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Posts posted by Feargal

  1. Just dropping by to nay-say. Naming system is fine. Not everybody wants to be Darth Wrath; some folks want to be Lord Bigbottom, and that's fine by me. My opinion isn't more important than yours, but it is no less, either
  2. It seems this very issue pops up every 2 or 3 weeks. Although it is frustrating, it is not game breaking. Folks who were around when the party jawa was released can get 100% of the achievements on Tatooine. That's a perk. Folks who came later cannot, that's a bummer, but it is what it is.


    What you claim is being denied to you has a flip-side--allowing newcomers to earn this achievement denies the exclusivity enjoyed by old-timers.

  3. I I am a GM of a small guild, and because they are not forced to, my guild does not donate. I have received a grand total of 1.25 mil credits in donations in the last 6 months. All other money has come from me.


    If your guild is full of freeloaders boot them out. If that makes your guild too small, suck it up and join another guild. Don't ram some stupid tax down people's throats.

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