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Posts posted by Beyorn

  1. Thanks all ;D! I figured out the problem. As soon as I remapped the buttons on my mouse from the keypad numbers to the numbers above the letters I was able to add Shift. The problem was, on my keyboard at least, that when you hit shift it gave the button another function. That was what was screwing me up. Thanks All!!!
  2. I got one, I cancelled about a week ago. I pay every 6 months so they still have about 4 months of my money ;D. I was brutally honest on the survey. I realize too that the game may be going in a different direction then the way I want it to go so I just cancelled. I'm hoping they get some of this stuff ironed out, if they do I will be back.


    And PLEASE BIOWARE return the old packs please ;D.

  3. I am personally most upset about the fact that they announced the whole level synch change so late... I mean they are massively changing how the game works after FOUR years. Not only the new parts but also the old parts as well.


    So it looks like the waited until many people had subbed through summer to get those "awsome" rewards. I admit that Bioware has all the right in the world to do so, however there are other ways to show appreciation to your customer base. :mon_trap:


    That is why they waited so late because they knew there would be an uproar. Bioware could screw up a free lunch ;(.

  4. This is a lazy change and will make going to the different plants exactly like it is in GW2. If they are hellbent on doing this I would suggest make it server specific. Let everyone who doesn't want it on one server and then the rest of the peeps who want it on another. Then everyone is happy.


    Or make each planet have a version of the zone with level sync and the other not.


    Sadly I have 2 months still on my account which I have already cancelled. If I could get those two months back I would ;P


    VERY UNHAPPY Bioware!

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