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Posts posted by Tyrannas

  1. Take them out of the game, it is clear to me now that all you're worried about doing is selling these with no opportunity to get a high end item while people spend their hard earned money to fill your pockets for something that is not going to be in a pack. You can buy 10 hypercrates and still get nothing but temple chairs or cute emotes that can be bought for 100 credits off the GTN. Yes i get it, buyer beware i don't have to buy them etc....however, if your not going to give anyone a chance to get one elite item after dropping alot of hard earned money into hypercrates (albeit one crate or 30), then REMOVE THEM FROM THE GAME. This is the biggest ripoff scam i think i have ever seen in a online game. Best to rethink this rather than to continue to rip off your PAYING subscribers, but hey, you're bioware you will do whatever you want until paying subscribers begin to drop off, and trust me, it won't take long with nonsense like this with the cartel packs getting worse and worse.
  2. Another HUGE letdown, do NOT waste your money on these people, i again, burned by bioware buying these hypercrates (yes i know im an idiot for trusting bioware). 30 crates, most EVERYTHING was garbage, best thing i got was a purple/white dye.....pathetic, i just got ripped off....AGAIN! So just a heads up to my fellow players, do NOT buy these packs, YOU WILL BE RIPPED OFF! Not to mention, i got items that you can buy for credits off the current cartel market now (temple chair) *laughs* what a joke....wow....just.....wow.
  3. So you do not allow for opposing points of view?


    You know that all players can and do benefit from the bolster system and while it IS confirmed by both the player AND the Devs that bolster is NOT WORKING AS INTENDED, pvp has been functioning on a level more consistent to the players ability and skill than the composition of their gear slots. While I understand and fundamentally accept your opening statement as a committed pvp player, your detractor is NOT misplaced in his perspective either.


    I AM a dedicated pvper and I have multiple characters I do it with. PVP is all I do. Both of you have valid points of view, and both of you are, in essence, correct.



    Lets see how the changes pan out


    And i failed to mention this in the above post, but i will here now. I do not believe for a second you are a dedicated pvp'er, in fact i know that you are not. What u mentioned in your previous post made no sense about the bolster and defending it, any true pvp'er knows that.

  4. So you do not allow for opposing points of view?


    You know that all players can and do benefit from the bolster system and while it IS confirmed by both the player AND the Devs that bolster is NOT WORKING AS INTENDED, pvp has been functioning on a level more consistent to the players ability and skill than the composition of their gear slots. While I understand and fundamentally accept your opening statement as a committed pvp player, your detractor is NOT misplaced in his perspective either.


    I AM a dedicated pvper and I have multiple characters I do it with. PVP is all I do. Both of you have valid points of view, and both of you are, in essence, correct.



    Lets see how the changes pan out


    HIs statement went completely over your head, sithveritas asked bioward to fix something, therefore, he made a statement, he didnt ask for a troll to intervene at any time dude, read before you post ppl, or if u want to troll go back ingame and to drom. kass, this is no place for nonsense lil one.

  5. No offense, I'm actually going to stop this discussion with you.

    I can already see this won't end well.

    Thank you.


    Well said, wasting your time typing back and forth with some hack who knows nothing but killing level 13's on dro. kaas with his level 55 then joing the wz/s as they are will give u a headache. This guy has had his share of b/s on the server and been reported many times, so well said, dont waste your time on this troll.

  6. So I was on the PTS today and critical chance really drops off after 20% now. I think it's fine, BUT smash still autocrits. I know a couple of other classes have some autocrit abilities, but nothing nearly as damaging as smash.


    What do you think about this? I know smash got a small nerf in damage, but still most smashers have around 82% surge or more.


    Do more research on other classes, all of them have abilities that autocrit in some way. Posts like this only show that you dont research enough into other classes and can make you look ignorant.

  7. Of course it will get nerfed soon. It's stupid getting hit for almost 6k in a pre 50 pvp by a lvl 20 something juggernaut. Just like any MMO enjoy it while it lasts because it WILL get nerfed. Just more people need to complain about it and it'll happen. :rak_03:




    Wow dude, tell me another one lmao!!!! Wait, I have to put my boots on b/c your b/s is getting REALLY DEEP!!!!!!


    Lies like this are just ppl trolling, wow HAHAHAHAHAHA.

  8. 1. Get rid of bubble-stun on players other than the caster himself

    2. Get rid of smash the way it is now. Reduce dmg, or make it single target, whatever. Fix it.

    3. Balance that vanguard/pyro burst dmg output. It's simply too much.

    4. Get rid of hacks and cheats.


    And just give everybody sticks to poke each other with while we are at, sounds MARVELOUS!

  9. Bioware is at fault here for making smash the only damn ability that revolves around the spec.

    If you have a spec that revolves around only 1 ability, the ability will be very strong.

    That's why smash spec is so easy, you literally do nothing but wait for 1 ability to go off cd.



    Anyways, Bioware obviously has no clue how to balance pvp in SWTOR. There's been massive imbalance ever since the game launched. More imbalanced than WoW ever was, and that's a big feat.


    And other classes dont revolve around one ability? Get real dude, jedi spam area rock throw and it can wipe out your health in no time if ur stunned by a smuggler or anybody else in a warzone, not to mention it can wipe out alot of ppls health if ur in range of it. If all you ppl can do is complain about this game then go elsewhere, its free to play now, what do they care. And all of this whining reminds me of when i used to play swg pre-cu, so many ppl whined about the game mechanics of pvp that the swg devs gave in and watered the game down so bad it eventually tanked and everybody left and no more swg. Not all classes and specs are meant to melt ppl's faces. Get over it already, L2P in pvp and stop whining before this game ends up as another swg that the PLAYERS ruined themselves, Get real ppl, wake up and stop crying.

  10. Learn 2 play and adjust, the bigger issue here is players speed hacking, and continuing to speed hack, and nothing being done about it. Get the real problems fixed instead of crying about smash, every class if your smart enough to figure it out, has comparable attacks. Learn to play the game, dont cry about it.



  11. I may leave when 1.2 comes out. There are two main reasons, one specific one general.


    First, specific to me:


    The totally unneccesary second round of nerfs to operatives, while the best 1v1 class in the game (darkness assassin) will carry on defecating on people totally unchanged. Agents are already the least played class in the game so their response is to nerf us further? Just... what?


    I don't know what possessed bioware to think darkness assassins were fine, but we needed the nerf bat when Sins are already basically a better version of a conceal op with more survivability, utility (pulls, speed, etc) and equal burst.


    Second and more general:


    Bioware is moving the game in a direction I don't like.


    First, they ez-moded the grind to battlemaster (four days after I hit valor 60 awesomely enough but whatever) and second, with 1.2 they're actually letting everyone get top end raid gear without ever setting foot in a raid.


    Its kind of funny because when they made the valor change and everyone was talking about how everyone was going to be battlemaster, I jokingly said to my raid guild, "Whats next, top tier raid gear for everyone?" We laughed, and laughed...


    And then it happened.


    Now there are literally no rewards whatsoever for doing the high end content. Being a superior player nets you absolutley dick all in terms of cool gear.


    You might get a title or two, (whoopee), assuming you can actually make it through their nightmare ops in one go without something bugging out. Good luck with that given how ridiculously glitchy the pylons are, that cheated us out of our Infernal title a couple of nights ago.


    Dont let the door hit you on the @ss on your way out, and good riddance, nobody likes players like you, but WoW might, they are implimenting pandas as a playable character sometime soon i hear, sounds like it might fit your style.

  12. How bout an imperial spy and a republic Bounty hunter..






    Night sisters and singing mountain clan.






    Imperial droid masters and republic Beast handlers



    Imperials already have a spy nooblet.

  13. Lag. Happen all the time. I saw so many "speed sorcs" stunned over fire that teleport behind it that I can't count. And I pushed back enough people just to see they were not pushed back FROM the bride but into our base.


    Lag lag lag.


    Nevermind lol, this makes me laugh.

  14. Heres a thought for all of you, if you cant wait and enjoy the game and other aspects it offers, then **** nobody wants a bunch of crybabies who level their toon to 50 in one day anyway. I mean if you seriously dont have anything else to do other than wait on the legacy quest, you should re-evaluate your life geezuz ppl, haha this is waaaay to hilarious.


    GROW UP!!!






    and flame me all you want for this post, but, deep down inside you ppl know im right, so just quit the game and leave the crying in an email to yourself b/c i can assure you, nobody cares.

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