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Posts posted by Ezaviel

  1. Yeah, probably the thing that is going to annoy me the most is losing my character names.

    It was annoying enough losing a few of my names when I transfered over here to the APAC servers when they originally released them :mad:

  2. No, this SHOULD be a pretty freaking easy choice.



    I am a light side jedi. So the EASY CHOICE would be to stop the guy and be rewarded for sticking to the jedi code, as light side jedi. But someone felt like turning their brain off while making this quest.


    Except that as mentioned, it is not the place of the Jedi to stop the senate doing things.


    The Jedi code prohibits Jedi from ruling anyone, which means that perverting the mechanisms of the senate to not disagree with the jedi would be a dark sidfe act, as it is against the code. If the senate vote to do something stupid, the Jedi are obligated to let them do it.

  3. I personally get annoyed by all of the "they called someone else a loyal player, and now I am all offended that they insulted me" that I am seeing on the forums.


    It is ridiculous.


    If I tell one of my mates that he is a great person, it does not mean I am telling the guy down the street that he is a bad person.


    I think it is great that they are rewarding the people at level 50 for sticking around despite the lack of content that I have heard about (because no, I do not have a 50, so I am not getting this reward).


    TL;DR: Grow up.

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