going to give gw2 a shot the mix of f2p and p2p is interesting to me. i'd much rather buy a game and spend my 15$ a month on cool stuff would feel like i got something and isint just a sub.
  11. From what we have seen so far, I'm going to take a wild guess and say.... no. They are blatantly ignoring what we're saying, unless you're lucky and get a copy-paste message when they close the thread, and they haven't even made a sound to show us that they are even still alive. For all we know the entire SWTOR team, besides community managers, could have died in a horrible bus accident.


    the leads know totally 100% what their doing what were going through across about all of gameing is whole companies trying to figure out how to 1. appeal to broad markets 2. integrate subs or microtransactions into any and all forms of gameing to battle piracy, the sad after effect to all of this is they dont program games with gamers in mind anymore they program games with $ and the happiness of their shareholders in mind first. weve moved from the era of games made for the entertainment of the purchaser first to an era of programmers makeing games where nothing matters but getting the largest # of people to buy it. is why you see rpg elements in almost every fps today and is why you see rpg's comming out with less and less immersion and options for dynamic character growth. Unless things change all games will be the same with just different stories but overall will be very simple so anybody can buy it. say goodbuy to all your favorite types of games for in the future all restaurants are taco bell.

  12. ...The game is NOT casual or EVEN semi-casual friendly. It was at least semi-casual friendly at launch, but since 1.2 it's only geared towards the hardcore, get over it, that's why so many people have quit. If you want the game to survive, you need to get over this whole hardcore enraged timers/tight tuning bosses/not letting groups rerun ops and just be loot locked that is going on. All these people that have left were the casual and semi-casual, and now you're realizing that the hardcore is almost the only ones left. Our server at least is dead in the water, and transfers are going to fix nothing, there needs to be forced mergers.


    i'v been in countless mmo's since eq and this is by far the most casual one i'v seen if it isint casual friendly enough then this game is totally boned because the hardcore players are fleeing this game like rats from a burning building.

  13. depends if they crit.


    when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise


    No they dont. duck your the biggest liar i'v ever seen on these forums every post with you is hyperbole or flat out lies starting to think you do it just to start **** nobody can be so stupid.

  14. lol sucks when then sound of crickets if all the answer you needed. it gets better at 50 just dont go around expecting it to be like wow with pugs aplenty unless your on a heavy pop server. Servers in general are small in this game dosent feel like a mmo when you can go an hour or two and not see anybody unless your on fleet or a new quest hub everywhere else is too empty they did too good a job makeing the game convienient to everybody it takes away from the immersion. I never even got the whole theme park thing till i played swtor this game really really is like being at an amusement park right down to the lines i get the concept is like a theme park but the whole world dosent have to persestantly feel like im at a digital 6 flags there needs to be more subtly in the design of the worlds mmo's are fake fantasy settings not roller coster sims.
  15. pvp in this game is a huge letdown in about every way possible not being able to choose is the least of my complaints by a long shot the in general cobbled together feel of pvp is a problem, the inability to run ilum even on nice rigs with lotsa peeps at same time is a problem, the fact that pvp servers are almost totally exactly like non pvp servers do to linear plantets and overabundance of guards is a problem, not being able to choose my wz pales in comparison to these. pvp in this game is very very bland and its not just after the 1.2 patch its been bland since launch huttball was about theonly original feeling thing and the playerbase seems to suck at it so much the devs have coded it to show up alot less. hope gw2 pvp will be where its at with it being f2p i can pvp there and get my raid on here and be happy on all fronts.
  16. I love my maddness spec around 450k damage per wz, have you actually tried proper rotations or is this a L2P problem?


    easily healed and odds are you had a low kill count sages have about the longest damage leading to kill time of any class in the game. i can do 800k damage too but in those games theirs uaually 2 to 3 healers who all did 400k to 500k heals each.

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