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Posts posted by Koordynator

  1. Actually I think I'd be up for this when I'm back home after weekend. I have no guild and even if there is pug for this boss they simply don't take you if you have no achievement. I'm 4/5 but never tried revan himself yet - quitted game that time. What I could provide is Koordy - Sorc Healer (prefered) or optionally Koordy-y - Jugg DPS (6,5+ on dummy). Both toons around optimized 220.
  2. Just some feedback about the guild.


    Literally yesterday I joined a PUG to heal them for some story mode. Most of the people there, including the leader himself, were from that guild.

    After some time, in the middle of one of the boss fight I got a random disconnect. After like 3-4min when I got my connection back, reconnected to the TS channel we were all at and said "sorry guys my internet droped. logging in"

    The answer I got was like "You were banned from TS server by admin An**x ". Minute later when I were back in game I found out that I was kicked out of the group and got ignored.


    Was just like oO


    So mature, for 30+y'o not liking drama and trolling :D, lmao


    Anyway, if I were you and looking for a friendly guild, I'd rather move away and try my luck somewhere else ;)



  3. Well other than the Dread Guard fight, it appears that the content was completed. Now that it's done for, no one will want to do it anymore. Should've invested those man hours of creating content into a game mode that has a longer shelf life like PvP. :rolleyes:


    You have won all the warzones! No need to ever go there again! Nice logic you genius.

  4. http://www.wowprogress.com/rating.tier15_25


    Just a quick link. Bottom left has the kill count for all the bosses currently - notice that the 7th and 9th bosses in that instance have LESS kills than the 8th, 9th, and 10th. Its been around for years, and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why people are so upset here.


    WoWProgress gives points for those that skipped, but at a discount, and doesn't provide the full points until the boss prior (the one that was skipped) is killed. That's a great system that has worked for that website for years.


    No, sorry, banned. Cheating sux : (

  5. And this is exactly why they need to separate the HM/NiM lockouts.


    ^ this. One lockout for HM/NIM was usefull when EV and KP dropped Rakata in both HM and NIM. Now we have different Tiers of gear for HM and NIM. One lockout for both this levels is wrong.


    About the ranking. No point in allowing guild which skipped DG to take part in it. They can farm gear from other bosses and make the dps difference that way.


    Last boss of EC NIM 16man was "impossible" too for most of you. As we saw thanks to ACE, it wasn't.

  6. Hello,

    I'd like to suggest that it'd be awesome to see some new, very mechanic heavy, flashpoint for more skilled players like Lost Island HM was back then at 1.2 before all the nerfs. For many players who know how to play their class correctly lvl55 flashpoints are just so easy and boring that it's not funny to run them anymore and since the drop is usually just bad Black Market gear and Elite Commendations doing that flashpoints is mostly just waste of time. That leaves people, who don't really enjoy leveling alt after alt or playing PVP, with nothing to do expect 2 operations per week (like about 4-6h/week).

    If we had some harder flashpoint like old LIHM, it would be fun enough to daily run it just for challenge and fun of teaching new people how to complete it. I personally really enjoyed it back then. If we add to it some random drops of rare pets/speeders or achievements for unique speeder and/or title, like it was before, it would be awesome.

    I'd like to see it with very high gear requirement (to not just let people overgear it) and very, very mechanic heavy, similar to Hard Mode or even Nightmare Mode operation bosses' fights.

    I know it would not be content for all players but it could keep this better ones entertained since with lockouts for just 2 operations worth to run once per week there is nothing really to do and a lot of PVE focused players are just bored already.

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