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Posts posted by monsterfurby

  1. And that's a perfectly valid opinion to have, but it's just not the way the human race at large is wired. Most people want the best car, the nicest home, the most prestigious job, etc. Awards for your profession? Trophies for your chosen sport? Your face on the Employee of the month plaque?


    Trying to make it about how sad we are because it's "just a game" is the sad thing, because it not only completely ignores what an integral part of not only human nature it is, but human achievement throughout history as well.


    My experience does indeed say otherwise, though I see why if you've been exposed to a certain culture exclusively, you could come to that conclusion. But I think this is the wrong platform to unleash my inner Eurosnob and get into a sociocultural debate about North American society, so let's agree to disagree then.

  2. Yeah, actually we are. Players compete against each-other all the time and every day. Swankiest stronghold. Best title. Sweetest ride. Highest valor ranking. Coolest outfit. Half the game is competition, and nobody wants to see the things they worked hard to earn become devalued to **** and worthless.


    I don't, and I pity those who do. People who need that kind of confirmation from a game seem to lack that in real life.


    I've seen the "work" fallacy pop up around here a few times, sometimes in the shape of "things aren't free". I still think that this is an error of perspective, of overvaluing certain aspects of the game. In a well-designed game, you're supposed to enjoy the journey without the carrot - the achievements, all the other bling, that stuff is there to motivate you through the low points and get you back into the part of the game you enjoy. I'm not saying the game shouldn't reward dedication and skill, but if a game turns to work, and if you're actually suffering to get the carrot - then you're doing something wrong.


    And that's what I'm reading out of this line of argument - fear of having, for lack of a better word voluntarily "suffered" when you could have just waited and gotten the carrot without the suffering. In that case, though, isn't the problem more with being willing to suffer for it in the first place?

  3. And will you accept half the rewards if your comp is twice as powerful? Half the credits and crystals? Forgo any titles or achievements? Not get any drops better than green? Accept that people who actually try harder and put the serious effort in get the most rewards?.




    These "rewards" are just worthless items in a game. If I really want titles, items, credits, I can buy that stuff. I just want to see the story unfold without too much hassle within what little time I have to enjoy it each week.


    That clear enough for you?


    I care because I earned my stuff and you want it to be given to you for free. This isn't real life, you don't need welfare for a video game to get by through hard times. :rolleyes:


    However, that's the kind of sociopathic argument people only make under the cover of online-anonymity. We're not in a competition with each other. We're playing in parallel, but separate games for all intents and purposes. What does it matter to you?

  4. My feedback in short, playing a Guardian (Tank) with a healer companion inf 40 or so: combat is a bit too slow, downtimes between encounters kill the game.


    I'm somewhat alright with the power level of companions in combat, but adding the kind of downtime that gives me DaoC flashbacks back in is not a great choice in a 2015 game. If companions are supposed to stay where they are now, out of combat regeneration should be upped massively.

  5. The lesson to learn is to not release something broken they way this was. If the companions were launched the way they are today these people would have complained about the grind, some players would have left, but most would have sucked it up and kept on playing the same as they had been. New player retention may not have been as high because MMOs are an acquired taste but still.


    If companions had been set to the power level they are at now, many people - myself included - would not have returned in the first place.


    Yes, companions were OP, but now they're UP. There's a point somewhere in the middle, and it's up to Bioware to find that point, simple as that.

  6. Pay for something to get easy access to the hard content so you can get the rewards quicker ( or at all ) than other players who can't afford the boost?


    Kind of sounds like P2P a bit.


    A better compromise is have your OP companion mode but the rewards from content designed to be challenging etc. is removed/heavily nerfed if you choose to use OP companion mode.


    That way all the people who supposedly find god mode such fun and can still have their fun, just nto earn anything from doing it ... seems fair.


    I'd be perfectly alright with that. I don't play for rewards, only for story. And the Star Fortresses, alas, are part of the story (as in: destroying them is a presumed outcome within the narrative, and not doing so is missing out on that).

  7. Almost every thread on these forums boils down to "Change this now because I don't like it". No feedback is given for why the change should be made for the betterment of the game other than "this is annoying and I don't like it".


    That's just plain false. There are plenty of threads around here from both sides explaining many different takes on the issue and discussing them in depth. Yes, some aren't exactly constructive, but plenty of them are.

  8. Out of curiousity, did these people complete SF Heroic before patch?


    If so, I think this is another case of the having it taken away striking. That was the issue I had with the size of the nerf so quickly. Huge system shock and can be viewed as unfair to be able to do something and have it taken away.


    Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't mind it so much if they had scaled it down step by step to find a sweet spot - that's actually what we all (in the guild) were expecting. The nerf itself isn't really the issue either and wouldn't have been a problem if the instances in question were random Flashpoints, but if you have only so much time to spend on doing missions like these, and if these missions are presented as crucial to the story (because the SF are worked into the Fallen Empire storyline), once a certain threshold of time-requirement is passed, you miss out on something that feels like it's essential.

  9. I canceled and filled out the info explaining it was because of the companion nerf. I want to enjoy the game and look around not micromanage my minion and burn defensive cooldowns and rest every pull.


    When I'm exploring and trying to look around and have to deal with the annoying frustration of being dismounted every 7 secs because every square inch of the game has to have a group of mobs on it I want a companion that is strong enough to help me kill them quickly and get through the frustration.


    SWTOR needs storymode servers.




    Also, the storymode server idea is actually pretty good. I'd love for them to implement that. Would make everyone happy (except maybe the devs).

  10. Your experience certainly is not typical of the average player. I soloed it in 216/220 with a level 20 companion, no buffs. Unless you are suggesting I'm equivalent to two players, you are missing something mechanically that is causing you to fail.


    Very much depends on the companion's class and yours now, though. If you have to rely on a healing companion, you're pretty much screwed - DPS and Tank, not so much.

  11. Star Fortress heroics are meant to be challenging - fine.


    But I've had three people drop from my guild because they simple do not have the time to ever finish one now. Maybe during the weekends, but with a game that's mainly a weekday evening distraction for them, that's very unlikely to happen. If these were short, challenging dungeons, everything would be fine, but why won't people understand that this is about time required to beat them not about challenge?

  12. I agree with the OP, a healthy population makes for a healthy game :)


    That said, I don't necessarily agree that the companions have been nerfed too much. I waltzed through all of the dailies and weeklies yesterday with no problems and my lvl 25 Lana coped admirably.


    Admittedly I haven't tried Star Fortress yet and I read that a lot of people are having difficulty with it now, so maybe its just a case of adjusting the difficulty of that rather than buffing companions again?


    That's actually an interesting angle. Yeah, maybe that is actually the case. I found SF somewhat repetitive already, and it might be that the nerf just exacerbated that problem. Non-instanced weekly heroics are similar, because in some cases, these are already annoying due to being over-farmed. Now they take slightly longer - not substantially, but also enough relative to the time I have available.


    So yeah, we might be talking about an issue that can be fixed using other variables. The positive aspect of it certainly is influence mattering more - I'd like to see more of that. But the most straightforward fix still remains to make companion with decent influence more effective.

  13. I know everyone is upset over companions, but take it from an old Star wars Galaxies player, it is kind of nice to have devs that at least seem to be interested in what the community has to say. The team at SWG didn't even pretend to care. They did the opposite of what the community wanted every time and rubbed it in our faces. As a result they kill a really cool game. I know things may not go the way you were hoping, but at least the devs are trying. Give them a little time to tweak companions, don't jump on them the first shot take at it. They completely reworked how they work and probably have some tweaking do it.


    I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt. The core game itself is good enough to make me come back, as it did before.


    For the moment, though, I have cancelled my subscription and won't spend any money on the CM until they show a willingness to approach a sensible middle ground solution. As soon as that happens, I'll be among the first to return and spend happily on the CM.

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