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Posts posted by Pain-

  1. At the end of the day, veteran players are trying to get the most CXP or EXP as quickly as possible. As it stands now, bonus content, extra mobs and the cut scenes all get in the way of this.


    To me these are all easily solvable by making them worthwhile. Bonus Missions should award enough CXP to make them worthwhile, say potentially the same amount of CXP you would get for beating a boss in the instance or perhaps a little more.


    I've never been a fan of the mob skipping in dungeons.. really cheapens the experience and to me is just poor design of a flash point. To be fair in ANY MMO I've never liked the concept of mob skipping... Everything should have a purpose.. The mobs should be worthwhile as well (maybe towards the overall bonus goal)

  2. Leveling is super easy now and just doing the story with a few quests here and there will get you to 70 before you even finish the main storyline.


    Just doing story quests (without double exp) usually needs me ~level 60. If you sneak in any number of planet storylines, or regular quests you will easily get to level 70. Though my calculations are with all the exp boosts from legacy and consumables.

  3. Hi,


    I'm looking for a guild to join on the Harbinger Server. I originally played SWTOR from beta/launch, quit for a bit, and now I'm back. The main jist is I am looking for an active guild that runs operations/flashpoints and uprising as a guild or within the guild. I'm not exactly a hardcore player, so I can't commit to specific time's of the day due to work/life/wife ,but I do get about 2-3 hours of gaming per day, sometimes more sometimes a little less. I would like to run operations when the time affords me and I do enjoy PvP from time to time, though I wouldn't consider myself a ladder player.


    I am EST time zone based out of New York.


    What I'm looking for

    • Mature
    • Runs Operations / Flashpoints / Uprisings
    • Laid Back / Organized


    What I bring to the table

    • Older MMO Vet (20+ years)
    • Laid Back, Drama Free
    • Casual Player (Probably about 2-3 hours playtime per day)
    • Helpful


    Thanks and let me know if any guilds come to mind that I should look for, apply for etc.

  4. To me they are as follows


    Jedi Knight - Human

    Jedi Consular - Miralukan

    Trooper - Zabrak, Cathar

    Smuggler - Human, Mirialan


    Sith Warrior - Sith Pureblood

    Sith Inquisitor - Rattataki, Twilek, Zabrak

    Bounty Hunter - Rattataki, Zabrak, or Cyborg

    Imperial Agent - Chiss, Cyborg

  5. Hi!


    I'm a returning player and have been trying to get a hold of multiple specs. I currently play a sorcerer main and would love to have two specs, one for DPS and the other for healing in group content. Is there an easy way to switch between specs? Specifically what I'm trying to do is have two "separate" hotbars so I don't need to reconfigure my buttons everytime I switch.

  6. At first I was confused at your question.


    Sorcerer's to me are like Red Meat. Free kills, no matter what the spec.. and if a sorcerer is stupid enough to 1 on 1 me, they die.


    Start off entrenching yourself. Makes you immune to whatever CC they try on you (essentially makes it so its a waste of a global cooldown or 2) Their Force Knockback, electricity.. CC abilities all don't do a thing to you.


    Interrupt their force lightning whenever they even begin to cast it. Locks them out of their main ability for 4 seconds at the very least.


    If the sorc is stupid enough to try and charge you (to get off a force stomp) Wait till hes up close then debilitate him, free stun for you. Ambush to knock him back again.


    The rest is simple burst burning.

  7. fighting in the middle isn't always bad...


    if i have people who can handle running the ball on our team, i'll frequently just stay in the middle to control it so when our team scores, we can get the neutral ball right back again...


    if it's a dogfight to even score, then i'll go help near the endzone...


    I think we may be just talking about semantics. I fight in the middle all the time, but from the outside shooting IN. I am never physically near the ball or on the ground in the middle.

  8. I have a 50 Jugg and I am finding Sniper Gameplay much more satisfying. I am only 16th..but the way the class plays fits my style more, which was surprising to me. My Jugg just doesn't do crap for damage at 50.


    Also, everything the poster above me has said, I agree with so far. Middle = Death I have found...


    Exactly, theres is nothing more appealing than a target that cannot move and just sits there to do damage!

  9. No, you will not get it, period, that's my point. Don't act like every Sniper just doesn't know how to play, or else doesn't want top damage. I rarely get top damage (Engineer spec, and I DO like objectives, thank you very much, but you like to cast aspersions and make sweeping generalizations).


    It's interesting you say top damage should not be the top priority for a class that does nothing but damage, and furthermore is not highly mobile even with Lethality spec. Sure, I can provide limited cover fire for a ball runner, set up chokepoint angles, etc., but at the end of the day DPS classes can stay more mobile and do more damage. Even if Snipers go totally out of their way to be in single kill mode, a Merc and even a Sorc would do more and still have more tricks up their sleeve. Plus they'd use about half the buttons.


    Sorry to interject, but I have always maintained that the damage tally at the end of a match is misleading. A marksman sniper is largely single target damage while some other classes have AE abilities mixed in with their normal rotations. That being said, I have yet to come across a class that can kill a non tank faster than I can.

  10. You don't have to move. Use Suppressive Fire and you can hit the guy behind the turret.


    I know, but suppressive fire doesn't do that much damage. Sure it prevents them from capping and thats nice and I do use it. But I can't actually kill them like that. Serves as an LOS hamper. In fact, the good PvPers have already started to figure out that as long as you strafing in and out of that thing, most of my shots will be moot.

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