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Posts posted by Grisher

  1. The solution is htis...when you have reached the limit, forget about warzones until ur lvl 50! Start doing them again and get your gear eventually. If everyone does it there will be noone doing pre lvl 50 warzones, then they might have to raise/remove the limit to get people doing them again.
  2. Well now you have to decide on whether you want the pieces or the credits? :D


    when I found out... I had 42 "junk" WH pieces across two toons since WH was available in 1.2. Using legacy gear, and Bio/Cybertech/Artifice toons, I got the mats to make my own pieces and sold the rest to the tune of 8 million... to date I would suspect I have made over 30 million on stabilizers. I spent alot on legacy unlock for 5 toons though...


    5x rocket boots HO!!!!


    I asume your point is they sell well on the Auction?

  3. Many fine and well aimed proposals in this thread but you gotta understand one thing....this is the company which received the award for being the company with worse costumers service in the united states. These isues will not be fixed soon, they will be worked on, but at a speed that will never be suficient and thats all. So concerning future fixes, dont hope for something that will revolutionise the game:(


    Most companies reduce thier eforts in a game once they have launched, Electroninc arts reduce their eforts more than most comapnies.


    One more thing, future expansions and updates will only make the game more complex and fixing bugs will only get more dificult.

  4. It's not about mods, its about armorings/hilts/power crystals. Once you are full WH, you can trade some of those for the PvE equivelent and push your stats a bit higher and make medpacks and +HP talents, scale a bit better.


    You can get LvL 63 PvE (~EWH)ones directly from a crafter, from the GTN, or from Operation drops. I have 5 of these items and I haven't been on a raid in 5-6 months. The easiest way to obtain them is:


    1. RE WH gear for Molecular Stabilizers and Synthetic Matrix cubes.

    2. Obtain the additional mats in-world, from your own crew skills, or from the GTN,

    3. Then going to your server forum and finding a reputable crafter that will make them for you (give em a tip too).


    RE WH gear? Dont think i understand what RE stands for.

  5. I totally agree to your point, i hare getting ganked too. And i am tired of getting ganked by imps as well, i dont know oif this happends to all rebels but it does to me!

    But i am concerned there might be too few queuing to split up premades and casuals!

  6. there really is no diminishing returns on any of the 3 expertise bonuses now.


    however, once you are within 2% of the maximum expertise, it becomes somewhat beneficial to swap out a few mods for higher main stat.


    And thats what my concerns is about, cause where can you get better mods than the ones in pvp gear? The only mods i know about are the ones dropping in operations. Thats why im wondering if doing operations is more beneftial than it should be. i guess it comes down to how much better the replacemnets mods are. If you get 200 more endurance it will give you an aditionally 2k health! Sounds beneftial enough to me, and when those mods also have strength (if ur a sentinel) and other bonuses it sounds like its worth it.

  7. Hmm...im not worrying my efectivity in pvp might be afected. I am a crap player in warzones and i have no problems admitting it.

    What i am worrying about is that the time i spend grinding warzones out, will not be rewarded equal to time spendt! I know the diference from the gearbuilds will not make up for the skills i lack, but like i said...i dont want to spend time on ******** when i could do something more constructive!

  8. Alright, this is not a thread which is meant to complain about class imbalance or anything.

    It is merely an inquiry from someonbe who wants more knowledge on the pvp system!

    When i started playing this game Bioware claimed that expertise was the primar stat needed in pvp, from what they said you could get the idea that gear without expertise was useless! The purpose of this was to make sure that players doing warzones wouldnt get ganked by someone wearing good raidgear.

    Never the less, there are many players using a hybrid gear build from wearing some expertise stuf and the rest from operations. And they do just as good as players wearing primarly expertise stuf, if not better!

    So my question is, is bioware ripping of those players who spend most of their time online doing warzones?

    Have they made ops gear efective in warzones?

  9. you're doing it the right way it sounds like. playing the objectives will never get the sexy numbers that one-on-one'ers in pvp get, but objective players win matches instead of holding the team back. remember, like every sport coach in history has said in every press conference, the only stat that matters is wins. pvp may not be a sport but it's a lot easier to stack comms when you're winning.


    Well, i might have the right objectives...but there might stil be something i can aprove! I am thinking rotation Etc...


    I have also noticed that defending places gives more comendati0ns than dps so of course i am doing something right:)

  10. I know other objectives like guaridng a gun or stuf like that is important, and it makes your dps go down!

    I am not disapointed with myself. But there must be a more eficient way to play like i do:)

    What i do, i like to make sure the enemy doesnt plant a bomb or controll a gun...or score in huttball! I attack one target and continues smashing on him until he or i die, and if i see someone with much lower health than my tarvbgets i switch. IO also like to keep healers ocupied healing themselves from the damage i cause to them.

  11. I play a sentinel on the Tomb of freedom nad server, and i wonder why i am not doing more damage in warzones!

    Alright, i know im not one of the top players but 213k for a sentinel shouldnt be too hard to beat should it?

    I hear about other sentinels that havent even got to lvl 50 but they are already doing 300K ++.

    I lknow it all depends on the group, if you have a good healer keeping you alive...etc.

    Ihave a full Bm set and both warhero lightsabers...any sugestions?

  12. Hmm....i think this is an isue i should get involved in as i am playing a sentinel.


    I see there is many who believe that sentinel/marauders are OP. That is not excactly how it is!

    I do not claim to be a very good sentinel but i have more than myself to back my words up.

    I play on ahto city which is a PvP server. There are some really good players there including a few sentinels.

    When ti comes to sentinels there are just a few that does 300k+ damage, other sentinels does from 100k-close to 300 k and does not stand out in any way compared to other players/classes. So when you get facerolled by a sentinel....you get facerolled by a GOOD sentinel!

    When i look at the board after a warzone, sentinels/marauders does not "stand out".

    So in general it is my opinion that all who think sentinel/marauders are op, should play one or shut up!

  13. Im not an expert on this like you nerfshouters, but a jedi sentinel is no excuse to not play other classes well! I have a vangard, in his first WZ (at lvl 10) i did 93 k damage...how overpowered is that? But i dont complain, cause i know if i play my sentinel well i can do good damage neverthelsess. I can also tell you that my sentinel has stil not exceeded my scoundrels highest damage score in a WZ, despite having the double amount of expertise! So what it all comes down to is to learn the class.
  14. I have a question, depending on what craft you have you can make augmentation. For instance my synthweaver can make strength augmentations but....the vendor does not sell any recipes, there are no recipes for sale at the market.

    How do i make the augmentations then if there is no recipes...what have i missed?

  15. How would you feel if warzones were full of players with the best pve gear, cause that would be how it was and you would stil get ganked. With the pvp gear they have made pve gear useless in pvp, for you i think thats a good thing cause you dont sound too happy about grinding equipment.
  16. Ha ha......mighty jedi:) It has become quite a habbit on these forums that players think some classes are overpowered. Let me bring you a few notes worth noticing.


    The consular: Can run away from you in no time, can stealth up right before your eyes and disappear only to come back and backstab you. And if thats not enoguh they can attack you with channeled skills but stil be able to move!


    Trooper: can hit you from distance and knock you back (commando i think) and keep firing on you. I have a low lvl vanguard, when i did my first WZ with him at lvl 10 i was already doing 93 k damage. Thats two-three times the damage ive done with my other characters at that lvl.


    Smuggler: A scoundrel can knock you down at hit you with a highly damagint DoT that together with his attacks can kill you easily, my lvl 50 jedi sentinel has stil not bested my lvl 50 scoundrel in a Wz despite the fact that he has almost the double amount of expertise!

    Ive heard from players that knows what their talking about that gunslingers are pretty good too:)


    Note that some of what i mention is specialisation spesific.

    So it all comes down to one thing, its how you play your character that matters. Like i said i have a jedi sentinel, but im not that juggernaut of destruction which is how the sentinel usually is described on the forums. Compared to the players on my team i do an ok amount of damage in warzones, but not more.

    If i dont get his damage beyond 200 k soon, i will go back to playing my scoundrel or perhaps continue on my vangard.

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