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Posts posted by TyrusAE

  1. How does the change to Crackling Charge affect our rotation? Now that discharge has no CD? Does that Essentially drop Thrash from the rotation? Making Discharge our filler? Or do we use it only when the dot falls off?


    **Previous Rotation**



    Priority List (Standard):


    1. Death Field (Even single target, every CD)

    2. Shock (If Unearthed Knowledge is not active, or about to expire)

    3. Assassinate (Target at 30% health or less)

    4. Maul (Exploit Weakness, behind target)

    5. Crushing Darkness (Raze buff, preferentially on an unafflicted target)

    6. Creeping Terror (On a target not currently afflicted, or about to expire)

    7. Discharge (every CD)

    8. Thrash

    9. Saber Strike (Conserving Force)



    Discharge is a dot, why would you discharge on every CD over thrash ?

    0s CD is mainly great for AOE situation, on single target I would only discharge once my dot expired.

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