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Posts posted by Aslesh

  1. Hello! I am looking to learn about the general RP community. I'm working my way back into the game. I've been on hiatus for nearly 2 years and decided to come back.


    I play on Star Forge, Imp side mainly. I do have some Rep. characters. I am not much of a guild person, so just curious where most of the RP population hangs out! Any info. is appreciated.

  2. All I want to know is the following two things...



    Will races beyond the human, cyborg and Zabrak be available for purchase from the market? ALL FTP's I have ever played, who have a subscriber version as well, have offered their players of the FTP a chance to purchase access to the otherwise non-accessible races due to their FTP status.



    For those of us who are subscribers and have the option to choose characters to hold onto when we change into the FTP version; can we select characters that are races other than the Human, Cyborg and Zabrak? For example, say I want to keep my Pureblood when I shift to FTP. Can I?


    P.S. Yes I have read other posts, but I like to make sure I get a direct answer when my money and time is on the line.

  3. All I want to know is the following two things...



    Will races beyond the human, cyborg and Zabrak be available for purchase from the market? ALL FTP's I have ever played, who have a subscriber version as well, have offered their players of the FTP a chance to purchase access to the otherwise non-accessible races due to their FTP status.



    For those of us who are subscribers and have the option to choose characters to hold onto when we change into the FTP version; can we select characters that are races other than the Human, Cyborg and Zabrak? For example, say I want to keep my Pureblood when I shift to FTP. Can I?


    P.S. Yes I have read other posts, but I like to make sure I get a direct answer when my money and time is on the line.

  4. Hello there! I am presently looking for an, or multiple, apprentice(s) who are in turn looking for a Sith Master for short/long-term rp. I am also interested in acquiring some servants/followers/soldiers. Below are my specifications.


    *Two persons have contacted me thusfar. One as the role of an apparentice and the other has yet to decide for certain.


    I am of the EST Time Zone, presently more active during evening hours near or between 4/5 p.m. - 12 a.m.


    Racial Preferences (alphabetized): Chiss, Mandalorian, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Twi'lek (lethans preferred), Zabarak


    Racial preferential note: My character finds the hypocritical perspective of humans in the empire to be an annoyance, and just pathetic. Human attempts to regard alien species, as in non-human species, as anything but lesser beings is frankly a level of

    stupidity which he has no time for. Mandalorians are the only 'human' type of species that he accepts only because their views are so close to the ideals of the sith. Race means nothing, only power and strength (this means I will accept only humans who are role-playing as mandalorians). Because of this he has embraced an acceptable level of personal hypocriticism to counter their perspectives, in that he embraces alien species so long as they have the strength to prove they are worthy of his time.


    - He finds;

    - Chiss to be beautiful, calculating, and resourceful.

    - Mandalorian's to be hard, strong, and valuable.

    - Rattataki to be devious, cruel, and powerful.

    - His own species, of course, to be superior. He will only 'breed' with his own

    species (this does not mean he does not mate with other species, but he does

    so only for the sake of entertainment and not procreation).

    - Twi'leks to be palpable, devilishly cruel, and visually appealing.

    - Zabarak to be chaotic, unpredictable, yet potent and viciously alluring.


    I know some of you may be wondering why I created the section dealing with racial preferences when there are only a handful of races to choose from really, and I've pretty much listed each one. I did this for clarity on how my character views the races. Just wanted to provide a brief explanation. ^.^


    Class preferences (greatest to least): Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, Bounty Hunter


    Here is more of what I am hoping for. I would like to have a small group of people, probably ten or so. I may turn this into a small guild, but that depends on if I get people who are interested, and if said interested people are truly interested. I've invested enough time in crap-shots towards starting guilds during my six years of playing WoW.


    - I would like a couple Sith Warriors (preferably ones who'd like to role-play guard roles; the imperial red robed sith guards). Sith Warriors and Inquisitors as apprentices are both as equally interesting to me, I have no class preference in this area.


    - Agents can make excellent imperial soldiers, officers, infiltrators, intelligence officers and so on. It's a single class built for so many possibilities. Something I love about its construction.


    - Bounty Hunters are more of a come and go, serve for pay, sort of thing and not really the sort who stick around so I don't expect many who'd play as one of these and actually stay in service, unless of course you are role-playing soldiers and/or Mandalorians who wish to serve.


    RL age must be over 18 for mature role-play


    I have Achieved level 50, and acquired the Darth title therefore my RP character is a Darth.


    Now a brief bio of my character;

    Name: Ackerin-lai'ser

    Title: Darth

    Species: Sith Pureblood

    Age: 478

    Visual age: 39

    Gender: Male

    Place of Birth: Unknown


    Personality: Ackerin is a firm believer in the strictness of the Sith laws, but further the absolute continued upholding of true Sith beliefs. He tends to take an interest in younger, and lower ranked Sith, apprentices, and/or acolytes who seems to act outside of his own personal views. He is a firm, hard man yet also not without some level of compassion which many sith find unusual sometimes. He holds his loyalty to be stronger to his own race than to the empire. He loathes humans who find 'aliens' to be nothing but lower species as that contradicts the very origin of the present day Sith. He finds the idea of slaying another who is unarmed to be uncomfortable at best but if the situation calls for it he will do what he must. As a warrior honor in combat is without question, and he has never turned down a challenge. He values those who serve him and treats them with respect so long as they do their duties, and never question his commands.


    Present activities: Lord Ackerin has, since its conquest, taken interest in the operations of the Sith Academy on Korriban. Because of the Emperor's extremist demands that any and all force-sensitive's be accepted for training in order to compensate for the numbers lost, and numbers needed he has taken notice of the rather lower grade Sith being passed through the academy. Many of the students are getting their sabers too soon and being sent out into the galaxy. In addition those who do have the potential to become great are being slain before they can prove it simple to cut corners, and spit out more and more sith. The lessons being taught are about only power and nothing more. The value of combat tactics, the true application of strength, tactical analysis, and more are being ignored.


    Biography: His personal biography is something to be explored through rp.


    If you have any interests what so ever please PM me and we can discuss any questions and/or interests you may have. :)

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