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Posts posted by Sangiban

  1. The Black Vulkar set is a bit odd, since it's named after something from KOTOR 1, but it was never seen in game. But if you ask me, I'd add it. As for Andeddu, he wasn't attributed to anything from KOTOR 1 or 2. Based on my reading of the wiki article, he was seen mostly in comics set after ROTJ (though he was born millennia before). So I wouldn't add him to the list.
  2. The shoulder pads on the Yavin Bulwark, Citadel Bulwark, & Remnant Yavin Warrior chest piece has got weird textures on it. There's a very noticeable tan line on the front of the pads (probably from that weird tan flap on the butt), and upon panning to the top I noticed it has the textures of the armour on the chest. I see it both in previewing the item and in the actual game.


    Front http://puu.sh/mDISl/da36216143.jpg

    Top http://puu.sh/mDIU9/e9291c36e7.jpg

    Back (with the odd tan flap) http://puu.sh/mDIVZ/81eaf8b81c.jpg


    Here's a screenshot from November where the pads don't have the tan line http://puu.sh/mDJfW/a25664edb8.jpg

  3. There is no rep group for the Alliance packs. I suppose they thought there were enough already? As for raising rep with old groups, there's the Contraband Slot Machine which is good for building rep with the Contraband Resale (who were the first CM rep group, IIRC), but not much else. For the others you'll just need to buy the packs and get the rep from there.
  4. If he makes a comeback as a recruitable companion, there needs to be special dialogue (both positive and hostile) for Warriors and Knights. Including special dialogue for a kill option. Maybe for Warriors something like, "You dirty traitor" and for Knights, "I've waited to do this for years".
  5. The sets the lockboxes drop are the PvE sets back to Dread Guard minus the Dread Forged & Revanite sets: Dread Guard (Campaign/Black Hole), Arkanian (Black Market), Underworld (Verpine), Yavin, Resurrected (Massassi).


    Each of the alliance lockboxes drop specific class sets:

    Military: Trooper & Warrior (chance for a deco)

    Artifacts: Knight & Consular

    Smuggled: Smuggler & Hunter

    Research: Agent & Inquisitor

    I've noticed all have a chance to drop a vehicle, but I've only noticed military drop planetary display decos.


    So if you're trying to get the Remnant Underworld Agent set, start getting the research crates. Also the companion gift vendor on Odessen sells lockboxes for 50 common crystals each. So if you've got no more need for common crystals, feel free to spend them on those.

  6. The idea of adding in another set to the event ambassador was a good one. But it seems like you guys forgot to make it bind on legacy. The Outer Rim Hunter set costs a total of 155 rakghoul DNA canisters, 102 Grey Helix components, & 133 bounty contracts. That is an astonishingly high number for a set that is bind on pickup. Please make this set bind on legacy. This really seems like something that just slipped someone's mind.


    http://i.imgur.com/hSNwi8Z.jpg Image for clarification

  7. The vendor that sells the Campaign/Black Hole gear was removed with 4.0. BUT the alliance lockboxes drop BOL lvl 10 Dread Guard (Campaign), Arkanian (Black Market), Underworld (Verpine), Yavin, & Resurrected (Massassi) shells. So if you want Campaign gear shells, get some toons to at least 61 and start grinding the heroics. And the Dread Guard belt and bracer shells are now moddable too. For Trooper stuff, get the military lockboxes.
  8. Please for the love of the CM gods - the armor of the Sith Master Assassin from one of the Pub Heroics on Hoth, and can also be seen chilling around the Imp Fleet. http://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sith-master-assassin Pretty much the old Centurion Marauder set (hood down!) with Thana's gloves and boots. Since the Reaver set is the old Jugg set with the hood up, it'd be a nice symmetry to have the Mara set be hood down.
  9. Jedi are called Master and Knight. Its not Knightess or Grand Mistress Satele. With the alternate interpretations on the word "mistress", that is just as well I think.

    This is a pretty good point. For me, being called Grand Mistress would be serious for probably the first few times. Then it would just lead to snickering.

    If you are not a native English speaker like me, than most likely you won't get this whole big gender and pronoun thing. It is one of those crazy US things that the rest of the world doesn't get (or care about) .

    From what I remember of the one semester I took of German 1 in high school, I can assure you there are quite a few million non-English speakers who would have a big concern over this too; because of how gender is tied to the grammar. French is the same way (in terms of having grammatical gender; which English generally doesn't have). I recall someone earlier in the thread who played (plays?) the French version and the example they gave was how Lord Zash was translated as le seigneur Zash (apologies for the spelling).


    My culture does not even have the concept of gender and has a pronoun for people and one for non living objects. The only grey area are animals which can be called either.

    As someone who gets interested by linguistics, this honestly sounds really cool :D.

  10. Posting a week later doesn't count as a necro right? If it does, I must be one novice necromancer :p


    Had some fun with the emotes while making pics of my Sent's mixed set with the Orbalisk chest; Full Metal Jacket references because I had the bootcamp section playing in the background. http://imgur.com/a/miepz


    For those interested:

    Head - Ghostly Magus

    Chest - Orbalisk (no dye)

    Wrists - Contraband Runner

    Hands - Armored Interrogator

    Waist - Ancient Infernal

    Legs - Armored Interrogator

    Feet - Contraband Runner

  11. Interesting idea, but IIRC the original dev plan extended up to Oricon or there about. All the stuff with FA, SOR, Ziost, & KOTFE is from after that. Also I'm pretty sure Freedon Nadd was the only Sith spirit who helped Exar Kun (from what I remember of an audio version of one of the Tales of the Jedi books where he appears on Dxun and later on Korriban; correct me if I'm wrong).


    But going by the trailer which says the spirits of ancient Lords on Korriban helped Exar, I figure it's because they may have thought the Emperor a coward for fleeing Korriban. Or they may have been willing to support Kun since they didn't trust the Emperor.

  12. To put it simply: if you like tanking, go Immortal. If you like DPSing, go Vengeance. Honestly I'd recommend Rage since I really like it. But since you've already decided you don't want to go Rage, I'd say go Vengeance if you want to DPS rather than tank.


    As for mods: For Immortal, go with defense over absorb. For Vengeance, pretty sure you want to go with power over crit (that's what I go with on Rage, and I'm pretty sure for Vengeance it's the same thing)

  13. Nope. Not all were, but since it has been done in the literature, that makes it canon so far as the EU goes. :p


    In the end, I wouldn't think it matters. The title all Sith strive for is Darth, and that is deffinantly universal, and we stop using the lord title when we finish the class storyline.


    Not technically true since the SW goes from Lord to Lord Wrath. So there could be some disagreement over whether a female SW should be called Lady Wrath. And even though no one asked - I personally prefer Lord to Lady for female Sith.

  14. Given the end of ME3 and the deus ex machina starchild stupidity, i wouldnt put it past Bioware to make it be something incredibly stupid along the lines of "Zakuul agents reprogrammed your ship droid and he does it" (it would work for everyone, ship droids are the only comp we -all- have)


    Charles Boyd isn't Mac Walters writing at the last minute trying to come up with some big sounding pretentious character. Considering the work put into DAI, I'm certain the company is aware that they can't make a screw up like ME3 again.


    So it'd probably be hilarious if the ship droid betrays you, but I seriously can't see it happening. He'll more than likely either go down with the ship or give you some tea and a foot massage upon your return.


    Pretty sure that Jadus is alive whether you side with him or not. And Vowrawn went into the Rishi Maze (where Zakuul almost certainly is located). Those two are wildcards that, I hope, show up during the storyline when the Emperor least expects them. Other than that, like others said, we still have Mortis, Ravage, Acina, & Rictus.


    I wish we could see Jedi Councillors drop like flies too; it'd be a nice balance. If Satele doesn't die in KOTFE while Marr does, I'm gonna be disappointed.



    Since I'm skipping KotFE, we know my Sorcerer will still be around to take power... :p



    Then Marr would still very much be around in your version, he just doesn't show up very much if at all. Sorry, but no unlimited dictatorial power for you.


  16. Character selection menu looks nice; I like the touch of showing what class stories we've completed. If that's the jacket we start with as an insta-60 Op, I know what I'm rolling :D.


    I also like how the insta-60 gear (by the look of it) isn't just the Yavin/Ziost or Massassi gear. Not a fan of how it's not moddable (belt in the shot has set stats), but tbh I was gonna keep the pieces on an outfit slot for the look anyway. It's hard to tell because the shot is blurry, but I think it's rating 188. The likely reason we can't change the gear of Spoiler is because he's a temp comp.


    The companions & contacts menu looks really nice. I like that the comps' bio is displayed with their likes & dislikes. I don't have to flip open the codex to reference anymore.

  17. Good skills for Smuggler





    I would argue that Armormech is good for Smugglers too, with Akaavi's +10. Bowdaar's +10 to Scavenging is really handy for getting mats. And while I personally don't have Underworld Trading on my Slinger , it can be good to pick up with Guss' +10. I have Slicing instead, which is good for crafting augments.


    Problem is that the Corso +5 crit will be going away (as well as other companion special crafting bonuses) with the expansion which is just a little over a month away. All companions will then be the same for all crafting / mission applications.


    The impression I got is that all comps will function like HK. They'll be good (decent?) at pretty much everything, making them much more flexible. Just like HK is now.

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