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Posts posted by Darth_Grissom

  1. Me and my wife joined this game on launch day. We left the game after we hit 50 and cleaned the original raids and geared out our main characters.


    The big issue is that BW made a huge deal about the legacy system. In world of warcraft we could not get married or anything like that (trivial I know but hey, my family has their reasons.)


    We saw the family tree and everything else with it and were immediately excited. Upon joining the game we learned that we could not join each others legacy to our disappointment. We did read that BW wanted to not only give couples the ability to get married, but also share a family legacy.


    So we stuck around and played and completed all of the content that there was right after launch. Upon hearing nothing regarding this issue we quit. We stopped playing mmorpgs all together and both completed our Registered nursing programs and are now RN's.


    Fast forward to this year. We came back in January of this year. We basically picked up where we left off. i completed the reven leveling story in 3-4 days and had my sniper geared in basic com gear within 2 weeks of our return. In a month since then I had accumulated 16mil credits and did a few other small things. My wife also finished reven and, like me was geared and happy with her 10mil credits at the time.


    We were still saddened by the games lack of immersion and hindering us by restricting us and not allowing legacy's to join or someone to go light side and go republic or dark and go empire. This completely broke the immersion of the game for us.


    It was around this time that we saw how BW handled the ravagers exploit. Most people I knew in game got a slap on the wrist and got to keep everything they acquired. This was the last straw with me so I canceled my sub 3 days ago. I have 6 days left and have already uninstalled the game from my computer.


    In closing BW has a lot of problems they need to address that I think they wont. These are the things I would return for, listed below.


    1. Stop breaking immersion. Allow couples to get married and share a legacy. ((Ff14 ARR has a great way to get married and is something I will always remember in my life as a cool feature I got to experience) Give us OPTOINS to switch sides, get married to other players like in ff14, allow us to do more stuff. Allow familys of the same household with different accounts all join a legacy, share the same last name, and all be in the family tree system.


    2. Every week now I read where thousands of players are banned from MULTIPLE mmorpgs for exploiting as well as real life trading of in came currency for R/L money, AND spamming gold selling activities. You do not do any of that. That is a big issue.


    3. Do not leave bugs and exploits in your game as long as you do. SoA and MOST of EV was bugged as hell for MONTHS after launch and no amount of me or my guild reporting it ever came to getting it fixed (Not even sure if it is fixed now). World of Warcraft, FF14, Ultima Online, and Eve Online removes bugs like these within a week during scheduled weekly maintenance.


    4. Next, very other mmorpg that I play does have a cash shop. Eve online, Uo, wow, and FF14 sell cosmetic stuff but not anywhere near the stuff you do. You are to focused on it and it shows with the lack of content updates to these things you call expansions that are really just a DLC. My advise is to fix this.


    5. Lastly you need to fix the UI giving horrible frames and the lag in operations and FP's. My computer is top of the line right now with all updated drivers https://pcpartpicker.com/b/7gxYcf. The games does "better then normal" however it could do much better. FF14 right now is maxed out and I never dip below 70 FPS anywhere not even in huge group functions, this game runs worse. Please update your engine or at LEAST optimize it to run on high tech machines.



    In closing the wife and I have moved to FF14. They have everything we could ever want out of an mmorpg and is an only subscription game. This will probably be my wife and I's first and only F2P game. With this said, good game and have a good time in star wars.

  2. You: /s I, Darth_Grissom, take Darth_Grisommess to be my wedded wfe.

    Other player: /s I, Darth_Grissomess, take Darth_Grissom to be my wedded husband.




    Hmm.....yeah that will happen in FF14 as well as given wedding rings we can inscribe and a ceremony done completely by squareenix, and given a wedding dress and tux for us that is only obtainable through the wedding service. The point being here is that we will have items, just for us that we will know and be recognized as such. The whole ceremony will be remembered by us and our friends who will also get gifts, again, by squareenix.


    This is just ONE thing that is 100% great for us role players.


    But again, this game lacks completely when it comes to immersion driving content as well as optional stuff. The Golden Saucer is great for example that this game does not have anything close to it for us to do at max level besides pve and pvp content.

  3. How does this break immersion? If you want to say your character is married to player X's character, then say it. No one else cares except maybe the people you RP with, so that's all that matters.



    Where do you read about this "every week?"



    Then have fun.



    The idea of my characters being restricted without any reason what so ever is what breaks immersion. The more options the better and this game lacks them. If you want to sit there with your tinfoil hat on and choose to ignore that this game really lacks features and immersion engaging systems then that is on you. FF14 has every feature that this game has except the ability delay, Ui causing FPS drops, bad lag in 16 mans, and of course the legacy system that is half of what it was supposed to be. I gave this game a shot, twice and nothing really has changed for the wife and I except the immersion breaking things that this game falls short with.



    Maybe it isnt every week but take a look at this


    Actions Taken Against In-Game RMT & Other Illicit Activities (Mar. 19)

    RMT and other illicit activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited under the Terms of Service.

    Because we have confirmed the existence of players who are engaging in these illicit activities, we have taken the actions listed below.


    Time Period: Mar. 12, 2015 to Mar. 18, 2015

    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT advertising: 646

    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT/illicit activity: 2,491

    - Action Details: Permanent ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV


    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for participation in RMT/illegal activity: 11

    - Action Details: Temporary ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV


    Players who discover any confirmed cheats should, under no circumstances, exploit or disseminate such information. Instead, we ask that players file a report by using the in-game command [system Menu] -> [support & Information] -> [Contact Us] -> [Report Cheating].


    We will continue to take stringent disciplinary action against any accounts with confirmed involvement in RMT/illicit activity; players should take care to steer clear of any activity that violates the Terms of Service.




    Actions Taken Against In-Game RMT & Other Illicit Activities (Mar. 12)

    RMT and other illicit activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited under the Terms of Service.


    Because we have confirmed the existence of players who are engaging in these illicit activities, we have taken the actions listed below.


    Time Period: Mar. 5, 2015 to Mar. 11, 2015

    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT advertising: 630

    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT/illicit activity: 3,452

    - Action Details: Permanent ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV


    - Accounts receiving disciplinary action for participation in RMT/illegal activity: 3

    - Action Details: Temporary ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV


    Players who discover any confirmed cheats should, under no circumstances, exploit or disseminate such information. Instead, we ask that players file a report by using the in-game command [system Menu] -> [support & Information] -> [Contact Us] -> [Report Cheating].


    We will continue to take stringent disciplinary action against any accounts with confirmed involvement in RMT/illicit activity; players should take care to steer clear of any activity that violates the Terms of Service.



    The actions taken posts by square are posted every week to a week and a half and cover a set time period and after such time, they list the accounts banned and such. This is done on a continual basis. Wow does something like this as well. The fact is that SWTOR did not do jack when it came to a exploit in the game, they left it in way to long, and then slapped people on the wrist. Very bad mmorph management. Illicit activity includes exploits like the one BW left in the game for over a month. FF14 would have banned them all, well everyone except 11 apparently.


    Lastly, it does not matter if YOU do not care if the wife and I are married in game or not. What does matter is that our characters are NOT given choices. Can we get married in game like ff14? No we cant. Can we switch sides which as happen multiple times in the star wars movies and books? Again, no we cant. Until someone somewhere decides to give us a LEGITIMATE reason why these restrictions are in place then we will just not play it.


    My hunter in world of warcraft was apart of the Grim Totem clan. Meaning, he HATES the horde AND the alliance. However, he had to be apart of the horde? What???? Immersion ruined.

  4. Me and my wife joined this game on launch day. We left the game after we hit 50 and cleaned the original raids and geared out our main character.


    The big issue is that BW made a huge deal about the legacy system. In world of warcraft we couldn't not get married or anything like that (trivial I know but hey, my family has their reasons.)


    We saw the family tree and everything else with it and were immediately excited. Upon joining the game we learned that we could not join each others legacy to our disappointment. We did read that BW wanted to not only give couples the ability to get married, but also share a family legacy.


    So we stuck around and played and completed all of the content that there was right after launch. Upon hearing nothing regarding this issue we quit. We stopped playing mmorphs all together and both completed our Registered nursing programs and are now RN's.


    Fast forward to this year. We came back in January of this year. We basically picked up where we left off. i completed the reven leveling story in 3-4 days and had my sniper geared in basic com gear within 2 weeks of our return. In a month since then I had accumulated 16mil credits and did a few other small things. My wife also finished reven and, like me was geared and happy with her 10mil credits at the time.


    We were still saddened by the games lack of immersion and hindering us by restricting us and not allowing legacy's to join or someone to go light side and go republic or dark and go empire. This completely broke the immersion of the game for us.


    It was around this time that we saw how BW handled the ravagers exploit. Most people I knew in game got a slap on the wrist and got to keep everything they acquired. This was the last straw with me so I canceled my sub 3 days ago. I have 6 days left and have already uninstalled the game from my computer.


    In closing BW has a lot of problems they need to address that I doubt this well.


    1. Stop breaking immersion. Allow couples to get married and share a legacy. ((Ff14 ARR has a great way to get married and is something I will always remember in my life as a cool feature I got to experience)


    2. Every week now I read where thousands of players are banned from MULTIPLE mmorpgs for exploiting as well as real life trading of in came currency for R/L money, AND spamming gold selling activities. You do not do any of that. That is a big issue.


    3. Do not leave bugs and exploits in your game as long as you do. SoA and MOST of EV was bugged as hell for MONTHS after launch and no amount of me or my guild reporting it ever came to getting it fixed (Not even sure if it is fixed now). World of Warcraft, FF14, Ultima Online, and Eve Online removes bugs like these within a week during scheduled weekly maintenance.


    4. Lastly, every other mmorpg that I play does have a cash shop. Eve online, Uo, wow, and FF14 sell cosmetic stuff but not anywhere near the stuff you do. You are to focused on it and it shows with the lack of content updates to these things you call expansions that are really just a DLC. My advise is to fix this.


    In closing the wife and I have moved to FF14. They have everything we could ever want out of an mmorpg and is an only subscription game. This will probably be my wife and I's first and only F2P game. With this said, good game and have a good time n star wars.

  5. Not gonna lie, this was sad at best. Once again completely ignored the community. Pvp was asked for throughout the ENTIRE stream, and not even a mention what so ever. Really disappointed.


    I just watched it. Nothing about raids at all. Nothing about any new races or classes. The only interesting thing is the costume designer and that looks to be a credit sink. If that is the case then they should have just kept it the way it is now.


    Seriously sad stream.


    So I get a color crystal....woo hoo -_-


    At least wow's patches gives us 3-4 raides and 3-4 heroics per patch. I wonder how many UNBUGGED we will get.

  6. I never said nothing about pay to win,i'm talking about cutting the huge timesink out .Dailies......ppfft.

    This game has NOTHING to offer players at end game apart from a gear grind.Do you realize how wrong that is?

    And that is why this game fails.Nothing to do once you've done the stories etc etc.

    I regret wasting money coming back,it won't happen again.

    The theme park has failed.We need something more open,more interactive.And this game doesn't have it.

    Just my 2 bobs worth.


    You are soo right.


    Ultima Online had the best online gaming experience for its time. At end game I was a real estate agent, dungeon crawler, blacksmith, fisherman, miner, and carpenter. and owner/operator of a huge vendor mall. I never, NEVER was able to sit in town like I do in this game. I always had customers coming to my vendor mall to buy things. I had to keep them stocked up. I was always having requests for people wanting furniture for their homes or ore to mine. Not only that, I also would go around the world looking for people who wanted to buy and sell houses and I would make commission off of the sales. When all of this stuff was done, or I felt like doing something else, I would go dungeon crawling. The game was not limited at all and always provided those at end game something to do other then fighting mobs or other players.


    That does lack here. Lets not forget though that this game is limited and on rails. It is a themepark. While I do not relish the idea, it is still fun to gear up somewhat.

  7. I'm not convinced this is true.


    Fans of the Star Wars franchise and the people who play MMORPGs seem to be distinctly different groups that do not overlap quite enough in my opinion. There is enough overlap to make a sustainable MMO and I think SWTOR has proven this, but I also think the way it failed to achieve the success it was expected to have, combined with the way it became known as the most casual-friendly MMO, have proven that the fans of the Star Wars franchise are more interested in single player styles of game play as opposed to an MMO. I think there is a large segment of the playerbase here that tolerate an MMO for the sake of a Star Wars RPG.


    While single player games are good there is also an the issue I said before. Most friends I know that love star wars will not touch this game. The reason being is that they have no intention to play something that is in a totally different timeline then the movies. They want to play in what is cannon and will do so when another star wars mmorpg comes out that is cannon.


    SWG had it right in that regard. Also lets not forget that there will be star wars people going to see their very first star wars movie with episode 7 coming out. These people are the new generation of star wars fans. They may look online for a mmorpg star wars game after seeing 7 and will in fact find this one. The time line its self may turn them off because it is not familiar to them. I am not saying everyone is like that but it is a potential issue that can happen.


    With this new generation of star wars fans coming out, the fan base joining an mmorpg will become more relevant then in the past. .

  8. Not going to unsub until a certain other mmorpg is released and I get to see how it plays out.


    When I leave and my wife leaves I doubt we will be back. If we ever did come back here is what we would like.


    1. Update the legacy system to allow more then one account to share it. Allow the shared legacy to share characters as well as companions on the family tree. To make it fair, make the xp required to level doubled for each account that joins the legacy. Make each achievement require EACH account to complete it. This way it allows more immersion and allows multiple accounts to share one legacy. Limit it to sat 10. Allow legacy's to align themselves with others after the cap is reached to expand upon the family tree if needed.


    2. Fix the ability delay. Never ran into anything like it in my 18 years of playing mmorpgs until this game.


    3. Release content patches/expansions on par with world of warcrafts expansion /content patches. Yours BW are lackluster compared to every other mmorpg I have played.


    4. Get rid of bugs/exploits faster. Never before have I seen am MMORPG with this many bugs in it that have not been taken care of since launch.


    5. Get rid of the credit cap and ability bar cap for F2p people. I am a subscriber and think this is ****. No other mmorpg does this to their f2p people.


    6. 12x xp for leveling alts.


    7. Either jawa or ewok as a playable race. Please include force users with them as there have been many force using jawa and ewoks.

  9. After SWTOR, I find it very doubtful EA is any rush to fund another a expensive MMO when they can make more money at less cost with other genres.


    I suspect one will eventually come out but it won't be anytime during this decade and probably not for some time into the next decade.


    That is debatable. I see Disney stepping in to help EA make new star war mmorpg in the near future. It would increase revenue with the hype of the movies coming out. To me it seems logical and a smart move to get the new star wars fans into an mmorpg that is familiar to them. I would be sad to see swtor go though. If this does not happen then BW better pick up their pace where they lack to compete with all the other mmorpgs coming out.

  10. Wrong. I'm basing my opinion of the OP's motives and the accuracy of his comments on what I've seen on this forum. Not some assumption that he's mistaken. I never said no players want the game to fail. I simply said those who do are an insignificant minority. No offense to your Facebook pals. And if you're right and any appreciable segment of the player population actually wants to see SWTOR fail, why on Earth are they still subscribing? For the forums to reflect their intent, they must post. To post, they must sub. Or, maybe just a tiny infinitesimal short-fingered handful of posters ... like yourself ... continue to pay for the privilege of speaking out on behalf of the disenfranchised F2Pers who want to see SWTOR tank? Which, again, would work against the OP's thesis that forum posters want the game the fail.


    Why are they still subbing? Because it is the only Star Wars mmorpg game on the market. They have no other choice. The OP gets the vibe and feels that a lot of forum posters want the game to fail. You do not. You nor him are either right or wrong. I get the same vibe he does. I am in no way trolling, it is just the vibe I get.


    Go and read my post a few back., I said that I want the game to succeed. I am not speaking for anyone. I am simply stating that I get that vibe here, and that there are on this planet people who want to see the game fail for various reasons whether anyone chooses to believe it or not. These very same peoples till sub because it is the only star wars mmorpg there is on the market.

  11. EA has the SW license for the 10 years and who knows how much more. If they think swtor's failure will make another come out anytime soon, they are delusional.


    They do. If they shut down swtor and make a new mmorpg that is updated in the movies timeline....with all the hype coming with the movies and what not, it would be a great move for EA to make.

  12. Which sick bastard wants any game to fail? Success is only a good thing, Its not only good for the base game, its good for other games to. Successful games cause other people to try innovate or at least imitate with a twist in order to entice customers away from other offerings or reduce prices and raise quality.


    The sick bastards who want to play in the movies timeline and not now? That will not happen with SWTOR up and running as EA/Bw do not want two of their games to compete with each other.

  13. And I don't. The "vibe" I get is ... at most ... one of frustration and/or eroded expectations. But not outright animus toward the game. Forum posters represent an insignificant fraction of the game population. Posters who harp relentlessly on the game's vices are a fraction of all posters. "Negative" posters who actually want to the game fail? I can probably count them on one hand ... and I'm missing a ring finger.


    So, if LNF wanted to poll the community about whether, after all we've experienced over the past few years, we simply do not expect EA/BW to get it right, that would be fine. But to suggest that any significant percentage of players hope they don't get it right? Trolling 101.


    Wrong. I know plenty of people on my facebook friends list for example who do play this game who WANT it to fail. They have their own reasons.


    One of them is because they want to play in the movies timeline not now. With SWTOR out, there wont be another star wars mmorpg. Bw/EA would not want two of their games to compete with each other at the same time.


    Another is because some do not believe BW should have the license to even run this game with how many issues they have had already. Meaning that BW does not deserve it. I get that feeling on these forums as well. Just because you may not want to accept or see it does not mean that it is not happening on this forum community. Your assuming the OP is totally 100% wrong and because of that, he is trolling which is flat out a plain stupid assumption.

  14. So I read the OP.


    I will not sit here and call the OP a troll. I generally think personally that the OP actually gets this vibe from the community on this forum.


    I tend to agree here.


    Now to answer the OP's question about wanting the game to fail and such, I will give you my take on it.


    First let me say that I have been playing MMORPG's since September 1997 until now, straight, no breaks from gaming at all. The longest I have gone without playing a game was a week due to family trips and what not.


    Anyway here is my opinion on the game. Take it how you will but this is my opinion. I play this game because it is the only Star Wars MMORPG out there. It is fun and is entertaining to my wife and I.


    I highly believe that this game does have issues. My example is the legacy system. My wife and I can not share the same legacy. We can not share the same family tree and add all of our characters and companions to it. BW could fix this and make each account have to complete each part of the legacy before it unlocks for all. They could increase the level cap for 2 shared accounts to level 100 to make it fair for everyone else.


    I also find the ability delay in the game bad compared to other mmorpgs out there. I have never noticed any sort of ability delay in wow, ff14, ff11 or ultima online. I only saw it in this game. That is a big flaw.


    The exploits and bugs that are left in this game is horrible. I am sorry but I ran Eternity Vault after launch and the whole raid was buggy as hell. I have NEVER experienced this many bugs and issues in an mmorpg in all of my 18 years of playing them. Sure every game has them but for their ONLY raid at launch to be that buggy (Platforms not re-spawning on Soa after a wipe for example) but come on. Bw you leave bugs and exploits in the game for way to long compared to every other mmorpg out there. I am sorry but that is the truth.


    The other big problem I have with this game is that it does not allow addons like wow. I liked spending 2-3 hours setting up my ui. In wow, my ability's had playing card boarders. I had pictures embedded into my ui to match my hunter theme. It was great. (For anyone who thinks that it would take up too much room, I play on a 52' lcd tv at 120 hz, I had plenty of room) Not letting us do that is flaw.


    I am a subscriber. I however do not agree that taking away things like action bars for non subs and such is a good idea. I think it is ****** to say the least and hope BW stops nickle and diming people for that kinda thing, as well as the credit cap.


    Lastly, my issue is with the lack of big patches/expansions compared to other games. This tie's in with the lack of expansion quality compared to everyone else. I can go down to Walmart for example and pick up the latest expansion for World of Warcraft among other mmorpgs. This game however, you cant and HAVE to download it. The content patches in wow for example are big. They offer at LEAST one raid and multiple hard mode dungeons. This is on TOP of the new features, zones, rep vendors, and daily's offered. I do not like comparing that to wow but it is the truth. How can you expect to compete BW when you can not even put out a patches and expansions that are even worth buying? I got through SoR in 3 days. It took me 1 week to level in mists of pandaria and that does NOT count how many rep dailys I needed to do for gear and mounts and stuff I wanted. You need to step up your game here BW.


    I am sorry but that is bull. I like collecting boxed games and saving the boxes. Call me weird but it is what I do.


    In closing the game is great and I want it to succeed. I however am saddened to say that the wife and I due to not being able to be married in the game and not sharing a legacy, combined with all the other issues in the game will probably cause us to quit in the next year or so due to so many other mmorpgs coming out. I hope the game turns around, bugs get fixed and there better communication with us. I also would like for updates to actually be quality and filled updates. I would like expansions to actually be big expansions like wow's and add tons of stuff. I just do not see it happening.


    I am hopeful. I will continue to sub and play. I can not guarantee how long as many other games are coming out that should be offering what I am looking for.

  15. The "Expansion" if you can even call it that, came out 3 months ago.


    I do not expect any new Ops as I am still working on them. Although one more would be nice.


    However, I do have a few things that came on my mind here to ask.


    1. Will we be getting any new strongholds anytime soon? I would love a hoth one.


    2. When and how do we see any upcoming events. Wow has the calendar but I have yet to see one in game on here. I would like to do the Rakghoul event to get my weird treek customization.


    3. What are your plays on updating the Legacy system to allow 2 or more account's to share the same legacy meaning, me and my wife?


    4. When will this blog thing come out for the costume designer


    5. Do you have any plans to allow us 60's to que for all past and present Ops? I would love to go back and do the old ones again because for some unknown reason they did not count for me when I did them back in the day.


    6. Are you ever going to go back and make achievements retroactive? My Imperial Agent has apparently not completed his story but back in the day, I remember completing it.

  16. I am here with ya OP.


    My guild requires voice communication for all ops and flashpoints. This makes our runs simple, smooth, and easy to get through.


    Open mics are not tolerated. Push to talk only.


    I will say that I have twin boys. Sometimes they come in and say hello at the Mic but thats it. No yelling or screaming and no one is in my office but me usually.


    If anyone has a problem with my kids coming in and saying hi every now and then or asking me for something then that is their problem not mine.


    Anyone who does not participate in voice chat will not participate in Ops or Flashpoints :).


    I will say that you do not have to have a mic. You just need to listen for the callouts from the tanks/healer.


    I love my guild and think that the above is a fair way to run it. :)

  17. Just a heads up... That is a great CPU, mis-matched to a very average GPU...


    Just curious, but why such a mismatch? Did you go with the i7 for non-gaming needs and only want something modest to play games with?


    Any system with a i7 deserves at least a 290 or a 970, if not a 290x or a 980... Otherwise the CPU sits around waiting for the GPU to be ready for it.


    Do mine please :)

  18. I am worried too.


    I recently made the realization that other games such as Ultima Online, FFXI, FF ARR, and Wow do stuff much better.


    They remove exploits much faster. They have actual content updates that are huge and offer big features. Their expansions make SoR look like nothing. It is sad because this game has SOOO much potential. The legacy system for example could allow other people to share one legacy. Something my wife and I would love to do.


    I hope this game gets better and better but I think that with the new Star Wars movies coming out to revitalize the whole thing to create new star wars fans, that Disney will come in and revoke the whole star wars license from BW/EA as a paving the way for a whole new star wars MMORPG in the movie cannon timeline.


    Do not quote me but that is what I believe.

  19. I saddly am being pushed.


    This last patch is lackluster at best.


    Some may argue with what I am about to say but the truth is the truth.


    World of Warcraft patches and expansion have all been filled with content. Mists of Pandaria had dailes and rep grinds galore to keep us occupied between content patches. Each expansion save for WoD released with like 3-4 raids and 8-10 regular dungeons and the same dungeons but on heroics.


    Each content patch has 3-4 dungeons and heroic modes attached as well as a raid or two.


    Bugs are fixed promptly within a day or two and people are severely punished for exploiting.


    I am saddened to say that this game, while it is fun and entertaining, is nothing compared to other games out there. I compared Mists of Pandaria release content to Shadow of Reven and the differences are night and day. Mop costs 20 dollars more but you could find it online or in a store. MoP also had twice if not three TIMES as much content to do at release as SoR.


    I am playing a SI right now for the story. If this trend of lackluster expansions and content patches and bugs not being fixed for weeks now (Hello Kreia's Robes) keeps up I will be moving onto another game where the development team is.....shall I say on top of the game. It is sad to write this as this game does have potential.

  20. I am deeply disappointed in this companion. I started an SI just for this companion as she looks really cool and I like her more then any other companion except for my Ensign Temple on my IA.


    Anyway, after gaining max affection and doing the whole romance thing I find out that not only do I have to be light side or grey if I want a romance (which is fun and made good sense to play, my imperial agent being full dark), but I also at the very end cant even get married to the chick.


    Her whole story conversation makes almost no sense as any real Sith, even a light sided one would make that girl understand that she is an APPRENTICE to a sith, and to be that is to be a sith and not a jedi anymore.


    Bioware really needs to take a long look at this companion and fix her accordingly. We should be given the option to turn her from a jedi, into a sith and yes, her class ability's should change into a marauders as well. She should be able to force choke and everything else that comes with a sith, even if she could be a light side sith.


    A lot in this game needs a relook and changes done to it to make more sense but seeing as how they can not even fix the Kreia's Robes I doubt we will get any good stuff in the future.

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