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Posts posted by GregoryOnasi

  1. The point is simple.


    A publisher can charge $15 a month for an MMO subscription. They can't do that with a SPRPG.


    Publishers look at WoW making profits of $500 million a year, and it makes them salivate. They forget that you have to execute if you're going to get those members.


    Bioware decided to make an MMO which goes totally against their specialty. Why? Because LA wanted an MMO to generate steady licensing revenue, SWG had failed to be that game, and they convinced Bioware they were the ones who could pull it off. EA then bought Bioware largely due to having the licensing rights to a Star Wars MMO. They envisioned WoW in space, with WoW-type subscription numbers. And that is why you make an MMO instead of a SPRPG.


    Ironically, I think if BW had invested the same money and energy into a KOTOR 3 SPRPG for cross-platform support, they might have sold 10 million units and paid for development twice over already, plus they could sell DLC's and probably make a crap-load more money from those. Now, they are into it deep with an MMORPG that better pull no less than half a million subscribers for the next year or it will be one of the biggest money sinks in history.


    And this is Bioware/EA's descent into failure, because of their selfish and stupid decisions.

  2. KOTOR 3 would be cool but not if it used KOTOR 1's combat and leveling systems, those were just aweful. You could complete the whole game by just spamming one ability and not being able to level up your character past 2 or 4 till you got off Taris sucked.


    If they do make a KOTOR 3, which is unlikely because of TOR, they should have the combat play like Force Unleashed. An action rpg with BioWare's level of depth would be awesome.


    What are you even talking about at this point TFU had some of the worse camera angles, and was even buggier then KOTOR 2. Besides the point it's combat system was flawed, and the game isn't even an RPG its a single player adventure game on the spectrum of games it would be more like Lego star Wars.

  3. I still don't understand why Bioware ignores the elephant in the room, and just doesn't talk about their crown jewel Kotor its as if they see it as a failure even though the abomination they call the spiritual successor of Kotor ended up not doing so great. If they just made a Kotor 3 then they could move on that would be it the trilogy they set out to make would be done.
  4. I like it the way it is. It allows me to get a half of level that I need to get to the next level so I can level on the next planet easier. Though it would be nice if there could be like a raid or multiplayer version where you assault a big space station it would be a fun thing to do with buddies.
  5. I agree. I'd much prefer a non-MMO version. This game would be absolutely amazing without the MMO. When NPCs tell me that I'm going into a warzone, I expect there to be one, but because this is an MMO, it's nothing like there. I go there and there are maybe a people NPCs shooting at one another and then just empty space for a long time. I won't even get started on the subscription fee, server maintenance, and general chat that wouldn't exist in KotOR III.


    The storylines would just be so much better and offer so much more immersion, the graphics would actually be good other than just the worlds, and I probably wouldn't have to play on my terrible PC and could play on my PS3. It'd be like Skyrim, but with Star Wars.




    I had no choice. It was this or nothing.


    My exact point my good sir.

  6. If you wanted KOTOR3 why did you buy this? Everything they've shown about this game for the last year or more should have made it excruciatingly obvious that this was not going to be KOTOR 3.


    In 2008 when they released the information on this being an MMO they said (not my words) that it would be a spiritual successor. I do enjoy this game but don't correlate a completely different game, and tell someone something went it isn't true. This game is nothing like Kotor you are right. Bioware is milking the Old Republic story for all its worth that isn't right.

  7. The knights of the old republic series were my bread and butter as a teen. If they made Kotor 3 I would be thrilled. But that is just me I do enjoy Swtor to an extent but once I cap 50 and finish my sith warrior's lightside storyline I will probably drop my subscription and move back to wow with all my friends.

    So to those who also enjoy this game and biowares work would you want to see a kotor 3 be made. Also tell what you enjoyed about Kotor 1&2, and what you possibly hated (we all know that kotor 2 was underdeveloped so please leave that out!

  8. The gameplay isn't similar to KOTOR.

    KOTOR used a d20 dungeons & dragons system, with skills (awareness, etc), feats (Lightsaber Focus, Lightsaber Specialization, etc).

    You had 6 MEANINGFUL attributes.

    You had several types of damage (energy, sonic, thermal, electric, etc)

    You had several types of defenses (armor, willpower, fortitude, reflex)


    Why would BioWare throw all of that away, to replace it with:

    - 4 primary stats of wich you only ever use 1 (why do the other 3 even show up in your character sheet?)

    - Old WoW Talent trees with different names

    - Old WoW Skill ranks

    - Old WoW secondary stat style (armor, block, dodge, etc) with different names?


    KOTOR allowed great customization of your character. You could go Dexterity or Strength with Lightsaber, specialize in Power Attack or Flurry... and so on.

    You had Grenades, personal shields, etc.


    Now, you create a character with specific gear, with stats decided for you, where all you gotta do is follow the path laid in front of you and all will be well.

    What customization is there in this game? Honestly?


    This drove it home for me, and that is why I will not be resubbing this month, and probably not ever play another bioware game until they make a Kotor 3.

  9. Follow and straight-up copy are two different things. http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg


    Its ok to model your game after other ones, but to totally XEROX another game (and poorly I might add) with less features and different graphics is a recipe for failure. That is what this game is.


    And then alienate your true fans by making a ****** mmo with no end game, and not a great RPG that helps close the story to one of the greatest gaming series ever...

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