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Posts posted by Niclamus

  1. I already forgot most of the things in the first post, but I'll back him up a little bit on a few of the issues.


    The front left escape pod will kill you more times that it will not. Do not take that pod. We have not had this issue with any other pods.


    After finishing an attempt on Gharj, regardless of if you wipe or if you kill him, there are times where people will randomly get oneshot. This does 0 durability damage and while annoying, does absolutely no harm and usually causes laughs. It usually lasts for a few seconds and people will get picked off one by one, but can be res'ed and you can move on.


    The camera twitch bug is a well known bug, I've almost died to it a couple times but haven't actually had it kill me yet. Sometimes your camera will just randomly spin and your character with it.


    Gharj not resetting after a wipe is a known bug. Just reset your phases, redo trash, and kill the boss. It doesn't happen most of the time, but sometimes it does.... and it's annoying.


    Now, regarding people not finding their way.... that's just bad playing. The starting area is an oval no bigger than 50 meters with only 1 path leading out which is clearly shown almost nomatter where you are standing on your minimap. Super easy to find your way to the boss... and your way around the instance as it is a linear path with no possible way to get lost since you can only go 2 ways, either forward, or back to where you were.

  2. Hey everyone,


    Basically we've been trying to find ways to make EV harder since the content is getting a bit stale after as many clears as we have done... especially on Normal mode. I know that a lot of other people have put in the time too and probably are thinking the same thing, so let's think of some fun things to do to make the encounters harder.


    Ancient Pylons:

    1. [Which Way is Left? 16man] - Complete the puzzle using the longest possible routes.



    1. [i Walk Hard 16man] - All players in raid must complete the fight using the RP walk feature.

    2. [Kill What? 16man] - Complete the fight without killing any of the pylons on the stair phase.



    Feel free to add your own to all of the other bosses.

  3. We ran into this once also. It is annoying.


    We find the landshark (random deaths) to be hilarious usually when someone dies while on the speeder and such. Annoying bug, sure, but definitely gets some laughs as you watch your guild fall dead around you and pray that you are not next!


    I've killed this boss twice every week since the 20th..... only have gotten credit once for a normal mode kill on the quest. That bug is really a pain in the butt.

  4. The lightning balls only can be detonated by the person they are targeting. Fortunately anyone with a taunt can make them target them.


    Regarding the pylons dropping, we've had this issue once or twice.... but not nearly as often as people on these forums make it out to be. You need to make sure he is positioned perfect. Yeah there are a few rare times where it will hit him and not bust his bubble, but usually it's because he's off center by a few paces.


    At the same time we've had it where his shield was busted when he was nowhere near it.... so you never know with this encounter.

  5. You follow us religiously. The easiest example of that was when Jaxon hit level 50, you instantly posted stating you did it first. We then checked and you were still in the 40s, not even close.


    We started working on Soa HM, you then posted stating you killed it not only before us - but before AoD. However you could never provide any proof of it and your own guildmates came out stating you guys hadn't even got to Soa in Hardmode yet, also that you posted that without their knowledge. This isn't an issue of us following you, but rather you following us and then making up lies to the community. The only content you have proof of clearing is Pylons Nightmare.


    I am not a part of the people that left your group, and I really didn't care about what happened between you and them until it affected me directly by your downvoting my videos on YouTube. Obviously you are going to deny it, but it was pretty clear that it was you since only moments before you were watching my stream. Then all of a sudden every video I had uploaded, videos showing the guild you follow so closely doing content you haven't been able to, were downvoted.


    I still really don't care about your actions as MOST of them did not affect me, however I am genuinely trying to help the community and you are being very counterproductive in that by spreading misinformation. Please go elsewhere to do that.


    EDIT: Nice, your news posts I referenced in my original long posts have disappeared off your website. Including your proof of killing pylons on Nightmare.

  6. I had a long post here responding to yours, however I have decided that it really isn't worth the time to argue with you about this. Anyone who knows the encounter can tell that... well.. you don't by the fact that you mentioned an enrage timer.


    I understand your need to feel relevant in the endgame scene in this game, and your inability to complete content with your current guild leaves you no choice but to come to the forums and tell stories. However, please do it outside of my threads.


    I also can understand that you are probably upset that the guild that was founded mostly by people who left your guild because they couldn't stand your personality is doing so much better than yours. Once again, not my problem as I wasn't part of that group, leave it out of my threads.


    If you truly want to help contribute to the endgame scene in this game the first thing you need to do is find a way to motivate your current guild and complete the content. Only then will you have the knowledge to help others do the same. As you have not done this, please stop trying to mislead people as there are people who post on these forums looking for actual help to complete encounters.

  7. Then you are experiencing something we have not yet. Its quite possible to target the pylon while a ball is spawning inside (sorry if I confused you), and its also accurate. On only one occasion the ball wasn't targetting who it was supposed to be, and that was because that target died as the ball was spawning.


    I think you may be confused with something else. Or you are doing something wrong. Who knows with all the bugs.


    I don't mind you trying to comment in and help people, but you're spreading misinformation. I understand you haven't been able to kill this boss yet so you probably haven't figured out the mechanics. Keep working at it, I'm sure you'll get it.


    I also have videos up for Annihilation Droid XRR-3, Gharj, and the Infernal Council so you can work on those nightmare modes. I'm sure you'll get your first kill in on them soon. Grats on your nightmare pylon kill by the way.

  8. If your raid is competent enough, they can target the pylons and see who the ball is on anyway.


    Close, the pylons cannot actually be targeted, nor is the ball's target while it is still spawning the actual target it goes after 93.75% of the time.


    Once the ball starts moving you can see whos target it actually is. The ball does (slowly) mirror movement of it's target so it is pretty easy to see who it is going after. Having "tanks" soak damage on 16man is the easiest way to do it. It is also the most common way among guilds who have killed the boss of doing it also.


    8man there is no need to have people taunt the balls.


    Make sure people are running directly through the center of the ball to detonate it and take as little of the AOE damage as possible.

  9. We tried 8man HM last night, people with 15k HP were getting oneshot by the balls. Tank with 20k also got oneshot.


    Something is up with this fight. Hope it gets fixed tomorrow.


    Lightning balls do not 1shot, it just means they are taking too long to run into the center of the ball and taking AOE hits before the explosion. The AOE hits for 4000-4600 & the AOE hits for 7000-12000 on sages, the squishiest class. Tanks usually have good damage reduction and do not get hit nearly as hard.

  10. I won't go into the other commenter claiming easy content, most likely 8 man, but thank you very much for the video, we'll be doing our first 16 man pulls on it Monday and were considering more tanks for the lightning balls, glad to see that it wasn't that crazy of an idea. GL to you in your NM Soa progression!


    To be fair we actually just have shadows soaking the damage, they are typically still in their DPS specs.

  11. BioChem crafted medical kits were too good. In fact, they were too good both in the amount of healing they provided (often more than half a character’s health) and the frequency they could be used (every 90 seconds!). This was negatively impacting the game for everyone else. We’ve seen significant chatter both in and out of game about how players not picking up the BioChem professions would be ‘stupid’ and ‘gimping themselves’. This indicates that a small number of competitive players have been denying access to high end content based on whether a player has the BioChem Crew Skill.

    We in Nerf Dialogue are considered by most to be ranked World #1 right now. We have never denied anyone access to a raid for not having BioChem nor have we heard from any of our world-top competitors that this has happened either. I believe what you meant to say is some casual players may have done this in a pickup group at some random point in time. Us "competitive players" know that this content is fairly trivial in it's current state and you do not need the biochem items to do well. You barely need to have gear equipped to defeat 4 of the current 6 endgame bosses.

  12. I have been raiding 5 hours a night, 6 nights a week since the 20th I think. Hah.


    Stuff is really on farm at this point anyway. :) Some nights we end early... but we have basically did something every night if there was something up we could do. We did take a few nights off this week since all that is left is bonethrasher Hard Mode and people really would rather do RL stuff than do that!

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