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Posts posted by KazeRonin

  1. For Republic, I recall there's a vendor at main base on Ilum that sells two different types of legacy "inheritance" gear.


    And by different types, one is called "inheritance," and I forget what the other kind is called; it's not just different pieces of the same gear, but multiple pieces of differently named inheritance gear.


    I'll try to remember to note what all's there next time I visit.


    EDIT: Just remembered -- I think one series was called "heirloom" and the other series was "inheritance." There were a couple pieces of each.


    Well I don't know anything about a heirloom set but I do know about the Birthright set which is level 33 or so range. On that note while doing dailies out in Belsalvis I ended up getting the Birthright Belt Construction Kit from one of the NPCs I killed, so looks like there are random drops too.

  2. So before or after Chapter 3 for each character the Republic and the Empire are in open War. Would it be possible to get a war zone area for each planet where only max level characters can go and Que in for a epic battle for a objective that unlocks a specialty vendor or some kind of buff for the faction that wins on that planet. With a few hour lock out after the objective has been secured.


    So say you go to your galaxy map and see a icon on each planet that shows who currently has it and how long before it opens up again.


    To get to these war zones maybe put in a system were you can travel directly to the planet and coordinate with a NPC to let you in once the battle starts or you can sign up the same way you normally Que up for War Zones except the people who traveled there directly will get higher priority.


    Also the war zones would have a maximum of 50 per faction and only one Imperial can join per Republic so the teams should stay even.


    All the planets will constantly have war going on all the time even with a 2 hour lock out due to how long it will take each faction to fight for a objective. That way if you don't get access to one planetary war mission you may be able to jump into a different one.


    Does anyone have any ideas on scenarios per planet based on the storylines or other thoughts on it otherwise please list below.

  3. So I glanced over this and I see a lot of comments about Advanced Classes being different classes and other games don't let you change your class. Well to them I ask, how many times have you been trying to throw together a Flashpoint with members recruited from general chat only to find your lacking something, be it a healer or a tank. Now I know if you hit some buttons channeled for a moment and could switch to your off class of Sage from your main class as Shadow or switched from your main class of Marauder to your off class of Juggernaut so that you could fill a critical role you may not have the best gear for that switch maybe it's missing Alacrity or Defense but you know what you may still be able to pull it off since your primary stat remains the same.


    I'm sure this could come in handy for Ops groups and many other situations and would allow you to play the full spectrum of your character instead of being locked down to a choice thrown at you with only the briefest of information passed before forcing you into one of two choices, (yes you could read your skill trees but it doesn't mean anything to you your first time and especially so for someone new to MMOs)


    Also this isn't a stand alone game, it's not a one shot story line you play on your own that will eventually end, this is a endless story as long as the creators keep on writing new story line. Yes I know you could re roll in Dragon Age and some aspects of the story line would be different and that there was DLC but sometime within a year they stop producing content for those games and move to the next one, this game is supposed to keep going for years.


    I for one like to change my play style and while I can change my skill tree it doesn't really change game play to much for that class, that class is still the same and even it's opposite has a similar feel. The main difference is that one can usually tank and the other can heal except for Gunslingers/Snipers who just dps, which is fine the other three classes can all tank.


    All I'm asking for is the option to switch them for utilities sake, for those that feel that it would ruin there game then you don't have to take the option, play the way you want but give us the choice to change things up without restarting every time.


    Thank you SWTOR team keep up the good work!

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