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Posts posted by Amigwyn

  1. Would definitely be interesting to see some of the combinations. I like the idea though I'm not sure how it would be accomplished logistically. And if you have a child that is a Chiss and a Zabrak that married and produced a child with a full-blooded Sith would the options then include Chiss, Zabrak and Sith? The character creation screen would have to be done in three stages with all the options ... ;)


    I did read, however, that unlocking Cyborg, for instance, would allow for more choices in character creation - such as the Sith Warrior implants available for an agent. So perhaps there will be some sort of "cross characteristic" features. It will be interesting to see how they handle it.

  2. I agree, for the most part, that this game is badly in need of more guild features that are actually useful.


    The guild roster is useless the way it is now. I have to click "details" to get any useful information other than who is online. I would love to see the window expanded to include, at the very least, member notes and preferably also officer notes. I would also like the same functionality on the guild window as I have on my friends list (invite to group most notably) - though this might already be in the works. When clicking "details" I would like to see not just the planet someone is on but the zone they are in as well (though that is pretty minor).


    For guild officers and guild leaders, it would also be great to have a "Date Joined" column that is sortable (when viewing "details"). My guild promotes based on the amount of time in the guild for the lower ranks as a lot of other guilds do. It would be nice to have this automatically filled in without me having to use member notes to do it (it would also be neat for people to see how long they have been in the guild - I am constantly being asked "join dates" by members). Also, if it could be 'sortable' that would be helpful as well. A "Previous Members" tab would be helpful, too, even if it just keeps track of members that were kicked or /gquit within the last month or two. That doesn't have to be fancy or anything, just a name and how they left (kick or quit).


    On other MMOs, I used addons to manage things such as this but in this game it is not an option. I'm rather glad (in all honesty) that there are not addons but features in the game really need to be stepped up to make up for the gap.

  3. I agree, this is a problem for me as well. I know adding a "press space to continue" would really pull someone out of the storyline so adding longer pauses would be nice since I have a way to speed the storyline up already by using the space bar.
  4. I agree, the social system needs tweaking. I do like the concept so I hope they do not remove it all together.


    I have two toons I play relatively often. One (main) was grouped up for every single quest and did a few FPs. Since you have to win rolls to get higher social points, her social level is only III at level 50. My dice seem to be jinxed! I would win rolls maybe 30% of the time. I know it's random and should have evened out but it never did. The person I did every quest with is also level 50 and he is at Social IV, almost Social V (without dailies).


    Another toon I play doesn't group up for quests much (some) but has grouped for several FPs and heroics. She is at Social III already and just made level 43.

    Tying the reward of social point to random rolls is where the system breaks down, IMO. I understand the need for rolls in the conversation but social points should not have anything to do with dice. Just because I roll a 55 instead of a 59 doesn't mean I am being less social! I think the system should just have a fixed number of social points for all the group members. 1 point per member, period. If that is too slow, 2 per member but I don't think it should be higher than that. This would also probably require a look at the social level requirement for some items, too.


    I believe this game is missing a lot of social aspects that need to be addressed. The social points system, however, URGENTLY needs to be fixed before anything else is added! I don't even look at social gear/items anymore because it just isn't worth the grind. If it were a solo grind, fine... but not only do I have to grind I have to hope someone else wants to grind, too AND I have to HOPE my dice are better than theirs! My luck just isn't that good! :(

  5. I know a droid will be added in 1.2 as part of the legacy system. I haven't found a complete list of notes on it yet, but I assume you'll be able to sell items to him not just "repair" from him. At least that is what I am hoping for! As for stims/crew skills items ... to me it isn't that big of a deal. A trip now and again to the fleet for supplies doesn't seem like that much of a hardship. ;)
  6. I call BS on this update.

    Legacy update was promis this month, not next or later.



    It must be so great to have ALL your plans work out EXACTLY as expected and ... well, planned.


    I'd much rather BW push the update back if it will cause more bugs and issues than try to release it piecemeal. People like you are why companies like BW STOP giving dates or even "estimations" on when things will be released. Just enjoy the game you have and consider it a bonus when you get the next big, feature-full patch! :)

  7. Maybe credits are not the best conversion, but how about legacy xp? Yeah you'd still have to avoid outleveling on first toon till 30ish, but would have a very nice use for the legacy system right there :)


    Converting rested XP into anything is a bad idea, IMO. As someone already said: it will make lazy people even lazier. I have the max number of toons on my main server but I only play two (currently). I should not be able to benefit from letting the others sit and do nothing because I'm not ready to play them yet (they are basically name place-holders).

  8. Agreed! I'm a Altoholic. I freely admit that. I couldn't wait for a Legacy System that had some mysterious features that would be created at some time in the future... I rolled alts already. I have to play every class to find out which one I like. I put a lot of thought, time, money and energy into each of my alts. On an RP server, I also have many back stories developed that I just don't want to scrap because the legacy system features aren't available to them. Creating alts for the sake of creating alts isn't a very good way to run a game ... but allowing your players to enjoy their alts to the fullest would be GREAT. Don't penalize me and my fellow Altoholics because we jumped in with both feet and not only have high level mains but high level alts as well. :(
  9. I agree, scaling armor based on the character it's on would be great. I'm not sure how that would work, though, considering by level 50 almost every class has companions with multiple (if not all) armor proficiencies. Would it change "on the fly" if you take it off your Agent (med armor) and put it on Kaliyo (heavy armor)? It would be GREAT if they could, though I can see it causing many bugs if it is even possible.


    The more (unfortunately) practical and maybe quicker solution is to make one gear set in all armor classes. It would be more of a money sink, but devs are usually looking for those at end-game anyway.

  10. /signed - though as soon as I saw how the legacy system was to be implemented I expect this will be one of those "In SWTOR Vanilla we couldn't even change our Legacy name!" things... lol


    It took me about 3 weeks to find my legacy name because I knew it was not only permanent but it also had to fit both sides of the fence, male and female characters, all classes and all races. A lot of pressure for just one word tacked at the end of a name. I, personally, don't like the <The ____ Legacy> tag in the name because it just makes the nameplate too large. So displaying my legacy name as a surname was the only way I wanted to go. After a LOT of research I found a name that worked for everything EXCEPT Pub side. I only have one Pub character but it is still weird rolling around with an Imp surname. Especially on an RP server. I found a way around it / back story but that took about as long as finding the name. :o

  11. I agree with most posters here - make an alt. Not only are you able to experience another class, but you get full legacy points even if you decide to delete the alt. I was on a level 4 alt and got over 100 legacy points for completing a quest that was just running to another building and talking to someone. If I were on my level 50 helping out my friend I wouldn't even get ONE legacy point because I already did the quest ... or would have been ineligible for it because it was a different starter planet.


    Just because you create an alt doesn't mean you have to keep it for life. Create it, show your friend the ropes, he decides to keep/delete the game, you get rid of your alt that you leveled and got tons of legacy xp for.


    The scaling is a good idea in some situations but you're using the wrong reason to have it implemented. This game has many bugs and basic features that are missing. Give BioWare time to get those done then they can focus on incentives and new systems to get more subscribers. Though I have a feeling they aren't HURTING for subscribers anyway.

  12. I never understood why Bounty Hunters couldn't be Pubs ... their allegiance is with credits, not faction.


    That being said, Pub Agent and Imp Trooper would be interesting, too. At least the storyline maybe ... there are already classes in the game that are similar - Agent/Smuggler and Trooper/Bounty Hunter. I don't think it should be considered new classes, though ... it's just re-purposing existing classes for the opposite faction. :)

  13. As stated above, there is already an option not to show head slot in your social preferences.


    I would, however, like to say I would prefer head slot armor to be more versatile and have more that are not full face. I have my head slot turned off for all my toons and don't plan on turning it on anytime soon. The head slot gear (for the most part) is the worst part of the gear in this game. Especially as you're leveling up and have to piece your armor set together with what you can.

  14. Something like this will take a lot of time and hours to develop. I understand that and will be patient myself if a cross server tool is going to be implemented.


    I would like to see the current LFG system improved a little, though. As it is, it is useless to put comments in to detail what you're LFG for. Beyond the first word or two, nothing can be seen. I should be able to expand that comment - or at least click on the person's name to pull up the whole comment. If that is possible now, please forgive me - I don't use the LFG anymore because it was completely useless when I did use it.

  15. It really SHOCKED :eek: me that this was the case. I was even more SHOCKED :eek: when I learned this is how they intended for it to work! There are a lot of social items that need to be fixed to make this the social game they seem to be aiming for. This should be the FIRST FIX.


    /signed X 10!!

  16. Honestly, it would be best if we could slot whatever four skills we wanted there ourselves.


    Yes! We should be able to put a check or even select slot 1-4 for the four options we want showing. As it is on my Op I don't have a stealth bar which REALLY clutters up my quickslot bars. Using the left quickslot bar for my comp bar makes things even more crowded. I'm level 31 and already trying to figure out where to put my abilities. A stealth bar would also be awesome, but that's another thread. ;)

  17. I agree, terrible idea! Sorry, but I do... :o


    Converting 80,000 rested XP into any amount of credits will have gold farmers giddy! Set up a max number of toons and just let them sit in cantinas, logging in only to cash in sounds a bit OP no matter what the exchange rate is.


    Personally, I have multiple alts and none of them are hurting for money. I can make 60k credits just by doing the heroics on Tatooine - and that doesn't even count the blues and oranges I get to sell on the GTN. Making cash in this game is cake, about as easy as it is in that other large MMO. Though during the first years of that other MMO it was insanely hard. I remember when 50 gold was a LOT of money in that game.

  18. I completely agree. In fact, I would like to see it go further with options to turn off companions speaking all together. Or an even better (though admittedly more anal) solution would be to select the frequency that they speak. "Never", "Sometimes", "Normally", "Won't ****".


    And while we're on the bot - I never understood why his station wasn't in the med bay of my ship and operated as a medical droid does in the world, selling stims and/or med packs. I know there are issues with that, game wise, but a girl can dream... :)

  19. I pre-ordered in Sept but the code didn't arrive until October 7th. Had issues with connecting to the SWTOR website so didn't get registered until October 14th!! *sigh*


    @Alex_Star: Love your optimism! I hope you're right. Would love to spend the weekend in-game. Much better than my current plans of washing my hair and polishing silver...

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