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Posts posted by dashspeed

  1. If you only spent a few thousand credits, consider yourself lucky. I had a combination of Columi and Rakata gear for which I stripped all of the mods, put them into new armor, realized the set bonus didn't transfer, stripped all of the mods back out, and put them back into the original armor at a total cost of roughly 1 million credits.


    Read patch notes.

    Cost: 0 credits.

  2. The tone of the replies was expected, as it's the norm on MMO forums. Maturity level seems to be capped at 15 regardless of the age of the poster.


    It's possible that in the 4 other MMOs that I played, I just got lucky with my play times not falling on the maintenance cycles. That said, I was more of a junky back in the day, so I would be surprised that I wouldn't have noticed it at some point. Truth be told, I didn't really play WOW until the Lich King, so it was an established game at that point. I did play Rift & WHO at release though, and those games did not have weekly down times for maintenance.


    It seems to me that they would be better served to schedule these maintenance times differently for each timezone. So all PST servers would have their maintenance at 3 am, just like the East coasters enjoy now. Seems like a reasonable solution.


    Rift had DAILY downtime at release. Even multiple times a day.

    Nice lies.

  3. Okay, tattoos and 100 presence. That absolutely sucks. Personally I'm not one for tattoos on my jedi knight. My smuggler maybe, but still..no. And 100 presence, great -.- How much does that REALLY help? So our companions are a little stronger, big whoop. I'd much rather have an expertise increase or something. That would never happen but still. Now I really think it's unfair. Almost thinking it was a mistake rolling humans 3 times :p


    Humans are the only ones that give you a specific stat boost in the Legacy system. Every other race is just unlocked.


    Seriously, this is more than enough. You really need to stop complaining about stuff that is purely esthetic.


    Your companions will be stronger because you have a human at level 50. Having a sithpureblood at level 50 doesn't make any difference with anything. So seriously, you shouldn't be even complaining at this stage. Bioware could've easily just say "it doesn't apply to humans" instead of feeding ungrateful players like you.

  4. My thoughts are in the link in my sig (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216855). To that post, add this:


    - No day/night cycle

    Most, if not all MMOs have day/night cycles that mimic the server time. This means that most players would always see the same day/night time, considering the time of day they play. It's really a minor detail.

    - No swimming

    Because we all love and want more quests that require you to swim, right?

    - No housing

    The vast majority don't have housing. Besides, houses are useless when you really think about it, unless you play UO. And you have a ship, so yeah.

    - No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

    This is an MMO, not a Hoyle Casino waiting room

    - Dumbed down character creation

    lol what? SWTOR gives MUCH more customization. I'm sorry that you think removing "cheekbone angle curvature height"-type details that nobody really notices is a problem.

    - No post-creation character customization

    You mean haircuts, right? Not a big deal either, easily added later on. I'm sensing you're running out of ideas.

    - No appearance tab/outfit system

    Social items.

    - No high res textures

    The medium textures are already quite high quality in comparison with other MMOs.

    - No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

    You can sit on chairs. You can open doors. I don't see any problem with what you're saying. Walls? Right, how can you interact with a wall? lol.

    - Simple combat with static enemies

    Enemies move around. Simple combat? Nope, everything is manual and proc-based later on. Are you trolling?

    - Unconvincing and stiff animations

    lolwut. This is pretty ridiculous. Sure, a whirling kick with my lightsaber isn't very CONVINCING because none of that is possible and it's a FANTASY GAME.

    - Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

    Go to a more populated server.

    - No collision detection

    Trust me, this is a GOOD thing.

    - No stats on resources

    What does that even mean?

    - No crafting customization

    Orange items, anyone?

    - Restriction in choice of starship

    Now you're just being ridiculous. You whine about no houses, and now you whine about not being able to choose your starship, which is closely related to your storyline. lol.

    - No ship decoration

    I'm sorry if this isn't Star Wars: Martha Stewart Edition.

    - Dumbed down space combat

    Space combat is a minigame.

    - No multiplayer space combat

    Never was announced. Just like most of the things you complain about, this isn't something that's lacking really, it's just you complaining for the sake of complaining and trying to make this list sound excruciatingly long.

    - Removal of many races

    Removal? Nothing was removed. They're still there. You not being able to pick them is not a "removal".

    - No faction change/neutrality

    Well, duh. If you mean Neutral as in neighter Light or Dark, well, yes you can be.

    - Restriction and instanced planets by faction

    Try Tatooine. Or Balmorra. Hell, there's plenty of planets that have PvP in them. If you can't find people, change servers.

    - Less planets than announced

    Yet, more than enough.

    - Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

    Soooo....? You're just whining because you expected every planet to be a 1-50 leveling zone? ***

    - No GM events

    lol. Alright, you're obviously a UO kid. I know GM events were fun, but these type of events are faaaar away right now.

    - Removal of choice to kill companion

    If they left it in place, you'd probably be whining that you can't "undo" it.

    - Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

    Yes, because that makes no sense. Why would you be able to say everything to the opposing faction? Kills the little interest there is left in world PvP

    - No RP tools

    RP tools? *** ARE RP TOOLS. RP comes from the PLAYERS. You don't need TOOLS to RP.

    - Nothing to do post-story

    Every story has an ending. Besides, PvP, WZ, OPs, etc. Useless complaint again.

    - Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet

    Go to Ilum. Hate pvp? Get in operations. Hate that too? MMOs are not for you.


    Red text answers your mostly useless complaints.

  5. Resolve is clearly broken. Melee classes can really feel it the worst, as they're more prone to CC (so it stops them in their tracks), as opposed to ranged that rarely get CCed because they are... ranged.


    You can get up to 3 CCs on someone in PvP and WZ, no matter what their resolve is. It's pretty bad.


    It usually happens this way:


    CC -> Use CC Breaker -> CC -> wait for CC -> CC again.


    It seems like using the CC breaker either resets or lags the revolve bar. If you wait for the CC cooldown, you usually don't get CCed a third time.


    I agree that resolve should also protect you from roots. Slows shouldn't be affected though, as most melee classes have gap closers (jump for warriors/knights, speed for shadow)

  6. IMO, Tython is one of the best ones Story-wise. I really love the Consular storyline there, I think it kicks ***.


    IMO, all planets are the same. Thing is, even though Tython has a lot of back and forth, it's the ONLY planet where I always ended up being OVER level 10 when I finished it. Korriban being the one that I've finished UNDER level 10 a few times.


    You can obviously skip a lot of Tython and still be level 10 at the end...

  7. This is how I see it. If BW is going to be doing server transfers for Asia, then they will have the software created to be able to do server transfers for the US. The one thing about codeing is it is universal, code is code.


    I forsee Character transfer/server merges in the US shortly after Asia transfers are done. I am fine with Asia being the guinee pigs and proof of concept for character transfers and server mergers.


    On Drooga Pleasure Barge server, I have x2 lvl 50s and a 45. I don't and will not play those characters until am I am to transfer them off of that dead server. However, that does not stop me from playing and having fun.


    I created a alt (Empire) and am having a blast on a more populated server (Jedi Convinent). That character is lvl 49 now and about to hit 50. I aslo have an alt that is also lvl 30 as well.


    Does it suck that I had to do this? Sure it does. However, I planned on rolling the character eventually anyway, was just sooner than I wanted.


    Once I am able to transfer my toons off of Drooga's pleasure barge server (Republic side) to the Jedi Convinent server, then I will start playing those toons again.



    Code isn't universal. If it was, we wouldn't have over 20 different languages for it. It's like saying someone speaking English will understand someone speaking Chinese just because language is "universal".

  8. so you think it was deveopled for release then ? so no alpha no beta.


    Again, you're totally beside the point. What does "developped for release" even mean? Of course all games are developped for release.


    I was part in the WoW beta, just so you know, and not much changed between the beta and the actual release. Just like in the BC->BC live, WotlK->Live, Cata->Live. Blizzard does almost no changes from their beta stage to the live stage, mainly because... THEY PUSH FOR RELEASE.


    WoW was developped to what it was now through patches for 80% of the mechanics. the 20% that's left is basically stuff that's been added (or removed) through expansion sets.


    I don't care how long it takes to develop a game from 0 to release date, what counts in MMOs is how the developers patch things up after player feedback. You really are shooting yourself in the foot if you think you can make an MMO with a few beta testers and expect it to succeed without patches or changes.... OH WAIT, that's what all the wow fanbois are saying about SWTOR, because it wasn't perfect on release, it must suck! Yikes! Thank god they weren't around in 2004, because WoW sucked so bad I actually only came back when BC was released.

  9. Again do you think games just pop out of a magic hat on release day or something, wow was developed before release and continued to be developed after so the release date in no way corolates with how long it has been developed.


    AFAIK, the game's only had major changes in patches once it was released.

  10. I think you missed the part where the person you quoted said nearly 10 years.


    Adding "nearly" to a ridiculously rounded up number has the ONLY purpose of making things feel bigger than they are.


    What I'm saying, everybody's smart enough to do this simple calculation. No need for useless "nearly 10 years", when it clearly isn't so.


    It's the equivalent of saying that a 16 year old is "nearly 20 years old".

  11. Warcraft has had nearly ten years of development and is still crap. I have tried playing it 3 times over the years and could not stand it for more than a couple weeks. that said, let the horse rest in piece. Quit bringing up the TOR/wow comparisons. They are getting old and annoying.


    WoW was released in 2004.


    2012 - 2004 = 8 years.

  12. Actually they took the RPG out, you dont roleplay and create your character, you are told a story, Bioware claims that it is my story but it is not, its Biowares story.




    What is WRONG with you!?


    If you want your OWN story so badly, then go outside and make your life. Otherwise, you WILL ALWAYS BE CONFINED to a game's story. No matter what the game is. This really isn't new. It's like expecting to save Zelda in a Mario game.

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