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Posts posted by asinthe

  1. Let me cover the solo, then I will get in to my opinion at the end.


    I am a merc dps spec'd aresenal, geared in 224/220. I can offheal (wich was essential for this), know my rotation and openers well, and am a experianced raider. Prior to 4.0 I had 192 aug'd geared comp's so I know what they were capabale of doing before and after 4.0 . My Lana is currently lvl 33.


    full clear of the alderan sf. no big problem with trash, but I did see that my health was dropping here and there. Lana was set as healer. First Paladin was eay enough, took out the trash, and lana kept me up long enough to drop it, although we were both below 25% by the end. Praet, first attempt, Lana as heals, Lana decides to spend here time DPS'ing instead of healing me. wipe on first attempt. Second attempt, Lana as tank, she stays up long enough tanking the non important adds, and not even bothering with praet, but I dps thru it. Second paladin, same thing. Lana as heals first attempt, she tries dps'ing instead, and we both die. 2nd attempt with her as tank, and I make it thru by dpsing like mad, although she is dead at the end. Last boss, I make it thru 3 rooms with lana as heals. 4th room, we eat it, with all the mechanices. I now slot unity and heroics, to see if thats what it takes, Lana tanks this time, and I pop unity. We get past the 4th room on the 3rd attempt. Final platform. Lana heals again, sentry gun up, she spends all her time trying to dps, and we die again. 2nd attempt Lana as tank, pop heroics, stil die. 3rd attempt. Lana as dps, turret up, pop unity, lana drops, then boss. close fight 5k health left.


    Nerfing healing did not help fix companions. I found Lana trying to dps and stop healing me while she was in healer spec. Lag wasn't as bad in sf as compared to last week, but also helped destroy what little healing I was getting. In my opinion healing might have been overpowered after 4.0 release, but offset the problems with lag and spec issues companions are contending with. Now that healing has been drastically reduced the other issues companions have are going to be more difficult to deal with. So now instead of trying to tweak healing they are going to have to deal with the real issues companions have, wich is they don't do what they're suppose to be doing. It is just humorous to watch Lana, watch me 10-15 seconds in to a fight and do nothing, then take off to dps something when she is suppose to be healing me. When i was below 50% is was like she didn't even bother trying to heal me after that point. Are SF hm still soloable? Yes if you have end game gear and are a "expert" at a class that can off heal and dps (god help the rest of you). But the level of difficulty is far more than what I encounter in some hm op mechanices, and the risk is defintly not worth the reward.


    This, exactly this. I don't have endgame gear, a mix of 208/216/220 and I managed a H2+ SF solo but it was, uh, challenging isn't the word. If I didn't have experience as a hard-core endgame raider in other games (even though I specifically don't do that here) I doubt I would have been able to do it. For BW to say these should be soloable still is kind of BS - the average player won't be able to do it. And, to add insult to injury, even though I did do it the rewards are not commensurate with effort. So, I won't - I'll just stick to the H2 missions and be bored for the grind.


    Yes, it can be done. No, it's not fun. No, I doubt I will do it again - I only did it post-patch to see if I could.


    That being said, if you can't solo regular H2+ content (Not SF) then maybe you need to revisit how to best utilize your skills. I found these, regardless of planet, to be just as easy as they were before the patch. And again, I don't raid, ever - it's an addiction thing and I now avoid it like the plague.


    BTW, I've been here for the long haul - Account Creation Date: 03.18.11 - I've been through it all. ;)

  2. Not unsubbing, still having fun as a solo player.


    I'm not sure what the complaints are about, to be honest. I don't raid, don't belong to a raiding guild (I'm like the lone player remaining in the guild I started before launch and I'm good with that), I don't even like to group with people. I have a mix of 208, 216 and 220 gear and my highest influence level with a comp is just 29 yet I can still easily solo the H2+ missions and have managed to complete an H2+ SF with just a comp (2 deaths, totally my own fault, probably could have been avoided had I been more on top of things). Will I get the 'One and Only' title anytime soon? Hell no, not now - should have done that yesterday but whatever.


    Was it more tedious? Totally. Was it a serious pain in the butt at times? Absolutely. Is it less fun than yesterday? Without question. Will I still play? Yeah...my alts need love too.


    But...comps were way overtuned at launch of 4.0. Did they need to be adjusted to this level? Probably not - I know I loved playing in a near god-like state. Still, it's not unmanageable. Just hit more buttons, use your CDs, be smart about your pulls and who you CC and whatnot and you should do relatively well.


    FWIW, I'm currently obsessing on my Merc (Aresenal), Lokin is my comp in heal stance 99.8% of the time. I haven't done any of these things on any of my other 65s just yet as I wanted to get through my weekly stuff on the Merc first.

  3. I actually like Pliny the Younger better...and it has to be iced cold, but...it didn't rhyme as well, lol


    For IPA though..."Nelson" by Alpine Brewing is amaze-****.


    Oooh, Nelson. I just went through 2 kegs of that in my home bar and have had to settle for Fresh Squeezed as the replacement in my tap rotation since I can't find another keg of Nelson in the state.

  4. I swiftly say "yes" when it comes to Duchesse!


    A hearty "wie gehts" for a proper Weisse-bier - I like to keep cold Erdinger, Hopf or Hofbrau near. Of course Spaten or Franziskaner would work for you, if a Weihenstephaner simply won't do.


    A Dogfish Head "Theobroma" for a chili beer coma! (Or a nice "Spiced Unicorn Milk" if you're one of my ilk!)


    Doctors, lawyers and welders enjoy a cold "Pliny the Elder"


    I lick my chops for a Ninkasi "Tricerahops"!


    I like a 'Speckled Hen" every now and again when I'm not drinking a crisp hard cider, but if I want that British taste, Samuel Smith's can't be replaced, and it makes me open my mouth that much wider.


    When I'm out and eating curry, I'm always in a hurry to ingest a Taj Mahal or a Kingfisher Ale. But if my tastes stray further East, and I crave a Japanese feast, then Asahi or Sapporo will never fail.


    And even then from time to time, one must ingest a "less than fine" can or bottle of domestic swill. Budweiser, Pabst or Miller (just so long as they've been through the chiller) will wet your whistle right as rain if nothing else will.


    Where's the 'Like' button? Although I do think both Pliny and Heady are overrated due to scarcity outside of their respective immediate areas.

  5. Rochefort 10 - but it doesn't take many of those to put me in sleepy-time mode.


    Uh, for actually staying awake and gaming I go for the session IPAs:


    Day Time (Lagunitas)

    All Day IPA (Founders)

    Easy Jack (Firestone Walker)

    Go To IPA (Stone)


    If a session IPA won't do it, I'll try to go to the lighter side of sour like doing almost any Gose or Berliner Weisse.


    The Kimmy, the Gink and the Gose (Anderson Valley)

    Blood Orange Gose (Anderson Valley)

    Dissention (Desthil)

    Counterclockwise (Desthil)

    Solstice d’Été aux Framboises (Dieu du Ciel)


    But really, Rochefort 10. Nothing says good beer to me more than a big, amazing, complex Trappist quad.

  6. I agree that F2P could use a reworking as it does seem to be too punishing and doesn't maximize incentivizing the subscription aspect. But, that's not the only issue. What's keeping subscribers (like myself since pre-release) still subscribing?


    I love MMOs. Love them like a sickness. I'm the person who will make a favorite MMO a second full-time job. I am the person who will spend hours upon hours researching my class, reverse engineering formulas to better mix/max...if I love the game. I will forgo eating and sleeping to raid with an Australian guild so I can still go to work the next day and not miss out on gaming. But only if I truly love the game and all it has to offer.


    Do I do this with SWTOR? No. Do I still pay my sub? Yes. Do I know why I still pay? Uh, I might have an addictive personality that gravitates to fictional online worlds.


    I treat SWTOR as a single player RPG that happens to have other people in the world, sometimes. I did this even before launch. I was one of those people who had a guild registered 2 years before the game launched...and I just don't care enough to put the effort into endgame which is really not like me - in other games endgame is where it's at for me.


    Point is, not only do I think there needs to be more incentives for F2P people to sub, more importantly there needs to be more incentives for those who subscribe to continue to do so.

  7. I'm actually not fond of the medal system as it encourages people to play selfishly.


    Case in point - this game was actually very close, a matter of seconds close:




    Sure, the people I happened to be playing with all have a relatively decent amount of medals but look at the objective points. I have by far more than anyone on my team that game because, you know, I was actually trying to win. Aside from my healing medals which I would have anyway because, hey, I'm a healer and it's what I do - the others came from doing things to accomplish objectives and were quite accidental. Overload when people are trying to plant, ww when trying to diffuse, etc.


    Now, look at the other team - the medal count is significantly lower but overall more objective points achieved and hence the win. It's really quite frustrating. Had my team been a little more objective focused we would have pulled out the win easily.


    To the topic of this thread though - I do think healers need some love. At least make my bubble count toward protection/absorb.

  8. Another thing I'm having trouble understanding is why do the bags drop commendations that are to purchase gear a tier below instead of gear of the same tier as the gear tokens? I honestly have no interest in Centurion pieces - for the slots I'm missing Champion gear for the Centurion gear would be a downgrade aside from expertise.
  9. I've been leveling up purely through PvPing since level 13. I am now level 46, valor rank 46. You know how many champion bags I've opened and how many pieces of PvP gear I've gotten? Zero.


    Try PvPing for the joy of PvPing.


    And this is from someone who primarily pugs who's had to deal with the level 50 premades throughout her entire PvP career. I still come out on top at least half the time, 'cause I actually think, use legitimate strategy, band my pug team together into a cohesive unit, and I have fun and joke around. Try not to take things so seriously.


    Of course, things might be different for you 'hardcore' grinders. PvP is my relaxing time, so I relax and have fun. You can probably tell I'm not the most hardcore being that I've been playing pretty consistently since launch and I'm only 46 right now. So, take that as you will.


    You've opened zero. They are unique (aside from the weekly quests which give you 3 at a time - quests you can't even get until you're 50) and require level 50 to open. Yes, you can buy one and keep it in inventory until 50 but you're not opening it.

  10. Thank you! I think it's a quick, easy, realistic fix for a problem that's really rearing its head among my friends and the folks that I know. :)


    I've experienced those same frustrations on both my 50's. RNG really stinks when you put in the kind of time and effort it takes to get to the higher ranks. I actually stopped PvP'ing for a bit on my main healer because I was getting way, way too frustrated watching my guildies get gear (that they could actually use) while I got nothing but commendations that would buy gear that was a side-grade at best, downgrade at worst, or getting tokens for gear I already had. I still don't have all my champion pieces, still have some level 50 quest reward gear - it's a good time!


    I took a week off, distanced myself from it and am now back at the grind.

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