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Posts posted by falcon_Xtreme

  1. Slow and steady wins the race! I heard a rumor that a Dewback mount is in the next pack, which is coming next week. That could just be a rumor though. ;)



    have you heard any rumors about class balance, bug fixes or actual game content? or just details about the store

    and how soon the next cosmetic/fluff packs are coming out. its a joke on us. it really is.

  2. its like this on the bastion and the harbinger and the shadowlands , it takes about like about 40 seconds of being on the fleet to be reading chat about someones member getting inserted into someones hand, mouth , pocket , or ear!


    Thats how bad this game has become, the "incognitio" Gm's dont do jack all., as long as your paying your sub they dont care, they really dont. Ive trolled for a long time and havent even had a 3 day ban or a warning... some of the garbage ive said is pretty out there........... but thats the thing. im paying money so i get a free pass, and even if i dont get a free pass, and they ban me. they get no money i'll go invest it somewhere else.


    Even bringing attention to my prior mentioned trolling with admission wont be met with any consequences , and if it does then its because ive called them on their BS game management in regards to community conduct.. so i still win. this game is so weak and the money grabbing through the cartel store is sooooo transparent (10:1 ratio for store items and fricken game content.) are you really surprised at the state of general chat?


    its a bunch of bored frustrated players .... expressing themselves.

  3. Free to play players can currently get unlimited warzones, just by staying in group with subscribers, and having them launch the warzone queue.


    X - was queued with group for warzones

    X - was queued with group for warzones

    X - was queued with group for warzones

    Y - cannot queue for warzones and was not queued with group ( Y being f2p player outside of wz allowance. )


    Warzone pops. Everyone enters. Tested and working. just update patch notes to say f2p warzone restrictions removed.

  4. Happy Friday!


    Lead Designer Michael Backus has written the first of many Developer Diaries centered around Galactic Starfighter! We start with some of the history behind the development of the upcoming Digital Expansion here.


    Great Read, big thanks to Michael Backus, nice feed back on the thought process.. I have subbed since day one and i do love the game but always felt it was desperately missing some epic space combat. my hope was rewarded and I am glad that the SSSP eventuated, its genuinely exciting, and im eager for some pew pew lazer action. thank you.

  5. I would like to give an idea for the PVP team.

    How about creating a PVP War...an event where you could join a real war battle between Empire vs. Republic.

    This event would work like a team deathmatch where players could keep reviving, just like we have today and the team with most kills or points would win.


    These wars could occur on Tatooine, Hoth, Ilum and Alderaan.


    And could have 64 players on a 32 vs. 32 matches.


    I believe that would be really awesome. :rak_03:


    Please give me your feedbacks and suggestions.


    Star Wars Galaxies did this, it worked great. it was called Galactic Civil War, basically planets would go "live"

    where a whole bunch of faction npcs would occupy the city, and that factions players would come and do some pve quests, to defend and retain the area.


    Enemy players would be doing also be doing pve quests to try counter objectives of the defenders . this resulted world pvp chaos :) . The Defending team would have a Gold Elite Commander, and basically if the enemy faction killed him before the event timer when down they won, and got extra rewards, and vise versa.


    This happened on multiple planets at frequent times, continuously. it was very good, and that game was old and very technically dated, how could they not manage something like that here....

  6. Dealing with 8vs3 is simple - you should stay in WZ. You can just stand on point or go roaming alone at the edge of the map (to not let other team farm you without a chance to win) but you should stay in wz. Why? Because people who join this wz and leave immediately are in fact the people like you. So if you and all just join and stay in WZ that would solve the main problem of 8vs3 situation.


    get real. i pay real money to participate in 8 v 8 competitive warzones if it doesnt fill up in like 2 minutes.. seeya. not worth my time.

  7. I've only been with the game since the end of last year, as a sub. IMO, almost everything in general has gotten worse and I'm sick of it. I really enjoyed this game at one time, but like SWG... I feel totally ignored and under appreciated. The list of perks for being a sub has been shrinking every month and the amount of recycled or broken stuff has gotten out of control with no hope of reigning it in.


    ANYONE ELSE about to pull the plug?



    What steps should I take to preserve my account? If it's still here next year...:rolleyes:


    i have subscribed since day one with two accounts, and I have rage quit a couple times and come back, I love star wars.... but yeah its just not doing it for me anymore.


    if the super secret space project is fail, I may call it a day. . i still haven't completed trooper class though so that is my motivation to log in atm... outside of that... meh. im not even sure why i play . perhaps its time to go outside, or buy the new consoles coming out.


    Makeb was ok, but not enough. new pvp arenas might keep me interested for a month.... but i want more. im greedy, and the star wars universe is big, and I feel like the content bioware gives us now is really just fluff.. tons of cosmetics and pets, crappy little reputation theme packs. nothing extraordinary and impressive that really immerses the player into the star wars universe....... and good on them i guess, they are out to make money and i gave it to them, but even now... the novelty of the store has worn off.... so where do we go from here....?

  8. The lure is strong with Bioware


    You didn't get any pvp content for over a year, and we have nothing planned for the summer.. BUT .. wait until 2.4 its a pvp oriented patch that ranked players will really like.


    j/k.. removing ranked warzones trololololololol


    We are going to be implementing some features to reduce ranked queue times.


    haha yep by removing them! trolololololol


    No wait, 8v8 ranked warzones could return.. just stay with us... come on just stick around *tee hee*


    lol :) +1

  9. because it's a fact, despite what pvp'ers tell themselves, that PVP is a small portion of the playerbase and most are here for the PvE you seem to forget that BioWare has their fabled "metrics" that tells them exactly who's doing what and how many there are...they wouldn't be doing this if the sub PvP'ers were a significant portion of the playerbase...they'd lose money.fact.


    the significant difference between the pvp/pve player base has nothing to do with my comments which were clearly directed to those like me that pay to pvp (no matter how small or large that group is) there will still be a drop in paid subscriptions for these actions. cause and effect. why pay for something if you can get it for free?

  10. it would be interesting to see how they spin this for the subscribers. What, exactly, does my monthly subscription get me nowadays? Everything new goes on the cartel market, since i solely pvp new operations do not mean much to me personally. So i guess they duped me and when this model comes out, I can go f2p and not lose any of my pvp.


    ^ im in the same boat as you, and i think the boat is going to fill quickly.

  11. Yeah, I think they are trying to drum up support for Arena's, they need fresh blood flowing into PvP for it to be successful. This is something they learned from ranked, no new players causes a quick stagnation and the die off. I also think they know they will lose some people and I wouldn't be surprised to see a number of PvP guilds fall apart as a result of this change, so they need something to keep PvP going until it restabilizes. F2P players can be fresh meat for the grinder until people begin to get their PvP guilds back on track running groups for Arena's or new ones form. Another good to thing is it should drive up the price of Artifact grade equipment authorization on the GTN so F2P players can use the PvP gear they will need should they want to be effective in ranked.


    In the end this is a push to get the Casual player more involved in PvP and push them towards ranked gameplay so that it becomes more popular. I won't say I'm a fan of how they're doing it, but at least they're now trying. As for your OP though, well, yes, your sub just became worth a little less.


    I agree with your observations, I just don't know why it has to come at the expense of our subscriptions, sometimes i feel like they purposefully drive subscribers away... perhaps they make more money from micro-transactions, so this could be a method to push people not to subscribe and just be assimilated into the micro-transaction f2p crowd?

  12. is the game population that low , that you need to cave in and give f2p more warzones.. at the expense of people who pay for the game? just so pvp becomes populated?.....I don't care if the outcome is positive for the game if it comes at the expense of money I earned and invested, you wont get another cent. sad but true.
  13. why stop there? why not remove f2p restrictions for pve too because that is what will be next......if you head down that avenue. then bioware... tell me the what the hell will be the point of a subscription . I have maintained two subscriptions since launch (me and the ball and chain aka wife) and max rep well and truly with your gamble bag cartel scheme, the crappy 625 cartel coins you give me a month barely buys anything of real value. what's the incentive to pay to play anymore...
  14. I thought long and hard about it, and came to the conclusion that you're wrong. Moving on I feel that you use too many big words for me to keep going on with this post. :)


    in reality you did no such thing, what you did do, is form a opinion based on no investigation, with no effort to understand whats been presented to you, thats why you didn't arrive at the correct conclusion, like most other people would have (couch and cover being synonymous) thats why your comments are troll posts.

  15. Crouches in place, taking cover if used behind an object that provides cover. They're not behind an object though. Apparently air grants cover lol


    Are you being facetious?. if there are soldiers in a firefight, and they are told to take cover but none is available, does that mean taking cover is impossible? no, they will crouch or hit the ground, crouching provides a form of cover as it makes the target as small as possible. thats why i said cover and crouch are synonymous in this instance, just think about it.

  16. There's no scenario where the defender doesn't call for assistance and I don't eventually cap the node. Capping nodes is always a race against time in favor of the attacking party. Yes I said attacking party. The reason it SEEMS like defending favors the defending party is because:

    1. good defenders can delay for a really long time under the right circumstances

    2. help usually arrives before "timer" runs out


    In any case, if help doesn't eventually arrive the defender will run out of cooldowns to use, especially if they are defending improperly or the attacker is particularly good. It may take upward of several minutes if the defender is playing right, but the "timer" or in otherwords his cooldowns will eventually run out.

    The other side of this coin is that while a defender will be blowing cooldowns on delaying the cap (which he should) he won't have any left to fight with, so even if you screw up the cap several times the defender has the disadvantage of playing without a breaker, without shroud, without combat stealth, or w/e that he would normally have in a duel.


    TLDR: the defender has to call for help or lose the node. And that's without assuming there could be another stealthy nearby on the attacker team that the defender doesn't know about.


    i like the way you think.


    its this type of logic that won us a stalemate civil war just the other night. we were losing by 10-20 points with one side node each it was going to be a loss. i knew their one powertech defender had used all his cd's holding me off the last 3-4 times attempts. ( to his credit he called incs) . i called for our solo defender to join me in the dps, with no resolve fills so i could unload my scoundrel rotation. he came under the tunnel, we burst him down, we went to cap they over rotated we got mid. we win.


    as for the op and the vid.. yeah dude that frustrates the crap outta me too, the foul language was completely understandable, and tbh in the low end of the nerdrage scale :)

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