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Posts posted by Edzew

  1. This is the community, a bunch of twelve year old trolls that came from 4chan is the community?


    No matter how stupid the question is, I usually try to help the player or guide them in the right direction. But in a fleet of 130 people, the only people that responded were trolls and troll sympathizers..


    unfortunately the same can be said about the people here in the forums as well. its another of the many many reasons im leaving once again. People on here and in game love to bash people if they have anything negative to say about the game even if what you say just sorta kinda in a way but not really sounds negative they will jump on you and tear you apart for a simple question just like you asked. (not really negative but they took it that way)

  2. I This game dont deserve my subscription.


    ive been saying this since launch!!! keep popping back in to see if anything has changed with the new stuff being added in but nope!!! same ole boring story, same ole bugs, same ole reused armors just recolored a bit. My time runs out in a few days and i doubt ill come back no matter what new gimmick they try next time. every time it sounds like it will be good and fun but they always end up dropping the ball, a few months later they just sweep it under the rug and try and forget about it.


    #3 This is an MMO not a solo game, I want this game to feel more like an MMO and not a single player game, If you want a solo/ single player game, you need to go somewhere else, and ask for KOTOR 3, or replay kotor 1 and kotor 2. I want to group up and to be social.


    wrong this is an RPG that just happens to be online with other people running around you. that is how this game has always been, if you dont like it go find a real MMORPG and play that.


    in all honesty i hope KOTFE is the next NGE.

  4. I just bought both star wars blu ray trilogies for 35.99 a pop at bestbuy, do yall think that is a good deal? I am going to binge watch them soon to get ready for the new movie in December! Any of yall have plans to do the same?:eek:


    i would say no its not a good deal... mostly because of all the changes they did to the original trilogy.


    as for the new movie no im not looking forward to it at all. Disney and JJ killed the EU i have no plans at all to ever see the new movies. and so far the novels that are now a part of cannon are horrible.


    as for a good quality version of the ORIGINAL Original Trilogy i have them all on Laser Disk :D

  5. So a night out at the movies is around 15-20$ per adult ticket, so that's 1 month right there. Then you got snacks totalling to about 20-30$ another 1-2 months there. Just sacrifice a night out at the movies for 2-3 months of gameplay.


    wow movies cost way too much where ever you are at... here they are like $7 or less.


    also if you all actually read his post what he is saying is that the game is not worth 15 bucks a month its more like it only worth $5 though if you ask me its not even worth $5.

  6. So, since my subscription is about to run out, I wanted to ask this question before it does. So, why did you subscribe/re-subscribe?

    I re-subbed because of the sweet Amazon SWTOR bundle that saved me like $50. And, I really wanted to play the Revan DLC, plus the 12 XP thing is awesome! I can honestly say, I really don't think I have ever subbed for PVP, even though that seems to be at least half the benefit of subscribing.

    So, why did you subscribe?


    12x XP but that was a waist, story lines are soooo boring after chapter 1 even with 12x XP i just cant bring my self to complete any other toons. not even sure if i want to wait for the new expansion or just drop it turn around and never look back :(

  7. People wouldn't like it. You get that wookie or transdoshan then just complain that you have a lack of costume options because costumes don't work with your character, or they all look the same.


    Qyzen the boots and gloves don't show up. Khem, no armor shows up. Same for some of the others.


    the real fans of the species will not care at all... only the people that dont want to play as them will care. i could care less if any of my armor ever showed as long as i got to play as a wookie, same goes for gloves boots and helmet on a Trandoshan who cares if i cant see the armor i get to play as something else!!!


    now that being said i never even mentioned Wookies or Trandos in my original post so i dont know why you even mentioned them... there are plenty of other races that have been asked for that would work just fine in game but look nothing like a human in the face.

  8. Humans have the most custom options over every other species. No other species even comes close.


    As diverse and alien-rich the Star Wars universe is we're really throttled in what we're able to create here in TOR. I don't even need a new species (ie. Togruta) but seeing so many Humans around is getting really tiresome.


    Even if they just ported the Human custom packs onto other species we currently have would be a huge improvement. I really don't know what's taking so long except that when I asked about it at the Vancouver Cantina Tour they basically said "if it's not game-breaking it's at the bottom of the list". I think this is a mistake. I have a lot of characters (16) but there are many who have way more and being able to diversify our Legacy would make the game have more depth and be more interesting, at least for me, and I would think for others as well.


    It's been over a year (May 2013) since the custom packs were released in 2.1. Come on.


    so you want the other races to look even more human than they already do?? everything in this game looks human! if you want diversity then we need something defiantly NOT human... but that will never happen because that would involve work and bioware is anti alien, if its not mostly human looking, kill it with fire!!!! :(

  9. Plenty of EMUs out there representing each of the major phases of the game's life. I love how all the SWG fanbois pine away for the good ole days, yet never own up to the fact that the those days were never really that good, hence why all those EMUs have barely a tenth of the players that the original game had, which wasn't much to begin with.


    the EMUS i know of are still broken..i.e. not really stable or complete, also they require the original disks.


    i would love to play SWG again... either preCU or after, both were a lot of fun to play.


    and YES those good ole SWG days really were good and fun!!! i had a blast running around in fort tusken with my guild getting crystals and Tusken armor... watching my friend who was a combat medic run in tossing poison everywhere then running out with 20 Tuskens chasing after him (reminded me of Han on the deathstar) i had fun looking up what planets had the best components that week and then going there to mine for them, i loved my master crafter and actually making things that were good and useable by many. i also loved jumping into my ship and going out into space and flying anywhere and sometimes running into trouble and having to dog fight with either an NPC or another player. SWG was the most fun i have ever had in a video game and it is sorely missed :(


    is that the type of owning up to it that you wanted??

  10. OK...I admit I never played this game...although it sounds like it was awesome back in the day.


    This game closed 3 and a half years ago? How in the heck are we equating SWTOR and it's future to a game that is that aged?


    Wow...they way some people talk this SWG just closed last year....we are light years past 2011 folks...let it go


    and yet we really are not... SWG had a LOT more things in it that this game will never have and CANT have. SWG was in a way ahead of its time and never got to blossom. This game is the bare minimum for an MMO, very linear and very much single player oriented.


    also whats funny is ESO pretty much copied SWG:NGE's combat and SWG's character creator and ESO is even newer than this game ;)

  11. SWTOR has had more players in a couple months than SWG did in 5 years. SWTOR made more money in a month than SWG made in 5 years. Those are facts. Let go. This isn't healthy. Deal with it. I'm a diehard Star Wars fan and I can understand the SWG love, but just let it go. SWTOR is the better game.


    And no, no need to point out I'm being subjective with me saying swtor is the better game and trying to start an argument that way. No duh sherlock. Of course I'm being subjective because I'm saying it.


    where are these facts you are stating located?? also if you are going by the last 5 years of it being up then yea i would prolly agree with ya BUT im willing to bet that SWG made more money and had more subscribers in its first 3 years than this game has. :p


    also SWG was a much better game than swtor... the only thing really swotor has over SWG is its graphics but that's like comparing Halo to the first Doom game :p

  12. SWG was already dieing subscription were falling and Sony thought if they made it like WoW people would come back or they would get hundreds of new users


    You can research the subscription drops on google if your interested


    you need to do some research there bub.. the NGE was nothing like WoW at all!!! it wasn't like anything else in the MMO world, it was completely new and different. and now ESO is pretty much the NGE sept pretty! :p

  13. Also, it's not going to be anything like the NGE! Where do people think of this stuff? :confused::confused:


    It's going to be absolutely amazing.


    im guessing they come from the same place as people like you who think every new expansion/content this game puts out is going to be absolutely amazing then it ends up being lame and boring :p



    Perhaps, but it will always be remembered as more popular and more successful than Star Wars Galaxies.


    this game will have to last over 10 years and i just dont really see that happening at all. so far SWG is still more popular than this game, cant speak for the successfulness because i haven't seen the numbers for either game, and im guessing you mean how much money the game has made/will make.

  14. The NGE would basically be if they had everyone pay for this expansion (The Obi Wan planet thing, can't remember the name) then just after we get in it out the money playing the new stories, they then announce they are gutting the game and getting rid of all stories and combat, and gear will be worthless and we all will just have a bad FPS where you all do the same DPS in first person mode regardless of weapon and armor is all the same.


    umm we did just pay for a new expansion and now they spring this "new free expansion" on us... :rolleyes:

  15. I think we are going to get something huge that will just blindside and surprise all of us. ;)


    I guarantee it! ;) Trust me!


    i highly doubt it... it would be better if everyone expected the least and to be let down in the end. every time they make an announcement saying they are working on something big it ends up being junk... just look at GSF, horrible hack job copy of Star Conflict and they have for the most part pushed it into the corner and forgot about it.

  16. i actually thought that the 12x xp for class stories would have helped but i guess every one remembered or figured out just how boring the later planets/stories actually are... that's whats happened with me anyways.. i was real excited about the 12x xp but once back in game and went to level up the rest of my toons the rest of the way i find my self getting really bored with it, so much so i actually fell asleep while leveling a toon the other day :(
  17. If you want to help "poor" buyers by pricing low, go right ahead. Chances are, though, who you are helping is the person will buy you stuff and re-list it at a higher price. These are the people who are trolling the GTN constantly because they enjoy the GTN mini-game and are thus more likely to see your bargain first.


    you just gotta watch and know when to post your items

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