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Posts posted by Kermo

  1. They are the same classes, After 1.2 it is almost impossible to break 5k crit. Stacking all consumables wearing parts of PvE Gear will not even close you to 6,5k. 11k is just a urban legend here.


    Im Valor 80 1200+ exp atm.

  2. Well thing I don't get is in the words of the OP himself, he is STILL doing 4-6k crits in abilities WITHOUT cd... I mean I would trade my thermal detonators 4k crit for that any time....


    I haven't seen 5k crit on my operative since nerf and im 675+ expertise valor 65 Battlemaster, with 400 biochem and stim/adrenals.

  3. Just right now, a imperial agent killed me, and i couldn't even act. And it's not about player skill, cos if u already spent the ability to get free from cc you're deflenseless. So he get near you invisible stun and **** you, whant stun end, he knockback stunning and finish. This is dumb.


    That is result of nerf, so many kids where crying about. Now instead of 5 sec stund u have stun lock. Well Done QQ kids.

  4. Please fix the UI mouse problem first in the game. Again tonight I could'nt click on need or greed for something that I neee off the last boss. You guys waste to much time on everything else. First fix all the dam bugs and crap in the game. Nothing better then on a flying mount. You see that the seat pass through your *** and up again. When your in a land speeder, you see you dam legs hanging out like Fred Flintstone. Really, cant you guys fix anything first. Be fore you go nerf crap and add more crap that will be bug too.


    press contr+u twice to fix this bug. It will reset UI and mouse will work fine.

  5. Have you ever seen 4x more reps than imps on Ilum ? no theorycrafting here please....




    got around 4-5 ilium instances evenings, perhaps it is not 4x more reps than imp, but i have been ganked 4-8 vs 1 often, while raiding my speeder (do you wish me to post a screen me riding speeder, or u can take my word?)


    Perhaps it is your server that sucks, not OP thread ?

  6. 1 comm from 15 bags ......


    Im almost valor 62, doing mostly WZ illium only for daily /weekly no grinding, and i still have cent pants (tho with champ ench / mod from duplicates).

  7. It is incredibly annoying problem. In my humble opinion (as mainly PvP player) it is now far the worst bug ruining game. I hit lev 50, done my class q, I'm not much in to rolling alts, I would like to farm my 60 valor and grab battlemaster stuff. Unfortunately it is impossible if I can play 3 times during 3h of being dropped to character selection screen.


    Did any1 seen any official response to this problem ? Every single of my guild mates got the same problem here on ToFN (EU PvP).

  8. If I can add my two cents inn t the topic.

    I don't mind being knock back in hutball, nor do I feel I should have sprint, leap or anything (ofc would be nice but would make class severely op). I think we have different tasks in hutball. Would be lovely if ball handler would be willing to pass when i sneaked behind enemy line and wait for ball, but it rarely happen.


    The think that really makes me feel bad is aoe knock back on voidstar. I relay think insta death is kinda not fair. Being thrown to acid/fire in hutball gives you chances to recover, small but possible. Am I the only one thinking that map should be slightly redesigned ?


    Sorry for mine horrible English, it is not my native language ;).

  9. got same isssue, My ISP fail in terms of stability, and queue on TOFN is more or less 6h its almost impossible to join not to mention playing. Don't advice me to change serv, ad my guild was placed there by BW. Just don't put me at the end of queue after 1 min d/c :(. Today I got form 1,6k to place 63, than back at the end again. It is so frustrating :/
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