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Posts posted by Strixs

  1. ive noticed this to. It seems like everyone is in tank gear and it doesnt hurt their dps much but they live forever. Tanks somehow self sustain against 3+ people with their own medspacks etc its boring and also i dont remember it being this stupid back in 2012
  2. Why would anyone? It looks just like one of the too many already existing korean f2p-clones.


    Thing is if you liked old school swg you will probably like this game if you enjoy a dark ages twist. It's a lot of the same things as swg. You get your land you take care of it and build it up. Heavily guild and clan groups encouraged to do runs and build things. The exploring seems nice as well as the pvp. I consistently see vids where just because your max lvl doesn't mean jack. Coordination and focus fire wins no matter the lvl which is nice. Cuss in eq2 back when I played it pre f2p. One high lvl could lawl roll face 6 people who were only 10-15 lvls lower. And in archeage that won't happen thankfully.

  3. Ok, I'll play some Smite while on the break. I'll also try to find those rare editions o NWN(I simply must own the golden box NWN 2-LG edition?) and then play that. Perhaps when I finish the Agent story(during the intermezzo before Force users).




    This site is called good old games. I do believe it is a quality website for purchasing games no longer on the main stream market. And I know they have never winter for sale which is a great game by bio ware for story!


    And I know you may be able to find it free somewhere but I don't know if I'd trust it!

  4. When on break from TOR?


    Would you play sth similar(story focus, heavy PvE) or sth radically different(a moba?)? I decided to take a break before I do Vang + Sniper stories(4/8 yo!) and I wanted to see what you think are good games.


    MMOs, singleplayers, whatever.


    If you wanna stick to f2p mmorpg a I rec


    If you want free go for rift. If you want a good already solid based and developed game that has quality work into it.

    You won't be disappointed.


    If you want sandbox without decent story but basically a rpg pvp mine craft purchase $$0-150$ in archeage. I enjoyed twitch vids of it so much I bought it. Now I am playing in beta and enjoying it! liked the idea of FarmVille with dark age pvp and cool pirate ships all craft able and rideable. And the great thing is it is nothing like swtor so it gives you a break till you feel like going back and it is going to be a similar f2p model as swtor. Check out some steams to see if you like it let me link you a swtor streamers twitch who is a Canadian who is in alpha and beta he has videos up. And I strongly recommend you watch him act drunk and perform a smash and force sweep irl.



  5. Just so you know I am not trying to down the game I love it. The game is fun because the mechanics rocks and the style for crafting and game play is fresh! It is worth a play through and then you have a decision to make that suits you.


    I enjoyed how craft able gear at end game actually gives good stats and is worth buying or making!


    But man the barriers for raids and the difficulties involved in stressful time runs stink and the pvp gear is broken and so on the pvp has actually way to much wrong ATM between boosters and cheaters and macroers

    And botters and gear gaps and Get this .... Spawn campers and no I am not talking about waiting outside the spawn I am saying the players can jump into and stand at your spawn and kill you as you revive and btw they are not banning anyone for this but they said it was not meant to happen and their working on Fixing it. So groups will not cap the objectives and make the match last the whole 25+ minutes to get kills which btw when you die even in bg's you lose durability and they grief you for the whole time.


    But hey I am not upset about that at all nope not at all. It's not like I avoid games like dark fall for a reason because griefing play styles are so fun. But hey let's not use the ban hammer or anything. #unsubbed

  6. So how is wildstar doing? Everyone said it was going to be a great game, so how is it now that its been out for a few months?

    Did this from cell phone at work excuse my english


    I have a 50 medic and 50 stalker let me hit you with it.


    Summary: the story is fun, a enjoyable experience as a rpg from vl1-50 and pvp is decent 1-49.

    Once your 50 if you like hard stuff and enjoy time consumption most can't handle or break great this is for you. If your a casual like me and enjoy life outside and are okay with just doing the lame easy version of stuff then the game ain't for you!

    If you enjoy pvp at max in games get 50 and quit till it is fixed the combat is fun and enjoyable but not worth playing till fixed and I hope it is but we shall see





    The game is fun in general. The fighting mechanics is fresh and interesting. The difficulty is nice from lvl 1-50 and pvp from lv 1-49 is fun just like swtor. It lacks the lore and history of swtor and depth. Overall though it does better then most games even better than rift IMHO as to why we are there etc etc etc


    The leveling process for 1 char on each faction is nice. But after 1 50 on either side it is a drag to replay and this coming from a guy with altitus who has 7 55's in swtor!



    At 50 though if you value your casual experience quit. On paper and in a blog, 40 man raids and long enduring drawn out raid attunements look good. But so does communism. That doesn't mean we should do it though!


    Seriously 40 man raids wouldn't be bad but to attune people to the 20 man it is long and enduring and the dungeons and adventures leading up to it time limits which are more stressful than forgiving!and once the serious guys are done with them. They have no reason to help out unless your a guilder because loot and what not is meh.

    Then to get 40 man attuned you have to complete 20 man which is not a cake walk. Then you have to have 40 people who are decent and will listen. It is not like back in vanilla wow where you ran 10-15 people through a dung and then your ready for 40 and you only needed your core 20 and you could almost pug the rest from other guilds.


    The attunements leading up to are a serious barrier that many find daunting and not worth it. as well as the skill lvl is taxing. There is no easy med high setting to work through or work up to. like a good console game. Or how they have for wow and swtor. Which is great because let's face it only a small percentage are your hard raiders and those guys aren't your money makers. The casuals with jobs and families have the money's to spend on the game and since we play less you make more money from us cuss we take less resources. However wildstar is not catering to that side so it is depressing and servers are down in pop so maybe only 1 guild per server per faction may be able to do 40 mans which is sad. Back in vanilla wow with less mmorpg competition there may have been 3 or more guilds per server per faction with a 40 man roster!!!


    Now for pvp. There are many bots enough that the forums are littered with posts and sadly no afk reporting or booting option for the bots. Sadly they should of slowly started pvp gearing if they had just the blue item pvp starter set to work with from the get go thatd be no problem! However off the bat they had tier 1 and teir 2 purple gear for arena out. Which meant if you were max at start you got 1800 rating already and now roflstomp any new players. You can read plenty of posts especially by a guy named pignablanket who complains that he can crit for 10k dng but these new guys can only crit for 6k all because of how big this hear gap is. Oh and go listen to zybaks vlog! They made that 1800 tier 2 pvp gear best in slot for pve stats!!! So everyone who was 1800 then took money and killed their rating and then boosted people for plat in arenas so they could give gear to others!!! People charging guildies and the like for boosts and not a single person was banned!!! All now have gear so lvl 50 pvp in its current state is a wash.

  7. Oh Ty for info and I never unsubbed I just been waiting for updates and finally bored with other games. And disappointed with wildstar a bit so unsubbed not to surprising I suppose. Love the mechanics love them! Mechanics can only get you so far when you get two shot in pvp from people who bought arena rating


    And your not allowed to have wiggle room and a casual time in groups of dungeons. After the 5th vote disband to a group instead of just enjoying it and learning and finishing it. Which is what you always have done in swtor and wow and coh and every other game... you get a disgusting taste in your mouth for the lackluster of let's just quit because we died already once.....


    But that's another subject for another forum. Ty for info haha

  8. Why not i am star wars fan. Just put an engine to support 1000 vs 1000 fighting people, a nice action combat system with acrobatic abilities and good effects, and then i will pay for it.


    Hey if I had magical powers high priority on my list would be to take this games lore series and keep it the same. Take the combat mechanics of what's good from Tera / wildstar / gw2 / Jedi knights. Mash it into swtor


    Then throw out the pvp and in place put a battlefront style / x wing style / Jedi knight mysteries of the sith style mashed

    I would but that is a fantasy in my head sadly

  9. So I left for a bit then came back for makeb when it was free.


    Completed it 4 times on rep and 3 on emp. Was fun and got me up to date with the story. Now I am back again after another long stint and I am lost. I haven't found any quest lines to pick up as to why tython and korriban went boom. And I don't understand a few of the newer adventure type 4 mans.


    If you can hit me up as to where to go republic side to fill myself in I was hoping there was a quest line I would play through somewhere to catch up! Or hit me with the links I missed if it is just written lore thank you much.

  10. This thread started on a decent premise but went to candy land with the doom saying and MMO-scholasticism.


    well to continue with the OP.


    I forgot to mention part of the problem i suppose with lv55 PVP now losing pop atm is because GSF has no Lvl Req/Lockout/bracket ect

    so you can get your experience for your low lvl while you also learn how to fly in GSF which most people and i don't blame them are using a low lvl for it because it is quick Q's with a large player pool ranging from 10-55


    However this hurts lvl 55 pvp:(

  11. So you consider baseball cards gambling then too?




    an undertaking or attempt with a risk of loss and a chance of profit or success.


    If i am spending money to get cards that are worth future profits. And i purchase a pack and get all crap cards that are worth throwing out because they will have no value. Yes imho yes are you taking a chance for successful profit. If you get the crappy drug addicts card... yea you lost on that 1.



    Though this is hardly a good illustration a far better one is the Lotto cards you get from gas stations. That is much more similar to what a pack is imho.

  12. Two people make a majority?




    You'd think that a Harvard graduate would know how to spell, and the definition of gambling.


    Really? while he shouldn't bother posting what he does or where he graduated to make his argument more legitimate. Must you be a grammar/spelling nazi and basically do something similar?


    This is a game and a forum so long as a point is understood and able to be talked about. Ones spelling or grammar is hardly worth discussing over the internet.

  13. How you felt is irrelevant, other than in terms of your feelings.



    So you can't get stuff for what you think is a reasonable price on the GTN and BWEA has to "fix" the CM to compensate? Really, it's your game, play it how you want. If "item X" is really worth it to you, you'll get it. All you have to do is spend the time to get the creds. If you're not willing to spend the time to get a few creds, then obviously "item X" is not that important to you. Personally, I wouldn't care if they changed it. There's just no need to change it. It works fine as it is.



    If you can't find it on the GTN, chances are you can't get it from the CM. The items on the GTN come from the CM.


    Again, you never answered why do you care about my first world problems?

    Remember it is just a MMO /end discussion, no?

    no? okay.


    I am making a suggestion on a product that i regularly pay for and participate in. I will do so how i want and say what i want. So long as i am within their forum rules they do not mind me participating.


    And yes i will play this game how i want when i want, TYVM that is how i have been doing it with my SUB and my CC. okay.....?


    Frequently individuals generalize that credits are so easy to get, so easy, so easy. Just spend the time. You know not everyone fits into this Generalization of either A. having the time to spend. or B. wanting to spend the time.


    It is unfair to say buy from the GTN, especially when they have the items on the CM. They offer the CM items on the CM for you to buy.. So that must mean they want us to purchase them their, if we want to... Well i would like to for some items. However i only like buying what i want to buy. Not a chance for what i want. That is uncouth nty


    And other things again, Dye's having no legacy bind and reuse. That is a bad product to sell and i will not purchase it from the GTN or the CM. When they decide to make it a reasonable product that again is LEGACY bound and REUSABLE. That would be a respectable purchase.

  14. Not liking content is an *opinion* not a fact. For about every Arena bashing post, I can point an equal number of people that like Arenas (or don't mind them). My guild is split almost exactly half between people that like it and people that don't.


    And GSF, by reviews you mean reviews by various gaming websites? Because many of them are so terrible, I wouldn't ask them to decide the better pencil for me to buy from a market. and if you mean opinions on these forums, I have mostly seen positive opinions about how the GSF has better performance than the ground game, is well designed, fun and what not.


    And while there are a ton of PvE missions in the Gree Event, does it *really* matter? You get a reason to stop running laps on fleet, and go kill some Imps/Pubs. How is that not good?


    And no, from what descriptions I've heard, Vanilla Ilum was terrible if you're not an Imp. Imps outnumber us nearly 2:1 on my server, and something like that will just be a faceroll in favour of the Imps always.


    Ilum was fun on only 1 or 2 servers where republic fought back and was organized. And there was actual battles in the middle. If Ilum had just been a que of 25-40 vs 25-40 people and was instanced it would have been decent because at least it would have been assured to be a fair fight or at least a chance at one.

  15. Gsf is a great addition yes it's slowed the ground queues down a bit but with that said I'm not seeing the usual peeps in space as I do on The ground.



    Part of the reason you are not seeing the ground peoples is a lot of posters have said that when they go to enjoy space. They do it on low lvl characters. Because of space offering EXP and no lvl requirement. Most have found it better off to just inbetween que's be on the character they want to lvl. That way they are essentially killing two birds with 1 stone.


    EXP for alt + getting better at the space game in general. Which will cause lv55 que's to slow down pretty hard. And then people who are only interested in ground pvp at 55lv will be annoyed and leave because it has slowed down so hard.


    two cents /insert

  16. I want to agree to this but last night I was was Queing for ranked on the bastion for over 20 minutes with no que pop. There were 3 fleet instances so I know there I a population for it. I ended up just Queing for space missions because I didn't have to much time to play and I wanted to do something. Honestly doing the same wzs for a couple of years has gotten a little stale. Maybe I need to do some PVE or something but that gets boring quick.

    I'm not sure what needs to be done do improve the quality of pvp. Maybe a new cartel pack with cool looking gear? JK :(


    Something would be nice if it there is anything feasible they can do. I enjoy this game a lot. but outside of Solo PVE and a few FP's i have no interest in pve, Ops take to long to get together and people either AFK so much or wipe so much and it just eats my game time that i have little of.


    So if there was a more emphasis to improve QoL of pvp id be happy as i can get in and out on my leisure.

    and by PVP i mean ground game. Not space game.

  17. There are a couple of AMD-powered tablets on the market that can run it. Though, you may be better off going with one of the new "detachable" designs, if you want something in that class. Still, not gonna find any of it at $250. Looking at $500-600.


    and that prices is just for clicking on a few GTN items and telling your crew members to go harvest stuff...


    You may as well just drop 600-800 on a nice Tower and actually play the game with it looking beautiful.

  18. They're making good money. No doubt about it. But are they making their customers happy? I'm arguing that they could achieve both and still make money, not that they should stop overpricing the CM because they're not making money. Of course they are. I'm saying look out for the long-term health of the game instead of trying bleed the customers dry.


    <<<< personally a unhappy CM purchaser who won't continue without more reasonableness added to the market.

  19. Sane people don't buy packs to get particular items. They spend credits and buy them off the GTN.


    After personally being upset with how packs work after purchasing them. I cannot disagree with you at all.


    Which is why if it was reasonable and different i would most likely spend money once more. Which i do believe you seem to agree with. If things were reasonable as well.... Such as Dyes one time use? that is crazy, more like Legacy bound and reusable amirite?

  20. Well, maybe they should just do a poll and see how many customers are actually happy with the CM prices. The items sell but they could sell better if they appeal to more customers. At the very least they'd have happier customers, which is good in the long run.


    Maybe they are afraid to sell just the items that people want for reasonable prices?


    Think about it, people who hate the lotto and never win always complain. Yet they always come back to buy more lotto's. Some people would rather buy a lotto for a chance to win something they wanted vs' lunch.


    Maybe people who generally buy packs have that same "lotto" mentality. They wanna get what they want and will keep trying even if it would be better to just get it off the GTN or not spend the money at all.


    Yet they will keep coming back and spending money.... Oooo fancy psychology.

  21. They are not gambling, in any form, so if the OP did what you claim he did. he recognized nothing.



    As stated more than once, you can buy exactly what you want now. Get thee to the GTN.



    And I assume you get that. You get the same thing when you buy "a pack." You get what you paid for:" a pack." If you don't want "a pack," then don't buy "a pack."



    Well when i have bought them i felt(imho) like i gambled with my money and have since no longer bought them.

    If i had the ability to purchase what i wanted at reasonable prices i probably would bother with the market.


    And not everything is on the GTN. And not everyone has the credits or time to get the credits for everything.

    You say like you are guaranteed to find such and such item on the GTN period. I've looked for somethings and haven't found what i have personally wanted in the past.

  22. Sure, it could certainly be improved to my tastes, but they're here to make money, not to cater to me. If they think they get the best returns from how it's structured now, and I'm guessing their numbers agree, then that's how they'll sell it.


    Yes sad but true, oh how i wish it weren't.


    It would look so much better for this games reputation (imho).

    Why can't we just have a pay for what you want system with reasonable prices and things like Dyes be bound to legacy and reusable?

  23. Ah, most players do not have adequate self restraint so we need to step in and help them? My wife complains all the time about the excessive (in her view) amount of time I play this game. I am sure she would like EA to put in some mechanism to help me with my self restraint.



    Suggest to your wife you should move to china.




    There just might be a provision to stop you after all

  24. When someone puts a comment on a (semi-)public discussion forum, they are opening it up to everyone. The OP is just a re-hash of the same old "CM packs are evil, greedy, cash-grab gambling!" rant.



    You mean people were forced to spend time playing a game they paid money to be able to spend time playing? That's outrageous.



    That had nothing to do with making money. CM packs are about making money,. It's all cosmetic. And as noted, you can just buy exactly what you want off the GTN anyway.



    The OP a Rehash?!

    If you had bothered to read, he never called for the DEATH or ENDING of the CM. On the contrary he just recognized that packs in general are a form of gambling. Which IMHO and others feel the same way. He asked that EA/BW adjust their business practices with warnings.


    Read his post for what it is. Not what you think it is please.


    Now as a community some are nay saying and others are agreeing.


    As well as others are coming up with ideas that would make it less like a gamble and more of a PAY for what you want. Get What you want deal. Which is a lot more sensible, practical, and again imho legitimate.



    I was using the PVP gear packs as an example of poor business. People were upset and did not appreciate gambling their time and comms for something they may or may not get. Which is similar to the CM Packs.

    We should pay for what we want. I payed 15$ for my sub to swtor to play swtor.

    I don't pay 15$ for a chance to play swtor and hopefully get it play it....

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