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Posts posted by ichebem

  1. Why does nobody see the real problem?


    Every player nowadays has many different charakters. Gear means nothing. Most players want to get 1 high rating, they dont care if they have 5 other twinks low.


    It should be like this:

    Top Gear is required to be allowed to queue. Getting gear should be hard, and no legacy gear. Everyone who would queue, would have to put much time in the charakter before beeing allowed to queue. And everyone wants an high rating, so nobody would wintrade.


    Wintrade is possible, because you can just take a twink. And win/loose with him (whatever your buddy needs, if you are group up with him, or against him). And later he can do the same for you.

    This problem would be solved, if twinks were not allowed to queue, or if their gear would be so bad, that they couldnt carry, and your mate would get the loose, if he gets teamed up with these twinks.


    Its quite a simple logic. Make the player to put effort into beeing allowed to play ranked. If everyone has only 1 charakter, everyone cares about his rating and nobody would wintrade for any mate.

  2. Hey,

    just read some gearing guides.. some are saying. Mastery is capped in PvP, go for power augments/mods..

    Some say it isnt capped..


    so .. Question: Whats BIS gear for PVP ? And ist Mastery capped (hardcapped) in any way?

  3. That may sound like no problem huh, but now healers do not want to play, even the very good ones.


    I guess the main problem for skilled Healers is, that its just boring to heal in a Random WZ. There aren´t enough good DPS. I mean its just boring if you are waiting the whole round to find someone you could heal, just because no on gets damage.


    Its far more entertaining to play DPS and kill people, altough searching for opponents players can be quite annoying, too.

  4. keine Ahnung wer du bist, und das wäre denke ich eine recht nützliche Info, da die Community ohnehin so klein ist, dass eigentlich jeder jeden kennt....


    Kannst dich aber gerne mal bei mir ingame melden. Findest mich meistens auf Rep-Seite (Sparks). Dann kann man mal sehen, versprechen will ich dir nix, aber mehr ranked Spieler braucht der Server... daher: Meld dich gerne ;)

  5. The only possible way to balance PVE and PVP is to separate to 2 skill trees. After that, devs can balance for PVP freely without making the PVE crowd angry.


    This is by far the easiest solution, but it would complicate the game. Abilities wouldnt work the same way or deal the same amount of Damage/Heal in PvP/PvE and to explain that ingame could be difficult. Players could get confused, like they get confused with different PvE & PvP Gear....

    I mean: All you need to do: Add a specific Buff to each class in PvP, which makes small advantages to their performance.. super easy to rebalance.... and this system exists, we all get a buff when we enter a warzone.. make this Buff class specific... and add things like: "ability x does 5% more damage", or "cooldown of ability y needs 20s longer to refresh"


    But like mention aboved, this would complicate the game... for some players...


    I really would support such an Buff-system because its easy to adjust, but i am going to support any other system that improve the balance, too. I just ask for the possibility to help balancing.... because the Dev´s obviously dont have the best ideas and dont know what they change automaticly, when they change X... because you never change a single X; you always change an Y,Z & so on.


    And like mentioned in the first post: At the moment sth. is happening, we get more often small adjustments than ever before. I believe in change, i believe, that they are trying, now lets get them listening to us. Not because we know everything.... just because: We have good & bad ideas, and we want to share them. And we want Bioware to pick the good ideas, and make good balancing.


    Thats all. So damn easy.

    So just: Pls Support, tell my your opinion. Make proposions. Go for it!

  6. Hey Guys,


    Obviously, some of my statements were misunderstood, so I would like to explain some again. Concerning

    my comment on the saga healer. I said, that the gap between Top Player and normal player performance is to big.



    Of course skill should be rewarded and a strong player should always achieve better results than a weak one. But if Bioware adjusts the game so that the average player copes, then top players should still produce numbers that are in line. And they do not do that at the time of the legend compared to the command abilities of a commando / rogue. A sages that is optimally interrupted heals 20-25% more than an optimally interrupted command. And this difference can not be explained with better survivability or the advantage of the network. It's just too much. 10-15% would be acceptable. And now, before anyone thinks these numbers are out of thin air, they are not. They are from my current Teamranked experience and the numbers are all counted against. A perfectly broken and stunned command does not nearly approach a Sages. I could now write much more about it and include the villain in the comparison and explain exactly where the problems lie, and how to limit the healing power of a command so far that requires quite a very good organization of the opponents. But for what? Bioware does not read anyway ... and unfortunately nothing will happen. And to make this clear: I'm not about the commando, or about Sages, Healer or whatever, I'm looking for a good balancing ... and of that we are nunmal miles away, and that looks at the DD's much worse out than at the Healers. The healers are still good compared to the DD's.


    Just to make that clear again: a Maradeur has good to very good damage, mobility and survivabilty. That's just too much in the end, a point, and which one I do not care, must be annoyed here, a class without vulnerability should be weaker in other things, otherwise lose other classes their reason for being.


    Last Note: This post is, of course, about my gaming experience, but it depends on a good big community and an active ranked game, because that's why I play. And ranked is the more exciting and versatile the better a game is balanced.



    Somehow I have the feeling, I am here assumed I would call buffs or nerfs for my classes. that's nonsense, i just want a good balancing, because i do not find it exciting when 90% of the teams in the teamranked list with the same setup.


    In the end, normal pvp does not really makes me fun, not because it's boring, but because you just have to do 25 games until there is a single one, whose output is not decided before. At least that's my problem when I queue with my people and that's not supposed to sound arrogant, but we really win just about any game in the normal pvp, and win 3 vs 8 zerg and so on...... and that's not our special achievement, but the fact owed that the opposing DD does not even make 1k DPS. its boring, its unbelievable how they manage to do so little dps....therefore i go for ranked pvp... but there you have really issues with the current balancing... sad story bro.

  7. To provide a tl.dr of your post


    Thanks for your comment. I wrote guardian instead of marauder. I meant that marauder are to strong, guardian has quite weak defensives.. of course, that was my fault.

    We could discuss endless about what classes are to strong, and which are to weak.... we shouldn´t do the mistake to compare classes 1 vs 1, we should compare the use for a group in ranked or normal warzone.

    From this point of view, I think that Gunslinger bring significantly more than the other RangeDD's or that Gunslinger have no real weakness, and strengthen the commando (selfheal) or sage (offheal) are not really relevant in most of the fighting. Whereas the strengths of gunslinger always come to fruition and he has few real weaknesses and on the other hand, the weaknesses of sages (squishiness) always attract attention and requires team support. The sage simply does not bring enough DPS advantage, or other advantages. In 8 out of 10 situations, a gunslinger is a better or equal choice than a commando or sage, and that suggests a bad balance for me. Just the fact that the Gunslinger is the only range class to distribute a Healdebuff and has significantly more castimmunity than the other classes are important advantages.


    About the red thread: Sorry, its not my native language, its hard for me to write and think in english.





    Yeah we have quite a good balancing right now. Most time balancing was just ... sad. Now its in many parts ok. But its not great, there is still a lot to improve....

    And i would say, that for example, during patch 2.0 the balancing for the healclasses in pvp was better, while it was absolutely bad for PvE at this time.



    Long post, long answer. Brace yourself. :rak_03:

    Thx for a great Comment. I will talk about Koltobomb at the end of this post. First, sorry for mixing up between guardian and marauder in my initial post. my fault.



    You pretty much get it to the point. I agree with you almost completely and I would have preferred another nerf of the sage. Nucleating resources and heal output was unnecessary, and this has especially complicated the class so much that the average player is completely overwhelmed. And that may not be the goal, even though I think that sages is currently perfectly balanced for very good players . (or slightly too strong).


    General comments for PvE and PvP :

    Sorry for my guardian mistake... i am normally not using english class-names.

    Every class in this game have a number of escape, or gap closer at its disposal. The issue being that those don't always work as intended, and some defensive ability/escape are stronger than what some other class have. Adjusting damage based on how much you can exploit this (broken) system isn't the way to do things correctly. First, work on the escape options, and on the ability to close gap quickly. Powertech cannot be certain to leap to its target 100% of the time, because the ability is bugged. The same apply for Operative/Assassins who have a broken dash (sometimes work strangely or won't work at all). On the other hand you have some class like Mercenary who are able to kite almost indefinitely and opponent due to their root, slow backdash, net and whatever else. This is the strange part, because it is one source of the current imbalance in PvP as well. No matter how strong you are, if you cannot reach your opponent he just won't die at all. Each ranged class should be able to kite another, sure. But each melee class should also be able to approach them correctly and stick to their target for some time at least, in order to deal sufficient damage.


    In the end we should be talking more about player skills (the one who can use its escape in a smart way or the one who can close gap and being clever in the use of his ability to stick to its target), but the current system makes it difficult to do that, because our class balance team hasn't been able to find the right balance between those two aspect of the game. Ranged shouldn't deal less damage than melee or whatever. Skilled players should be more efficient than less skilled players.

    +++++ i like very much.

    I would, however, extend the whole thing a bit. It can not be the goal that all melees have equal or equal good mobility, but the strengths (mobility / burst dps / sustained dps / survivability / group support) must be equally distributed among the classes so that the decision is great is not dictated by the game. Each class needs to have clear advantages and disadvantages, and every class combination should be a compromise. Unfortunately, this is not the case right now. (see marauder)



    About Kolto bomb


    I have to talk to you unfortunately. Koltobombe was the commando heal par excellence during patch 1.0 and 2.0. And even today, Koltobomb is responsible for a large part of the cure in PvP and Pve.

    The problem of Koltobombe compared to the AoE-Heals of the other classes is the short CD. This forces the command to invest significantly more time (gcd) to recover the aoe healing. The added value of healing that the commando receives for more use of time compared to a sages aoe heal is not given.

    Exactly that makes the commando in PvP so weak at the moment, whereas in PvE it is very strong. In PvP you have just a few GCD's at your disposal, and the commando just needs too many. The simplest solution for this is to reinforce koltobomb in the field of application that most frequently occurs in pvp and to make koltobomb an alternative starting from 2 targets. With my suggestion not even the very good healing in the pve would be further improved, but the absolute aoe-healing would be slightly lowered. Whereas in PvP effective healing of 3-5 targets would be well possible, which is really important.

    Of course, from a PvP point of view, this would be a buff on the Heal performance, but that's exactly what we need, especially as our defensive CD is legitimately freewheeled. Actually, based on my current pvp experiences, a bigger buff for the HPS of the commando healer would be acceptable, but I think this change to koltobomb would fight the problems of the command where they exist. and the main problem is that you do not have enough GCD's. Therefore, my suggestion is to upgrade the value of the GCD used for koltobomb.

  8. freak^^ Thari.....da hast du aber ein absolutes dream bg erwischt, passiert einmal von 1000, wenn überhaupt, aber sau stark ;)..... , hat hier eigtl nix verloren, aber ich lass es mal da



    Moin Leute,


    ich habe mir gerade tatsächlich die Mühe gemacht einen offenen Brief an die Dev´s zu schreiben.




    Ich möchte euch bitte diesen zu unterstützen. Egal ob ihr pveler, pvpler, rpler oder sonstwas seid, und egal wie ihr meine vorschläge findet, die Intention des Threads ist es, dass endlich ein Dialog zwischen Developern und Spielern beginnt, wie er in anderen Spielen normal ist.

    Daher bitte euch einfach nur: Lasst uns so viele sein, dass sie reagieren. Und wenn sie das tun, ist das ein Gewinn für uns alle. Denn dann kann sich jeder einbringen, es muss nicht so bleiben wie es momentan im Vorschlagsforum (Deutsch und Englisch ist), lasst es uns ändern!


    Gruß und danke euch!

  9. Moin Leute,


    ich habe mir gerade tatsächlich die Mühe gemacht einen offenen Brief an die Dev´s zu schreiben.




    Ich möchte euch bitte diesen zu unterstützen. Egal ob ihr pveler, pvpler, rpler oder sonstwas seid, und egal wie ihr meine vorschläge findet, die Intention des Threads ist es, dass endlich ein Dialog zwischen Developern und Spielern beginnt, wie er in anderen Spielen normal ist.

    Daher bitte euch einfach nur: Lasst uns so viele sein, dass sie reagieren. Und wenn sie das tun, ist das ein Gewinn für uns alle. Denn dann kann sich jeder einbringen, es muss nicht so bleiben wie es momentan im Vorschlagsforum (Deutsch und Englisch ist), lasst es uns ändern!


    Gruß und danke euch!

  10. I Don’t ask for much feedback, but would be really glad about a “/we read it”


    Dear Swtor-Players & Developers & Officers,


    I´m longtime player and fan of the game.

    I have an abnormal amount of playing time and experience in every part of the game, especially in PvP. I have already played at the absolute top level, but claim that I can understand the problems of the average player quite well

    I really like it and I´m glad that currently there are many small balance adjustments.

    Nevertheless, I think that these adjustments are not yet optimal,but I think I can give good ideas and guidance on how to improve balancing even further.

    The aim of my suggestions is to improve the balancing in all game areas and for the different skill levels of the players. My suggestions are written from a PvP point of view, but I've put a lot of emphasis on positively influencing PvE, if anything.


    So Lets Start: Suggestion 1:

    Mercenary/Commando Healer:

    Change the way Koltobomb works.


    Make it scale with #People hitten Fantasy Numbers

    Old: Lobs a kolto bomb at the target area, exploding on impact. Heals up to 8 allies within 8 meters of the targeted area for 10.

    New: Lobs a kolto bomb at the target area, exploding on impact. Heals 60 splitted among 4-8 allies within 8 meters of targeted area

    Example: 8 Allies Hitten: Old: Each gets healed 10 a total of: 80 / new: Each gets healed for 7,5 a total of: 60

    Example: 6 Allies Hitten: Old: Each gets healed 10 a total of l: 60 / new: Each gets healed for 10 a total of: 60

    Example: 4 Allies Hitten: Old: Each gets healed 10 a total of: 40 / new: Each gets healed for 15 a total of: 60

    Example: 2 Allies Hitten: Old: Each gets healed 10 a total of l: 20 / new: Each gets healed for 15 a total of: 30


    Player Comment: We've found that a significant portion of the healing of a commando was caused by its defensive CD's. As a result, while the Commando was nearly immortal, it is weaker in healing allies than the other two classes. Therefore, we decided to weaken the defensive CD's of the commando. In return, we want to strengthen the healing ability of the commando.

    We think that koltobomb is the ideal skill to redesign. For this purpose, we have developed a completely new way of group healing. The amount of healing scales with the number of players hit. This allowed us to give the commando a situational heal, which allows the commando to heal 3-5 ally most efficiently. At the same time, we have reduced the amount of healing for 6-8 allies, as otherwise the Koltobomb would be superior to the AoE-Heal abilities of the other classes due to the low CD. If the Koltobomb meets two goals, it is now a good choice, but advanced medical probe or bacta infusion are still better options.



    just a comment about what the problem is.

    There are many ways to solve the problem, if this is really to be read, of course I will suggest my ideas, but first I want to describe the problem.

    Sorcerers have no weakness when played by a good player. They can kite very well, they have a good AoE healing, they have very good burst heal and they also have a very good sustained heal. Overall, sorcerers have by far the best package of all healclasses. But, and that's the problem, only the very best players are able to retrieve the potential of this class. The gap between an average player and a top player is much too large and, above all, much larger than other heal classes, such as the commando. The problem is that only the best players manage to deliver a high level of heal output while not completely using up their resources. Normal players fail and are either very fast without resources, or heal very little, as they save resources all the time. The solution is relatively simple, bringing the average player closer to the performance of a very good player by changing the skills so that there is an easy and safe way to reach about 80% of the top player's performance without too many resources consume. That also works with Commando and Rogue Healer. As mentioned above, if you are interested in my problem solving for this problem, let me know, I have the ideas in my head, it's just about writing them down, but since it takes a lot of time, it's hard to find the motivation to write everything down if you do not know if the key people (Developers & Officers) will eventually read it.



    General PvP-PvE-Comment

    And yes believe me or not I have already for almost every problem mentioned a possible solution (finely tuned to the numbers missing, of course), which would be very good for PvP, without affecting the PvE. In many cases, the changes would even enrich the PvE as well as the PvP.

    Nobody wants all classes to do everything the same, there should be different solutions. But everyone should have their niche in which they are the best solution. The niche in which class xy does something best.

    Quite placatively speaking, this means: no class should be able to do anything. If she can kite very well, she should endure less, or do less damage, if she can very well pursue targets, should she also endure less, or do less damage. But if it takes a lot of skill on the part of players to bring the damage out of the class, then it should be easier for this class to survive. I just want to give you two examples where the whole thing went completely wrong. First of all: The Marauder, he has a very high mobility, a very good survivability and almost the maximum damage output of all classes. This whole package does not fit. (Patch 5.6 will hopefully change that). Example Two: The Gunslinger, also he can kite very well, has a lot of immunity and defensive CD's and can do very well compared to other Range DD's. He does not stand out as clearly as the Sentinel, but still clearly. (here comes an adaptation with patch 5.6 Thumbs Up!)

    One might ask why I name 2 examples that are being changed. But that's exactly the reason. They are being changed, something is actually happening, and unfortunately I have not been able to observe that often in the long time I've been at swtor. Therefore, I hope to actually reach the developers with this thread.

    I also mentioned the two upper classes because they were wrongly adapted in my opinion. The problem that they are too strong overall was recognized and addressed, but it was turned on the wrong set screw. But as I said before, writing down and explaining my ideas is a lot more work than a short text like this, especially in English, as this is not my native language. So, if there really is an open ear from the developer for class-balancing community suggestions, let us know, and I'm sure I and many others would be willing to work out their ideas and explain them well on the board.






    p.s.: Would be so happy about a small reaction, and feel free to contact me, if want to listen to my ideas, its all about sharing them and find the best solution in the end.

  11. Da hätte ich gerne mal nen Parse bzw. nen Screen mit welcher Skillung/Klasse das möglich gewesen sein soll... Habe früher selbst viel PvE gemacht und spiele seit Release PvP und das mit allen Klassen, spontan fällt mir keine Skillung ein in welcher ein Heal an die DPS eines gut gespielten DDs kam.

    Klar gabs bspw. den Stunbubblehybrid vom Sorc welcher (aber auch nur im PvP) ziemlich Op war, aber auch das nur Aufgrund von a) der Stunbubble auf jedem von ihm gebubbleten Ziel und b) der krassen Smasherflut welche damals dominierte.... DPS-technisch war da auch nicht viel...




    Denova Nightmare - Schaden auf den Läufer-Phase - Merc Heal-DPS >> DPS der DD´s.


    Natürlich nur während dieser kurzen Phase, keine Ahnung 30s? Aber das war damals schon enorm wichtig, weil es echt schwer war den Läufer mit 3 Phasen down zukriegen. Ich muss hier nicht erwähnen, dass Mörserhagel/Orbitalschlag für die Trandoshaner-Phase von den Heals auch enorm wichtig waren, aber das war ja eher nur 1 DPS-AOE-Fähigkeit, und keine 30s am Stück durchballern nummern wie beim Läufer.


    Und ich könnte dir jetzt noch zu so ziemlich jeden Boss bsp geben. War damals halt so, dass man eigtl nur 1,5 Heals brauchte, was dazu führte dass ich, bis auf in wenigen Phasen, fast immer bisl DPS nebenher gemacht hab. Für halben DD hats gereicht, und in bestimmten Phasen konnte man als Merc halt auch über den DD`s stehen.

  12. Hab jetzt nur mal grob die letzten Seiten ein wenig überflogen und bei weitem nicht alles gelesen...



    aber, ach kein Kommentar. Sage wird FOTM bleiben, an den Stärken 0 gearbeitet, und ob man jetzt 2-3 mal mehr Mana regt macht den Braten nicht fett, wenns eine Klasse gibt die genug GCD´s hat, dann ist es der Sage...


    Den Nerf für den Dot Sage verstehe ich btw nicht. Generell der falsche Ansatz zu nerfen. Buffs für die schlechten Klassen wären angebracht gewesen, und keine Nerfs, meiner Meinung nach. But waynetrain, RIP SWTOR, woop woop

  13. Oh believe me, you will. Be it more crappy 4 deeps comp or an actual good composition, we'll be there. One day, maybe, 4 deeps commando will see the light. One day. Maybe.


    Really great work. Queueing with a comp which cant loose.

    If you loose -> "We are just trolling and want destroy team-ranked"

    If you win -> "lol, these idiots are loosing against 4 DPS"


    In fact its quite easy to win against 4 DPS, but its quite hard, to take it serious. If you make 1 mistake against 4 DPS, you loose, cause of 2 Nets, 4 DPS. I dont know how many pops we had against you, and i dont know how many we played & how many we left. But what i know is:

    We lost only 1 game (pls give me another screenshot) and seeing this game posted @ the board. Are you serious?

    Looks like you need to make every little sucess you have public.


    I am here for fun, especailly in preseason and not for posting any wins and glorify myself. Just waiting for the announcement that you won every game against us. Because we are so bad. Please confirm.

  14. Bioware müsste nur alle Server zusammenlegen, aber ich befürchte noch gibt es dafür zu viele Spieler... also abwarten, bis nur noch so wenige spielen, dass ein Servermerge kommt. Das ist momentan das realistischste bzgl "Crossserver". (Auch wenns kein Crossserver ist, aber der Effekt ist der gleiche).
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