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Posts posted by Jenel

  1. Yeah, they're just false positives.


    But just to alleviate your concerns of being hacked. It's no the movies, it doesn't work like that :) The worst that will ever happen to you is you get a keylogger which would most likely be picked up from an untrusted website, or even hidden in a file you might download. All this would do is log your keystrokes and then forward it on. It doesn't scan your PC or anything like that and however receives the info from the keylogger doesn't get access to your PC.


    And if you're running regular virus scans then you're likely safe. :)

  2. £49.99 for the collectors edition? Where did you see this?


    I paid the extra twenty last month and upgraded to the Digital Collectors edition, and as you've already had confirmed, you just pop the code in on your accounts page. Upgrades instantly and all your chars get their items mailed. But for 50 quid I'll gladly take the Collectors edition too. :D

  3. I can't honestly comment on the Android app myself as I've never used it, but the one for the iphone works fine for me. (no i'm not an apple fanboy :jawa_smile:)


    I have a few friends who have the Android app and I've not heard any of them complain, you might want to contact CS to see if there any ways to fix it.


    edit: Oh, btw, when you say it crashes, how do you mean? The actual app crashes or the code doesn't work? As I've found with the iphone app that when you open it sometimes a code automatically generates. This code is no good, I've got to press the Security Key tab at the top and generate a fresh code.

  4. As people have already said, Blizzard have had 7 years to improve the game and whatnot. However they've also had 7 years to improve the tools and processes that their CS teams use.


    As previously stated, Blizz customer support at the start was probably about the same level as BW's is now, "Thanks for the report, we'll look into it and get it fixed in future". You have to remember, that BW's CS teams are probably quite small at the moment, they will probably expand in future once the game gets a steady footing and begins to grow, and then we'll most likely see an increase in the level of support.


    Blizzard also introduced many features in game so that you didn't need to contact the GM team, item refunds and loot trading in raids for one thing. I can imagine that those features reduced the amount of contacts to the GM team by a sizeable chunk, leaving them free to focus on the important stuff where you actually need a GM to intervene.


    Most contacts to a GM team in any game is not because something is broken, it's because you've messed up. Bought something you shouldn't have, called your character something inappropriate, took the wrong reward, can all be avoided with a little attention. :)


    I can imagine that the BW GM team is swamped by these types of requests, and it's unlikely that they have the tools to be able to investigate fully and repair the mistake if they felt it was necessary.


    I understand that when you complete an Operation and don't get your title, or the loot bugs, your first reaction is "raise a GM ticket". But is it really necessary? Do the operation again, it's likely that you'll get your title the next time. As for loot problems, well that's different, and I'm sure that if the GM team can do it then they will, it just may be that they're unable to investigate that kind of issue at this time.


    So give the GM team time to grow and I'm sure it will get better in future as they're tools develop along with the game. :)

  5. Nothing says "Trooper" than losing somebody on a mission. You carry that forever. While I'm disheartened for not having the chance to properly romance her, kudos to Bioware for making us care about a character so much that it creates such a reaction from the players. :)

  6. I ended up buying a nice looking customisable blaster for her, think it was Cunning, then just swapped the barrel. Been upgrading it ever since.


    For healers, I think Aclarity is good too for big crit heals. Some of her later armor starts coming with that stat in place of Power.

  7. I had never really used him myself at that level for the exact same reason. He would just get pasted, his gear is way below level of the content you would be heading to after Nar Shaddar.


    However, I geared him up with some orange customisable parts, mainly bought from commendation vendors, took them from quests where I could, as the only reason you would take gear for other members really is to make them look pretty. Slapped in a load of current level blue mods from commendations too, few from the GTN and bingo, he was tanking HEROIC 4 missions for me and my friend with another companion healing him, and he was awesome.


    Only annoying thing I found is his tow-cable ability. He's a ranged tank, but pulls them into melee range, so you have to turn that off and manage it manually so that it can be used if a mob is escaping or going for the healer. :)


    But the main thing I use him for is the awesome comments he makes. :D

  8. You might also want to mention that most who quit don't post at all. They just quietly cancel their subscription and leave. So attempting to claim "everybody else" is also hardly accurate. All you have to do is look around to see that, at the least, TOR's popularity is "settling."


    So... Since most who play mumorpugers don't "post" at all, and most who quit don't post saying why... How exactly do you propose the developers determine what is wrong with their product? Listen to the ones who told them to ignore the naysayers in the first place?



    Indeed, players who tried the game, and either didn't like it, or simply thought, it's not for me at the moment I'll come back in a few months and then quietly cancel their sub don't post. :)


    To be honest, I played WoW for 7 years, think I posted on the forums about 3 times, and that was usually in the class related forums on threads looking for help.


    The major problem with TOR is that the bar was set to high for expectations, and I feel it was impossible to reach. A lot of players are bitter about the game, many of them will vocalise that on the forums, but the majority of players will just continue playing and will keep up to date with the Dev updates and take solace in the fact that the Devs are working hard on the game and the fixes and updates are coming.


    The main point of my post was to say that while the there is a lot of negativity on the forums, it is not the opinion of everybody and for the OP not to be disheartened with the amount of negativity that appears on the forums. The forums are actually getting a lot better in terms of negative posts and we're seeing fewer of them, some players won't leave a topic alone, but hey what can you do? :)


    The Devs are aware of what needs to be fixed or changed, and they're doing it, and by all means the players need to post on the forums to let them know what needs doing. But whining about it doesn't help and never will. The Devs need constructive feedback detailing as much as possible as to how the issue effects players, which helps them to determine what is needed. But the endless threads complaining about how TOR has failed or is a terrible game isn't what they need to hear or even the community, especially as it simply isn't true.


    It's had a very successful launch, still has a lot of players after the 30 days free play, and I think we both agree that due to the sheer amount of servers available in relation to active players is a little higher which can result in low populations. But I'm sure that they've been looking into that heavily as it has been a very popular topic for the last month at least.


    So I apologise if I came across as bashing the OP or the community who do want to see the game succeed as that was not my intention. :)

  9. In every MMO, there are *small* groups of people that constantly complain on forums about the game, threaten to quit the game if "their" changes aren't made, and trash the game.


    Fixed this for you. :)


    You'll find the nay-sayers and general whiners on any MMO forum are a very small minority, yet extremely vocal. Everybody else just gets on with the game and are happy to do so.



    I've only come across 2 bugs, one was the green healing effect bug from your companion, which is now fixed. And a quest in my log from my Trooper quest chain which I can't get rid of, it doesn't stop me from playing however so I just go "meh, they'll remove it eventually".


    The whiners will moan and complain about any game they're playing, if the game released with zero bugs, absolutely flawless in all regards, they would find things to complain about. "this is too bright, this is too dark, the game is too hard, the game is to easy" they will never be satisfied unless they are whining about something.


    Best thing to do is ignore them and continue to play the game how you want.


    The only real issue I would say that exists at the moment is the server populations, I think Bioware overdid it with the amount of realms for each region, some merging would help resolve it. But when SWTOR released the servers were required, as you logged on at peak time and they were all showing as FULL. Obviously players fade away after the first month as some people are whiners and didn't get their instant gratification, expecting the game to be as good as WoW in terms of features available, but as it's been said before, WoW didn't release with Battlegrounds and only about a tenth of the features it has now.


    I've found the SWTOR community to be very friendly and helpful in game, I got ganked by 2 sith yesterday, and I put up a damn good fight. They both bowed to me before leaving, you just don't get that in WoW anymore. Player respect has gone, and you just get teabagged or spat on.


    SWTOR will continue to grow and improve, and the community with it.

  10. I have to say I'm a little disappointed that you didn't work the word "posterior" into the first verse, I was really expecting it.


    However, I believe Sir Mix A Lot said it best "I like big butts and I cannot lie" I think the same goes for the Devs. :p



    its like over at bio-ware they had Sir-Mix-A-Lot on a constant loop while they designed the game.


    Dammit, you beat me to it. :D

  11. I found that the difficulty does start ramping up once you hit Hoth, the mobs actually jump in level quite a bit from one area to another, but nothing that you can't handle.


    If you have been completing all of your story missions and then moving planet when the next one is available then this means that you're going to most likely be underlevel for the next planet or so. Where if you complete all the missions, and then the bonus missions you'll find you're a couple of levels above.


    If you're sneaking past mobs, to get to the objective then you're sacrificing a lot of XP and credits for time. Also, you're probably missing out on valuable experience in learning your class, this could simply be a case of you haven't practiced enough with your character due to sneaking so much. :)


    Try going back to the previous Planet, seeing what missions are left, you may still have some yellow ones or even some oranges with the bonus missions which would be better suited before you head back to where you were. An extra level can make all the difference.

  12. Well I have to disagree on the "play light side and your story sucks". I'm lvl 45 and about Lightside 4, I've got quite a bit of Darkside points too. I play it as a loyal soldier of the Republic, I will generally go for the lightside option when the darkside is to basically leave somebody in the *&:@! But I do what is needed to be done for the good of the Republic, and if that means executing a scumbag instead of letting him run off with his tail between his legs only to inflict pain on others down the road then I'll happily shoot him in the face.


    I will agree that Darkside choices to tend to be more humurous though. :jawa_tongue:

  13. Darn cars and telephones! They're for lazy people! And don't get me started on fire! When I was a kid, we sat on our food til it was warm!


    Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?


    I had to walk to school, uphill! Both ways! In the snow, in summer! In shorts! :jawa_tongue:


    Quality of life improvements do not turn the game into one that caters to bad players and kids, and I'm not sure why people always bring kids into this. I've found that the adults are by far the worst in terms of whining and general douche-baggery.


    As for the "Kill X mobs" missions. Remember that this is Bioware's first MMO, they've never done anything like this before in this format. They need to learn the basics before they can start building. There are some fantastic quests in the game which make you solve puzzles and whatnot, and I'm sure Bioware will look at those, see if they worked well, how people enjoyed them and most likely include more diverse missions in future.


    WoW was incredibly basic compared to what it is today in terms of questing, as is almost any MMO, they start off simple let people learn the game then the goodies start coming.


    While it may appear that they've not been very innovative with the questing in general, they are showing a lot of promise and I'm hopeful for what's to come. Also, think about what you get in most missions in SWTOR, you get a full voiced conversation, interaction and the ability to even change the outcome of some missions, with potential repercussions.

    What other MMO has done that? None that I can think of. If you can then please feel free to correct me, I'm sure you will. :jawa_biggrin:

  14. Duel of the Fates was used primarily for Force user battles in the prequels, so I can only imagine it would used in TOR for anything in end game where you come up against a Force User boss in an Operation or the like.


    Still only 45 myself so not had any experience with this, but as a Trooper I think it would feel out of place in anything but a Force user fight. :)

  15. The powers that be have already indicated they're getting a "match to chest" coloring option up, which should fix that nicely around patch 1.2.


    Indeed, I'd say the Trooper class is the one that will benefit most from this. Once this feature is in, just grab whatever modable gear you have which has that "Trooper" look, pick the chest you want and then use the option and bingo, full matching color set. :)

  16. I'm loving the game so far. And see a great future for it.


    MMO forums are always the same, a very small minority of players who feel that they must vocalise every thing that they believe is wrong and that Bioware must do exactly what they say otherwise the game will fail.


    These are likely the same people who were all posting on the WoW forums saying that WoW sucks and that they were leaving for SWTOR. These people will never be happy unless they're complaining, most of them are probably still playing SWTOR happily enough even after they stated that they had unsubbed and weren't going to play anymore. :p

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